under fire

Chapter 1575 The night is dark, the rain is heavy, and the enemy is killed at night

The Jinzhuang stronghold is not big...well...not small either.

For thousands of years, it has been a stopover for caravans carrying goods overland from north to south.

The original site was a cold weapon era post station. By the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, the Ping-Han Railway was built in the west. Land transportation was reduced, and it was gradually abandoned due to the war and war.

After the Japanese came, bandits were everywhere, and no one dared to live in the dilapidated inn next to the road.

The Japanese occupied the county and began to set up strongholds along the road network to build blockhouses and dig blockade ditches. Wu Lantian sent people to recruit soldiers and directly used the ruins of the post station to repair and transform, and built an additional blockhouse at the intersection.

There were more than [-] loyal and country-saving puppet troops stationed inside who had just switched defenses last night.

The puppet troops who were on guard in the rain were even more excited because of the heavy rain when they arrived in a strange place.

A few years ago, he was driven into the mountains by the Japanese to eat wild vegetables and suffered from mosquitoes and mosquitoes. After being reorganized into the Loyalty and National Salvation Army, he trained all day long and was beaten by Japanese instructors. Now he is guarding the forts and is finally out of the sea of ​​suffering.

An iron sheet was installed on the roof of the turret, so the searchlight still shines brightly.

The raindrops continued to pound on the iron sheet above my head.

Light can penetrate, but sight cannot penetrate the rain curtain.

During this period of time, the Eighth Route Army has frequent activities, and even a dog’s brain knows that the Eighth Route Army is gathering.

The superiors are very happy with their achievements, love money and enjoy themselves, and they all regard it as an honor to be stationed in the county.

For a moment while he was thinking wildly, he seemed to hear something. The sound came from the white gray rain curtain illuminated by searchlights in front of him.

Listening carefully, there seems to be no movement...

The three men lay quietly in the water, holding their rifles at an angle and pointing at the searchlight of the turret, motionless, letting the raindrops hit their backs.

Look at the guy in front of him splashing in the water.

"What the hell was your mother yelling about just now?"

"Bah, bah, bah... damn, this place must be a blockade ditch..." The soldier, who had just emerged from the water after throwing away his rifle, swam back slowly like a dog paddle.

"Are you OK?"

"Captain Ma is so awesome! If he hadn't forced us to learn how to swim, I would have drowned this time..." The trainee platoon leader finally stepped onto the wetland with a depressed look on his face: "I lost my rifle..."

The three students who followed him at a distance and raised their guns immediately took off their equipment due to his words and planned to swim through the blockade ditch that had long been invisible due to the rising water.

Because of the heavy rain, the turret searchlights cast their light on the road most of the time.

The first four black figures took a detour, and the first one stepped into the blocked ditch and screamed strangely, almost exposing himself...

After this delay, the two groups behind had already caught up.

The black figure squatting in the water looked quietly at the searchlight ahead in the rain and fog.

It was so quiet that I forgot the pain of the raindrops hitting my face.

After a brief exchange, Lei Ming, who was about to step down as captain after dawn, gave the order to infiltrate.

The night is dark and the rain is heavy... Kill the enemy at night!


The puppet troops in the stronghold were allies who fought with the Eighth Route Army against the Japanese three months ago.

No matter whether they did evil or not after surrendering, they deserve to die if they act as an aide to a tiger!
There are many people in the north who cannot swim, mainly because there are few ponds and rivers. Before Lei Ming joined the class, he was afraid of water because the older generation said there were water ghosts in the water!
Later I found out that the older generation was afraid that the little ones would drown if they went into the water privately.

I was forced to practice swimming for several days by Captain Ma...

Didn't expect it to come in handy so quickly.

Bend your knees slowly and lean forward to gently enter the water.

He raised his head and immersed his body in the water, rowed back with his left and right hands, and his body rushed forward as expected. His feet left the ground and he quickly kicked back.

After going back and forth like this for a while, I finally swam through the three-meter-wide blocked ditch...

After landing ashore, Captain Ma Liang blushed a little. It took only one second for Captain Ma Liang to swim such a distance...

He took the wet clothes and equipment from the soldier who came first and quickly put them on his body: "Wet clothes are difficult to stick to the body..."

He drew out his barge gun, lifted it up and swung the water, and waited for the students behind him to cross the blockade ditch and move together.

The puppet soldier on guard duty on the top of the turret had his gun butt suddenly pressed against his shoulder, and the black muzzle of the gun swung from side to side.

My eyes moved on the gray road, nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

He trusted his instincts and there was definitely something wrong.

Something strange happened in the middle of the night.

Either there's an emergency or it's haunted!
Neither spoke nor left.The answer... there is only one answer, their target is the stronghold.

It's definitely not a Japs, so there are three possibilities: Rangers, Eighth Route Army, and bandits.

After the surrender, many Rangers came to the National Salvation Army to carry out exhortations, threats, and inducements: they had the same purpose, and they had to be in Cao's camp and their hearts in Han.

As for the Eighth Route Army, they are the targets to be attacked!
Bandits, who dares to provoke the army?

He tightened his fingers and finally did not shoot.

After holding the rifle for a long time, he was tired and slowly put it down.

He raised his hand and turned the searchlight, scanning back and forth around the edge of his line of sight, but still found nothing.


"Li Yafeng, formerly known as Li Erbao, is currently the commander of the 21st Regiment. He used to be named Li Jie. He has served as: Captain of the [-]th Brigade of Tubal Road Jizhong Military Region, Chief of Staff of the [-]th Regiment of the Fourth Division..." Maeda finished reading and looked up at the short and fat man opposite. The devil looked solemn: "Is this the information you got back?"

The pudgy devil nodded: "When I retrieved the information, the person was already gone..."

Maeda waved the pudgy devil to get out.

Finding out the identity of the Eighth Route Commander seems to be of little use.

In fact, it shows that the imperial intelligence system has made remarkable progress.

It has begun to penetrate into the grassroots level of the Eighth Route Army.

Intelligence work does not happen overnight, it lies in persistence and accumulation.

It is not difficult to arrange people to break into the grassroots level of the Eighth Route Army, but the investment is huge and the results are little, and the information obtained is also very one-sided.

It is not difficult to grasp the situation of the main persons in charge of the Eighth Route Army.

The difficulty is that the Imperial Army does not control the middle level of the Eighth Route Army.

Arranging people to infiltrate the Anti-Japanese University study class on Tuba Road was originally the best opportunity.

However, Tubal Road is very strict on this point, and it is not the kind of practice to gather people together for training at all.

Moreover, the Eighth Route Army even arranged for every instructor to teach under a pseudonym.

In this way, the plan to better understand the situation of the eighth-level commanders by understanding the situation of the eighth-level instructors and then analyzing the habits of the trained grass-roots commanders has failed.

However, the information sent by Sheephead, who has been lurking all this time, is very valuable.

Li Youcai was worried, so he left the military police headquarters with an umbrella and went straight to his kennel.

Turning around an alley, I immediately noticed someone approaching behind me.

The other party did not use a black gun, which meant that the other party did not intend to kill him.

Two black figures suddenly appeared in the alley ahead and blocked Li Youcai.

The leading man in black got straight to the point: "Second Master, I want you to come with us immediately!"

The main room of a certain private house.

Li Youde sat in the darkness: "Are you finally willing to come see me?"

Li Youcai gasped: "Even if you kidnap me, I won't go back."

"After you left, your sweetheart gave birth to a baby.

Li Youcai stopped breathing and was stunned for a moment: "What do you want to say?"

"People are coming to your door."

Li Youcai curled his lips and muttered: "This is too damn nonsense. Who knows who planted the seed?"

"I've calculated the time, and it shouldn't be wrong!"

Li Youcai's eyes widened and he laughed out loud: "Can you do this?"

Li Youde sighed: "That's right!"

"You can keep it if you like it, what does it have to do with me?"

"Don't do too many immoral things!"

"Uncle Li found me in the middle of the night, wouldn't you just talk about this?"

"Something happened to the Soil and Water Conservation Corps." (End of chapter)

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