under fire

Chapter 1571: scattered soldiers like tigers

Chapter 1571: scattered soldiers like tigers
"Hey...climb over here quickly, there is a dog hole here..."

"Where is it?" The man lying on the ground was very surprised. He moved quickly and used the sound of rain to cover his way into the dog hole.

Fortunately, the soldiers of the Ninth Battalion who were supported by the main force were very thin, so there was no problem in digging into a dog hole.

Get loose next door...

The footsteps of the Japanese running outside the courtyard gate kept making a clanging sound.

The remaining half of the courtyard door was kicked open by the Japanese.

Before the two of them had time to catch their breath, several Japanese soldiers rushed into the yard.

The weak flashlight light could not penetrate the rain curtain.

The Japanese who entered the hospital to establish security did not notice the two black figures lying on the ground.

In the darkness, he muttered anxiously: "What should I do?"

"Blow them up!"

"The yard is so small, if a grenade is thrown, we won't be able to survive..."

"Do you think the light machine gun I just got is a fire stick?"

"You know how to use it?"

"...Damn it, almost everyone in the guard camp knows how to use it, but we can't. It's all the fault of the machine gun company commander."

"That's right, Captain Li is very stingy. He treats the machine gun as a treasure and won't let anyone touch it."

The two men lay on the ground, holding the machine gun high on a crooked tripod, and they fiddled with it for a long time without making any sound. "

"Damn it, doesn't it just turn off the safety and pull the trigger and then press the trigger to make it go off?"

"Are you loaded with bullets?"

"You're a stick, you have to fill rows of bullets into the bullet supply bucket, you mother-in-law, you're going to fill my bullets with seventy-nine bullets?"

"This is a fool's errand, how can I tell the difference?"


"Get out, get out, this close, the machine gun is not as easy to use as my shell gun."

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Three Japanese soldiers were conducting a routine search in the yard with flashlights. As soon as they saw two black figures, they immediately attracted a group of people.

Then, a grenade was thrown into the alley outside the courtyard entrance.

"Stop messing with that crooked thing and run out of the back door."

The Japanese Major General came from the house and buttoned the last button slowly: "Brother, the village is in such a mess, who gave the order for the manhunt on a rainy night?"

"It's me who's reporting!" The captain waiting in the main room quickly replied.

"Have you been away from the battlefield for too long?"

"Please give me your instructions."

"The number of rebels who entered the village for a sneak attack is not large. You should order everyone to stay where they are at this time."

"I understand!" The captain was stunned for a moment. Even if he didn't understand, he still had to explain himself at this time.

Otherwise, his position as captain would be in vain.

"You don't understand!" The major general stretched out a finger and shook it gently: "The guard post did not warn, and the anti-Japanese elements entered the village silently, which shows that there must be people among them who understand the language of birds, and they also have control over us. The night command!"

"Yes, those despicable sneak attackers hiding in the dark who can sing birds will pretend to be the warriors of the imperial army." After hearing what the major general said so clearly, the captain finally understood that by arranging people to hunt in the village, he gave those rats an opportunity to take advantage of them.

In fact, all it takes is to surround the village, the warriors to set up their defenses on the spot, and wait until dawn to dig out these rats, which is completely effortless.

I am indeed a little eager for quick success!
Thinking of this, he immediately turned around and gritted his teeth and issued an order to the messenger: "Order 3: Blow the trumpet immediately. The troops in the village will stay in place and find cover. After [-] minutes, as long as there are still people walking around in the village, kill them all! [-], [-] The team immediately left the village eastward and set up a security guard outside the village to prevent anyone from escaping!
Third, the messenger immediately notified the perimeter of the perimeter. In addition to strengthening the defense, a patrol team was sent to Qingsha Zhang to inspect in case there were other anti-Japanese elements.
Fourth, strengthen the defense of the headquarters.
[-]. Immediately send a report to Xiong Erling's headquarters and ask him to send an additional elite team to strengthen the security.
[-]. No one is allowed to light fires or turn on lights. The warning lasts until dawn."

The captain's commanding ability is not to be boasted, he issued ten orders in a row!
The blaring Japanese bugles sounded like mournful music in the village.

Madman Yang, who understood the Japanese military regulations, was shocked.

Curfew number!
In other words, my group only has 3 minutes to rush out of the village!

In 3 minutes, there will definitely be a Japanese team setting up a guard outside the village.

Moreover, the Japanese have begun to set up defenses in various courtyards, and the soldiers' activities in the village will be greatly restricted.

Playing with the curfew in the dark. Wanting to wait until dawn to catch them all. The Japanese commander's brain is definitely caught in the door!
At the same time, it should be noted that the little devil commander is definitely rarely on the front line of battle!
In a complex situation such as a rainy night without lights, it is a good idea to adapt to the ever-changing situation by staying the same.

However, the little devil definitely didn't understand that the Eighth Route Army had the ability to come and go.

Moreover, there is a three-person team in the west of the village.

But in general, the enemy was on guard, and it was much more difficult for the soldiers of the Ninth Battalion to move.

The people who entered the village were closely divided. Most of the Japanese couldn't understand Chinese, so he shouted at the top of his voice: "Everyone, listen carefully. Everyone who hears it must spread the order quickly. It must be done within 2 minutes." Gather at the predetermined location and retreat.”

He didn't care whether the sound reached everyone's ears.

chug chug.
The crooked light machine gun, which hastily packed six rows of small magazines, screamed in the alley.

Hearing the sound of the trumpet, the Japanese still ran in the alley in the north of the village, preparing to find cover on the spot, but ran into a half-displaced light machine gun.

What a familiar voice that is!
Once upon a time, as soon as such a sound was heard, the rebels would be knocked down one after another.

However, this time, the continuous ferocious trajectory was rushing towards his body.

Pillars of blood mist rose up crazily in the flash of the machine gun muzzle, and were quickly carried away by the raindrops.

The red color that immediately appeared on the ground should actually look like black. Anyway, it must be red in my mind.

It began to thicken around the fallen body.

Then it was carried by the rain into the gutter on the roadside.
Some Japanese veterans running in the alley were almost lying down at the same time as the gunshots were fired.

Perhaps it was because of the crooked light machine gun that appeared in front of him that he hesitated to shoot immediately. Instead, Niaoyu yelled: "Myna, you are one of our own!"

The chirping of birds was drowned out by the roar of machine guns, and a certain Japanese soldier finally couldn't bear it anymore and was about to pull the trigger.
Boom. Boom...

The loud sound of a grenade explosion suddenly sounded in the alley.

Clap la la.
The column of water and blood that was lifted up from the ground splashed directly onto the wall.
The shrapnel grazed the body and made a hissing sound.

It penetrated the body and made a popping sound.

There was a clang when the helmet was broken.

The sound of machine guns suddenly stopped.

The supply hopper stopped before it was empty.

Because the two people lying on the ground were also knocked over by the shock wave.

bang bang bang...

The speed machine was dizzy and jumped sideways.

Naturally shoots the bullet into a narrow fan.

Cutting forward into the smoke and rain.

The half-baked machine gunner did not put engine oil on the bullets when reloading, and the light machine gun did not jam under heavy rain.

It is estimated that the little Japanese machine gunner should have just maintained it before going to bed.
(End of this chapter)

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