under fire

Chapter 1572: Still can’t move

The two black shadows were firing happily with machine guns, but did not hear Liu Yuanqing's order to retreat.

Wearing a raincoat pulled from the corpse of a Japanese soldier, one carrying a backpack, and the other staggeringly holding a light machine gun, he jumped into the gate of the nearby yard to find cover.

Fortunately, the house in this courtyard has no roof, and there are no Japanese in the courtyard.

The two of them jumped into the roofless wing, feeling uncomfortable with their soaked military uniforms clinging to their bodies.

A man placed a light machine gun at the window to keep watch.

Another man found two strips to work with, quickly took off his raincoat and built a small tent in the corner.

Then he took off his military uniform, twisted it into a strip and squeezed out water: "Instructor Liu said that machine guns will not work in close-range street fighting."

"Get a machine gun back and I can be the squad leader." The black shadow behind the window muttered without looking back.

"I want to go to the guard camp."

The black shadow of the machine gun turned around and yelled: "We are soldiers of the main force in life, and ghosts of the main force in death."

"I always think it's more exciting to fight the Japanese with the guard camp."

"You have a problem with your thinking."

"Are you jealous?"

"Stop talking nonsense. There is such a big commotion with the Japanese now. I don't think I can stay here for too long. I have to go east quickly."

"We were delayed for too long just now, and we may have become separated from the instructors."

"What should we do?" Machine Gun Black Shadow sounded a little panicked.

"It's embarrassing. We have grenades and light machine guns now, so we won't be afraid even if we get separated." We just took the Japanese to a dormitory, and we have already made enough money.

"That's not right. We made such a big fuss, why didn't we see the little devil chasing after us?"

"Something is wrong. The Japanese are not the ones who take advantage of the situation and keep silent."

The machine gun shadow was a little uncertain: "Could it be that Instructor Liu and the others have already withdrawn? Did the little Japs chase them out?"

"It's unlikely. No matter how loud the rain is, it's impossible not to hear any movement."

"What now?"

"You've asked this idiot question ten times!"

"Tell me"

"Wait a minute, I'll go up to the roof and throw the grenade. You go down the alley and stick to the wall and shoot me out!"

"Has your brain been soaked by the heavy rain? There must be some Japs hiding in the village. As soon as we start moving, the situation will immediately change. We both have to be targets."

"Hehe, you are stupid and you still don't admit it. This is a fool's errand. There are shelters everywhere in the village alleys. Now it's just a good time to take advantage of the heavy rain to escape. Think about it, as long as we run fast, those little devils hiding in the dark It took at least two seconds for him to find us, then turn his gun to find the target, and then aim and shoot, which was enough for us to run across a yard."

"What if the Japs give chase?"

"You're keeping that grenade to give birth to babies?"

"Let's sum it up."

"Total nonsense, even if the little devil is hiding and trying to trick us, he doesn't have the ability. With such a heavy rain, the little devil has to hide in a sheltered place. As long as we run quickly and pass through those courtyard gates, I bet that the little devil will find out We and he didn’t have time to shoot.”

"I think to be on the safe side, it's better to walk on the roof. The little devil will definitely not be able to raise his head in such a heavy rain. Then it will be difficult for him to find us, and even if he finds us, it will be difficult to fight."

"The machine gun is so heavy that it can't walk on the roof."

"The machine gun is useless! If you don't want to let go of the machine gun, you can just put a bandage on your back."

"Otherwise, you go up to the roof and throw grenades, and I'll carry the shell gun and walk down the alley!"

"All right."

Under the roof, the Japs kept shooting at the roof, and the broken tiles fell on the Japs one after another. From time to time, some people yelled and cursed, because after the tiles were broken, rain leaked.
Take advantage of the fact that the Japanese have not yet organized an effective defense.

Not daring to stay on the roof for long, he jumped from the connected roofs to the yard next door.

There are no Japanese in this yard because the house has no roof.

It's impossible to walk on the unevenly spaced house walls.

Then the soldier who slipped down asked: "There are still many Japanese under the roof that Instructor Liu blew down. Why don't you want to save the little Japanese?"

"Don't talk, don't shoot!" Liu Yuanqing whispered, then jumped out of the gate and rolled into the opposite yard.

Boom boom boom.
The Japanese curfew took effect, but suddenly the flash of grenades and the sound of explosions were heard from the north of the village.

From time to time there was the sound of rifle and shell gun shooting.

Listen to the sound of grenade explosions, it seems to be extending all the way east?
Liu Yuanqing judged that there should be a fierce exchange of fire between the soldiers retreating north and the enemy!
The Japanese curfew has taken effect, and it is difficult to get to the scheduled assembly point in the east of the village.

The attack plan previously formulated was not complex.

If there is a small-scale exchange of fire with the Japanese, all personnel will withdraw from the west.

And now they are fighting with the Japanese in the village.

Everyone should know that the backup plan is to be executed at this time, to penetrate the village eastward and protrude from the east of the village.

One is a retreat and the other is a forced assault.

Liu Yuanqing did not dare to walk through the village alley.

Carrying the gun, he planned to continue climbing over the wall and heading east.

After climbing over the courtyard wall again, I quickly landed in the corner of the small courtyard.

Under the flash of light in the north of the village, three gun-wielding Japs were aiming at the door when they heard the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground behind them.

Immediately turn the muzzle and shoot by feel.

The muzzle flash flashes brightly.

The courtyard was small, and Liu Yuanqing could barely see clearly that there were only three Japanese soldiers holding rifles in the courtyard.As soon as his feet hit the ground, he kicked hard and moved his body quickly sideways.

In the flash of lightning, he felt the bullet fly past his arm.
The man was in mid-air, carrying a rifle and firing. His target was the Japanese who didn't fire.

The three-man Japs tactic is very powerful. If there is only one target, the three Japs will not shoot at the same time.

There is always one person left on guard with a gun raised in case anyone else shows up.

The two Japs opened fire, and the nearby muzzle flash dazzled the alert Japs.

I never thought that someone could avoid the bullets of the Imperial Army at such a close distance!
The muzzle flash is dazzling, but it also gives your opponent a target to shoot at.

bang bang
Liu Yuanqing did not hesitate. When his body fell heavily, the shell gun continued to fire.

The muzzle jump of the shell gun used when firing is a unique strafing-style shooting.

The bullets hit the two Japanese soldiers one after another who were pulling the bolt of the gun and preparing to shoot again.

The Japanese have strong combat effectiveness, but compared to many national troops who lack systematic training or the Eighth Route Army who lack training conditions.
For a veteran like Liu Yuanqing, in terms of individual soldier ability, he is much better than these ordinary Japanese soldiers.

Trying hard to forget the pain on my body when I landed, I held my shell gun and walked forward step by step in the darkness.
Seems to be waiting.

The north of the village flashed again, followed by the sound of an explosion.
With the flash of light, Liu Yuanqing was startled. Two of the three Japanese who fell to the ground were hit by the shell gun. Two of them were holding grenades and were smashing the helmets above their heads.
"Lie down!" The shell gun in his hand fired quickly.

Six gunshots were fired in succession.

This time, he fired the side-grip two-point shot entirely from memory.

That is, the first shot hits the torso, and the second shot hits the head.

He concluded that the Japanese who were shot and fell to the ground could not dodge.

and heard gunshots in the yard.

The soldier who came around from the door stood outside the door and raised his gun, but for a while no more grenades exploded in the north of the village, and he could not see anything.

North of the village.

A soldier quickly ran eastward on the roof while his vision was temporarily blinded by the flash of the explosion.

The other was slightly behind, clinging to the wall in the alley, sneaking eastward.

After the grenade exploded, there was a cloud of white smoke.

I could vaguely see the cautious figures of more than ten Japanese soldiers clinging to the eaves.

A grenade was thrown over, and the shell gun in his hand suddenly opened fire.

The Japanese returned fire a little slower, and several rifles fired one after another.

A melee broke out in the alley.

The Japanese curfew adopts the tactic of adapting to constant changes.

However, they did not consider that the despicable attacker would come and go high and clear the way with grenades.

In this way, the tactic of static braking becomes ineffective.

The Japs commander is not a loser. He said he was on standby, but at least he could still move around in the yard.

Similarly, three looming figures are spaced apart from each other on the roof, approaching the north of the village.

Moving forward, looking into the yard, there was darkness just a few meters away.

I don’t know where the enemy is or how many there are.

If it weren't for the flash of explosion, the surroundings would be dark, and the village would seem to have no end at all.

At this moment, Liu Yuanqing suddenly felt that it was not difficult to achieve the predetermined goal.

The shell's rate of fire is not to be boasted. Three Japs died, six grenades and three rifles were harvested.

Previously, he was beaten by a Japanese patrol outside the hospital and lost his rifle.

Got it again this time.

After smashing one, the two of them each held one in their hands.

There was no other way. After getting separated from the Ninth Battalion, the shell gun he brought with him had limited ammunition, leaving only a few bullets in the gun and a short magazine.

The province has to save.

The current location is only separated from the Japanese command by two yards.

There was movement next door, and occasionally there were birds chirping and barking orders.

Compared to the current darkness, the Japs' use of Xiao's tactics is completely self-defeating.

Therefore, as long as you can aim your gun faster than the Japs who are discovered, there will be nothing you can do against yourself if the Japs who are not chasing you randomly in the village fight on their own.

Therefore, he decided to rush directly to the Japanese headquarters.

The explosions in the north finally stopped.

The feeling of darkness made him not feel uncomfortable at all.

He stuck his head out from the courtyard door.

The mist caused by heavy rain filled the alley, and the alley walls were dark and blurry, making it difficult to see far.

The raindrops hit the top of the head and shattered, flying in all directions.

He poured the water into his shoes again, stepped on the ground and tried it, and then shouted behind him: "Run!"

Their bodies were almost side by side, running in the darkness.

You can't run one behind the other, otherwise the bullets fired sideways by the enemy in the courtyard when the person in front runs through the courtyard gate on the wall of the alley may hit the person behind. (End of Chapter)

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