under fire

Chapter 1574 Captain Ma still has an important identity

The dry land of the Central Plains is flooded with heavy rains again.

Since it hasn't rained for a long time, the water in Weihe River has not risen yet.

There are people everywhere on both sides of the river embankment.

I don’t know where these people came from.

There is a strong earthy smell in the air by the river, which smells very comfortable.

A dead wind lantern hangs on a building in Hua County on the edge of the Wei River.

Perhaps because of the heavy rain, the searchlights that light up every night in the county were turned off tonight.

In the county town, the original garrison Wu Lantian changed defenses and left, and a new regiment of the Puppet Fifth Army was approaching the county town.

A young soldier stood behind the window of the south gate tower.

The two black buttons on the military cap are meticulous, and the gray curly brim covers his eyebrows and eyes. If it weren't for the scar on his face, the young man would definitely be regarded as a young man from all over the country.

The gray military uniform turned black after being soaked by the rain. The suspenders and the gun belt crossed on the chest, forming an inverted character with the belt.

There are many items hanging on the belt, including a Japanese bullet box, a compass box, a telescope box, and a homemade strip magazine box.
A dark figure hurried up the tower following the warrior.

"Report to the captain." The shadow pushed aside the soldiers and stepped forward: "Brother Ma Liang? Why are you here? Where is your captain?"

The student soldier who fell behind the black shadow reminded: "This is Captain Ma!"

Seeing clearly who was coming, Ma Liang was stunned for a moment, but was not surprised. He quickly stretched out his hand: "Vice Captain Geng? Why are you here in person?"

Old acquaintances meet with great enthusiasm.

"Let's get down to business first!" Vice Captain Geng stretched out his hand to shake Ma Liang's hand: "Order from above: Give up the attack on the county seat. Your troops will immediately go south to join the main force and launch the Battle of Weihe!"

"What did you say?" Ma Liang couldn't understand the order from his superiors: "We worked hard to sneak into the county and killed dozens of puppet soldiers before taking the south gate. You want to give up?"

Captain Geng picked his head: "This is an order from a superior."

Orders from superiors must be obeyed... Ma Liang was startled and stopped questioning. He turned to look at the lifeless and quiet plain land on the other side of the moat, and said in a calm tone: "The superiors are going to launch the Battle of Weihe. Do you have a detailed battle plan?"

"Details must be available, but the specific deployment is still confidential. Captain Yang gave me the task of leading the anti-college student team to immediately leave the county and go south to assemble and standby..." Captain Geng grinned: "Hey, I didn't expect that. You will be the cadet captain."

"What, you think I'm not qualified?" Ma Liang muttered, now I am not only the captain, but also the acting instructor!
Most of this batch of anti-college students are company and platoon leaders. They have a good cultural foundation and have passed the first stage of study. Only those students with strong ideas and clean financial backgrounds who have basically mastered the theory of local combat command have the opportunity to enter advanced courses...

Last year, the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army was attacked, and many people from the Anti-Japanese Army were taken away during the reconstruction. But this time, the Kuomintang reactionaries were frantically preparing to attack northern Shaanxi. They had already assembled heavy troops, and many experienced people were sent to the front line in northern Shanxi.

Moreover, this time we are facing a large number of grassroots company and platoon-level student education. The number of students is huge. In a word, the Anti-Japanese War is seriously short of instructors.

In the advanced study class of the Anti-Japanese University, theoretical study is no longer carried out, and practical training is directly taken out.

Therefore, when the instructor was transferred and left, he already knew that Ma Liang had solid theory and rich practical experience, so he immediately suggested to the school that the student captain Ma Liang should act as instructor.

The school was seriously short of teachers. When someone recommended it, he guaranteed it. After checking the files, he found that Ma Liang had been selected for the early batch of students. His performance was outstanding when the division headquarters was attacked. He was immediately approved: agent...

Captain Geng didn't know that much: "You are qualified. If even you are not qualified, you will never be able to find another qualified captain. Er, where is your Battalion Commander Hu?"

"Uh, Battalion Commander Hu is going to perform other tasks." Ma Liang changed the subject: "Have you brought anyone with you? We have seized dozens of rifles here, and they are in good condition."

Captain Geng was delighted: "Every time I deal with you, I will make a fortune. Damn it, Brother Ma Liang, you are the God of Wealth."

Half an hour later, the south gate of the county became quiet.

The corpses piled on the city wall were discovered by puppet troops patrolling in the rain.

After receiving the news, the pseudo-regiment leader tried hard to suppress his anger: "Wu, I'm not done with you!"

In his opinion, apart from Wu Lantian, there is absolutely no one else who can silently kill the platoon he arranged to defend the city gate!

This guy named Wu actually played tricks on me and gave him power.
More than 30 guns, plus a light machine gun and ammunition, the loss was at least four to five thousand oceans!

The rain seems to have become lighter.

Heavy rains on summer nights will form rain and fog due to high ground temperatures.

In the gray mist, three advancing cautious figures vaguely appeared.

The soldier, who was soaked all over, moved one foot higher and the other lower.

Behind them, a team was heading south on the road in the rain.

The water-saturated land could no longer hold any more water, and the water in the ditch slowly became level with the ground.

Both sides of the road became pitch black and were completely covered by water.

With the occasional lightning in the sky, you will find that the ruts on the road are full of water, and everyone in the team is walking barefoot.

Cloth shoes and military shoes are all hung on the waist.

If it weren't for the occasional flash of lightning across the sky and seeing a few graves above the water, it would really make people think that they are walking in the middle of a large lake.Marching in the thick fog, Ma Liang felt much better.

I don’t know how long we walked, but it must have been a long time, when the team suddenly stopped.

Ma Liang stepped forward. The leading soldier in front squatted on the ground and pointed to the faint light in the distance to the south: "There is a puppet army gun tower ahead."

Ma Liang opened the button of the telescope box from his belt, took out the telescope and looked south.

After a while, he put down the telescope and shook his head: "I can't see anything."

Captain Geng, who was following behind, stepped forward: "The front is the Jinzhuang stronghold. Wu Lantian deployed a platoon to garrison before withdrawing. Now the New Fifth Army should arrange people to take over the defense. The detailed troop strength is not yet clear. It is estimated that there will definitely not be more than one. Row"

"Are you sure it's a platoon?"

"Because there are only 35 beds in total in the stronghold and the cannon building dormitory."

More than thirty puppet troops... Ma Liangliang was overjoyed: "Are there any other requirements for the order conveyed by the superiors, such as not to create extraneous matters, or to hide their whereabouts?"

"I didn't say that."

"Then if we take down this turret by the way, there won't be any problem, right?"

Captain Geng thought for a while: "It seems there is no problem."

"How far is it from the assembly point now?

"About ten miles. If you include the time spent bypassing the stronghold, it will take about two hours to arrive."

"Okay." Ma Liang turned around and shouted: "Reconnaissance team, immediately follow the No. [-] combat plan, sneak into the sentry and find out the enemy situation in the stronghold!"

Watching the 11 people of the reconnaissance team leave quickly, Captain Geng immediately became energetic: "What is the No. [-] combat plan?"

The main purpose of the Anti-Japanese University study class is to improve the command ability of grassroots commanders.

The members of the armed forces are basically platoon-level commanders, so it is no problem to expand the scope of education.

Therefore, Ma Liang did not hide anything at all: "To put it simply, it was touching the whistle and grabbing the tongue."

"So what if it's not simple?"

"The first step is to infiltrate, the second step is to capture Tongue, the third step is to interrogate Tongue to find out the enemy's number, troop deployment, commander and important persons' names, looks, habits, and the fourth step is to expand the intelligence coverage and find out what may be happening nearby. Or enemies passing by, as well as the identity of the captured enemies through preliminary review of contact methods with nearby enemies."

"Mom, let me ask you a question, can I study with you?"

"If you have time...it will definitely be no problem."

"Hey, I originally signed up after I joined the armed work force to study, but I never had time to participate in formal study."

Learning together, Ma Liang's eyes lit up. The armed task force focused on operating behind enemy lines, dividing the puppet troops, establishing underground intelligence organizations, eradicating hardcore traitors, destroying the enemy, and protecting members of underground organizations operating in enemy-occupied areas.

The Anti-Japanese University study class is purely to improve the command level of grassroots commanders. If the grassroots commanders can learn more intelligence skills, the effect will be better.

Seeing Ma Liang's silence, Captain Geng asked again: "That's not right. Don't all the anti-Japanese university study classes deserve instructors?"

"Well, we are not qualified for the time being. We are learning from each other. Yes, we are learning from each other." Ma Liang did not reveal it casually. The identity of the instructor needs to be kept secret.

Although he didn't know the specific reason.

As for the learning content, there is no need to keep it confidential, because the Eighth Route Army mobilizes a large number of grassroots commanders for training, and it is impossible to keep it confidential.

In the eyes of educated, well-trained and well-educated Japanese soldiers... Tubal Road even includes writing in the training syllabus, which is a piece of shit...

Can it be regarded as studying military theory?

The eleven people in the reconnaissance team are naturally divided into three groups: assault, fire cover, and security. The team leader follows the command of the assault group, and the remaining person communicates and delivers the news.

The four members of the assault team cautiously looked around before proceeding.

The faint light was always in front of me. The penetrating ability of the searchlight was very strong. Looking at the light, I felt that it was not very far away. In fact, it was at least five miles away.

In addition to fighting, the student class always exchanges experiences.

The leading student wiped the rain off his face: "Isn't it just a gun tower? How about we just pretend to be puppet troops as Captain Ma often said?"

"This heavy rain has come at a bad time!" The squad leader was in a bad mood: "With the temper of the puppet army, we will never put a guard post outside. If we want to complete the first step of catching tongues, we may have to enter the stronghold to complete the task!"

"It's raining so heavily and it's all nonsense. Do you think those puppet soldiers will believe it with their lazy temperament?" The team members behind agreed with the team leader and added details.

"Then what do you think we should do?" the last one spoke.

"Heavy rain, black clothes, poor visibility, what do you think we should do?" the team leader asked deliberately.

"Fuck, can't we just climb over the wall?" The platoon leader, who was walking in the third position, finally couldn't help himself and directly interrupted the idiot question and answer that the squad leader had deliberately made.

Yes, this reconnaissance team has 11 people in squad structure, but every member of this team is a platoon leader!
The student team leader rotates every day... (End of this chapter)

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