under fire

Chapter 1573 The inspection team was attacked

It was almost dawn.

The heavy rain showed no sign of abating.

After the Ninth Battalion lost its troops and lost its generals, it was short of troops and struggled with the autonomous army coming from the west through the green gauze tent.

As expected, the Japanese asked the Autonomous Army to maintain public order and infiltrated from the direction of the Autonomous Army.

The appearance of the Japanese vanguard was clearly beyond the defensive capabilities of the Ninth Battalion.

The division chief took command from the center and mobilized a battalion to come to the rescue overnight.

Hu Yi was in a good mood: "It's raining so hard, thank you so much!"

"What are you talking about? Hurry up and let the soldiers stationed in the heavy rain come back and have a rest." The leader of the reinforcements was Battalion Commander Li of the main force.

Seeing Hu Yi who didn't even come out to greet him in the courtyard, he hesitated to speak.

"Okay!" Hu Yi didn't have the habit of observing words and expressions.

Then he turned around and waved to Luo Fugui, who was half lying on the pile of firewood next to him.

Battalion Commander Li took off the oilcloth draped around him and went directly into the house.

At a glance, he saw the messy map on the table: "Are you going to talk on paper?"

Hu Yi was a little confused. This man seemed to be speaking in a strange way.

"Hello, Commander Hu's eye injury has not healed and he needs to rest." Su Qing frowned.

Battalion Commander Li raised his head and glanced at Hu Yi's narrow, red and swollen eyes: "In this case, Battalion Commander Hu, I am a straightforward person, so I will speak out if I have anything to say."

"please say."

"The superiors are not very satisfied with the tacit agreement you have reached with the Autonomous Army in private."

Hu Yi had no expression on his face: "Why?"

"It was your idea to capture Qinghe County. At this point, I think you are quite visionary."

"Since you are here to take over the defense, I will rest for a while." The man said that he was impatient, but he didn't talk about the main point. Hu Yi didn't want to continue talking nonsense with him.

"That's okay. It's already late at night. You should rest early." Battalion Commander Li waved his hand and sat down at the table.

Obviously, he was ready to take Hu Yi's headquarters as his own.

Su Qing stood up and naturally helped Hu Yi out of the headquarters.

The map scribbled by Xiao Hongying remained on the table.

"Judging from Battalion Commander Li's tone, your superiors seem dissatisfied with you." Su Qing helped Hu Yi walk along the edge of the eaves and out of the outer courtyard.

"Well" Hu Yi never thought that this woman would support him, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer.

Su Qing continued: "Securing a county town in the enemy's core occupied area is just the beginning. We are confronting the autonomous army here but we are taking action. What the superiors need is to make things worse."

"I don't have the ability yet"

Su Qing was a little worried: "Our mission is to cause a scene in the enemy-occupied areas to prevent the Japanese from advancing westward."

Hu Yi came back to his senses: "With such heavy rain, the arrival of the little Japanese army should be delayed!"

"How is that possible? Haven't the Japs' vanguard troops already arrived?" When they reached the end of the eaves, the two walked into the rain.

Luo Fugui arranged for a correspondent to take his brother troops to change defenses.

As soon as he returned to the entrance of the courtyard, he quickly handed the big umbrella held above his head to Hu Yi.

Then I saw Hu Yi holding his umbrella and tilting it towards Su Qing.

Luo Fugui jumped under the eaves, quickly took out a brand new raincoat and put it on, then followed Hu Yi and listened carefully.

the village.

Team after team dispersed and followed the correspondent into the green gauze tent.

Not long after, teams of people soaked in water hurried back to the village, entering the house and yelling to take off their clothes.

The village was noisy with the sound.

Next door to the headquarters, Park Buhuan leaned against the door, unable to fall asleep listening to the sound of rain.
The traffic officer hurried into the village wearing a raincoat and opened the door with a creak.

Dirty Face, who was lying on the bed, woke up with a start. He held the shell gun under the pillow and slowly lowered the nose of the machine without making a sound.

The gun was pointed directly at the door.

"It's me!" The traffic officer ducked into the room, then struck a match and lit the oil lamp on the table.

Dirty Face put away his gun and slowly sat up from the bed: "Can you please let me know when you come in?"

The traffic officer ignored the complaint with a dirty face and hung the raincoat he took off on the wall while saying: "According to the news from the inside, the Fourth Brigade sent a large number of security troops eastward to encircle and suppress a battalion under the leader of the first journey." Listen The traffic officer said this, and the dirty face was stunned for a moment, then reassured.

He knew very well what the Autonomous Army was, and they were definitely no match for the Ninth Battalion.

There was a lot of noise this time. Captain Pei ambushed the Japanese by the canal, and followed the Japanese to gather nearly a brigade of troops to encircle and suppress them. Captain Pei and the others were familiar with the terrain and successfully broke through.

"I asked you if you have any news about the guard camp!"

"Don't worry. Later, the guard battalion joined up with the main group coming from the east of the canal. They staged a beautiful ambush on the large number of Japanese soldiers who surrounded and suppressed Captain Pei, and then captured Qinghe County the night before yesterday!"

"Go on."

"There is something very strange. I heard that people from Cangzhou Road ambushed a team of wounded soldiers from the Eighth Route Army."

"Eighth Route Wounded?" Dirty Face was stunned for a moment: "Is this the guard camp?"

This is unclear. Later, the guard battalion found those who ambushed the wounded on Cangzhou Road and killed them directly. It is said that only a few people escaped. "

"Cangzhou Road? You mean the puppet troops stationed in Guantao?"

"That's right!"

"Do they have the guts to attack the Eighth Route Army?"

"According to reliable information, people from Cangzhou Road had been working on Qinghe County. Unexpectedly, they were overtaken by the Eighth Route Army. This may have led to a rift."

"The detective teams that usually run around everywhere seem to have disappeared in the past few days. No one knows where they are hiding. This is unusual."

About ten miles south of Qinghe County.

The torches were burning in the ancestral hall in the village.

Six men in black were sitting on three sides of the table, and there was a map hanging on the wall of the empty side.

A Japanese man in his thirties pointed at the map hanging on the wall and issued an order in broken Chinese: "We are responsible for the south. The reconnaissance team is responsible for setting up defenses at various intersections in the outer Qingsha tent. After the encirclement and suppression begins, no one must be let go. people!"

The Japanese who was pointing at the map said this and turned around to scan the faces of the men in black: "Everyone, this is your opportunity to make a contribution, please cherish it!"



"Please don't worry, my lord!"

"We will definitely live up to the expectations of the imperial army."

The men in black sitting around the table quickly expressed their opinions.

These days, who can be the detective captain, who is not a veteran?
With just three melons and two dates at their disposal, are they tired of fighting against those Tubalu who are so mad that they even dare to attack the county town?

The consequences of offending the Eighth Route Army are very serious.

Although I had already planned to just go along and catch the scene, I still had to have the proper attitude.

These days, survival is the last word.

Of course, there are also die-hard traitors. The Japanese have occupied the Central Plains for many years. The Imperial Army in Central and South China continues to launch attacks against the Nationalist Government troops who have fled to the southwest.

The imperial army in North China is preparing to attack the Tubal Road lair in northern Shaanxi.
Many traitors pessimistically believe that the Central Plains will definitely be the world of the Japanese from now on!

"This encirclement and suppression is related to the long-term peace and stability of the place. Please all of you here, please do your best!" The Japanese said with a stern look on his face: "If anyone dares to contribute but does not work, I will use his head as a ball!"

Dozens of detective team members were all listening attentively.

The Japanese were very satisfied: "Now, if you have any suggestions, you can speak."

The detective captains gathered around the table immediately shouted out suggestions.

The suggestions were all trivial and trivial.

For example, how to set up defenses, how to arrest, how to interrogate someone after arresting them, or how to directly shoot them.
When the discussion was in full swing, there was a sound of footsteps outside the ancestral hall.

A Japanese soldier ran directly into the door and whispered: "Report!"

Then he pulled out the cowhide briefcase from under his raincoat, took out a telegram from the briefcase, and whispered to the Japanese who assigned the task: "Your Excellency Sato, something happened to the inspection team."

"What did you say?" The Japs named Zuotou's expression changed drastically.

Ignoring scolding the messenger for being good at meetings, he grabbed the telegram and immediately threw it to the assistant next to him after reading it. Birds roared: "Mark the current location of the inspection team immediately!"

Sato's assistant quickly stepped forward, measured it with a ruler, and then marked a small circle on the map.

The detective team members sitting around the table can speak a few common bird language.

Confused about what was happening in front of me.

But I knew in my heart that something must have happened again.

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