under fire

Chapter 1576: Not sleeping makes you feel better

"Sister Su Qing, um... Officer Ai asked you to come over." The monkey's voice came from outside the door.

Su Qing was stunned for a moment, then turned around and blew out the oil lamp in the room.

Hu Yi, who was lying on the bed, fell into darkness.

It feels good to be taken care of.
That monkey thing...

Su Qing left the house and closed the door behind her, and glanced at the dark figure squatting under the window outside the door.

He took the oil-paper umbrella from the monkey standing in the rain, opened it and walked out of the courtyard quickly.

"Sir Hu, it's not my fault..." Monkey muttered to the room, quickly turned around and trotted to follow Su Qing, and quickly ran in front of Su Qing to unscrew his beloved flashlight.

The weak light cast a shadow on the wall, one foot high and one foot low, walking in tandem in the rainy night.

Turning a corner in the alley and passing by the village headquarters, Su Qing turned her head and saw blurry figures in the house through the rain and fog.

The unscrupulous voice came out, and Battalion Commander Li was studying the arrangement of enemy and enemy forces made by the girl on the map with his company commanders.

Su Qing did not stop and continued to walk to the command room.

Approaching the entrance of the courtyard, Pu Buhuan, who was on guard with the dim light coming from the courtyard, quickly saluted: "Hello, Sister Su Qing!"

"Why don't you go and rest?" Su Qing was a little surprised. In terms of position, Park Buhuan was no lower than the captain of the armed work team.

Pu Buhuan forced out a smile: "I have to protect the safety of the chief."

Officer Ai's passionate voice came from the room in the courtyard: "Now, let me summarize it for everyone."

"The battlefield is unpredictable, and there are many factors that ultimately determine the outcome of the battlefield. When there is not much difference in weapons and equipment, it depends on the comparison of the strength of the two sides.

When the troops and weapons are about the same, favorable terrain factors directly determine who wins and who loses.

Before the situation between the enemy and ourselves is unclear, if we can grasp the enemy's troop deployment in advance, we can send intelligence so that the combat troops can penetrate and defeat the enemy.
If the combat troops know the enemy's troop movements in advance, they can set up ambushes in advance, occupy favorable and concealed terrain, use cover to cover, and strike hard at the enemy."

Officer Ai acted very professionally as he said. Perhaps his mouth was dry after talking for too long. He raised his head and glanced around: "So, the intelligence work we are about to start is very important."

Officer Ai does not intend to waste any time on strengthening the training for the volunteer soldiers who are about to break into the enemy and puppet interior.

At this time, he was facing the courtyard when he suddenly saw Su Qing standing at the entrance of the courtyard talking to Pu Buhuan. He walked quickly to the door with a smile on his face: "Now, we invite the armed work team who is experienced in fighting the enemy. Su Qing Captain. Let me explain to you how to establish efficient and confidential communication and how to quickly transmit information."

Su Qing was a little helpless. She had already known that the intelligence agents sent by the headquarters had not received professional training.

The only intelligence skills he has are the surprise training that Officer Ai has done in the past few days.

"Captain Su, you don't need to explain how to collect intelligence and what kind of intelligence to collect. I'll give you a detailed explanation of how to establish an effective transmission method and how to communicate with each other." Director Ai felt that as long as the information is collected, An intelligence network was established, and with the convenience of translators from Korea, a large amount of intelligence would be continuously transmitted to the Eighth Route Army.
Su Qing felt a huge wave in his heart: "Our intelligence agents know each other. According to what you said, Director Ai, you may have overlooked an issue. As long as any one of them betrays after being captured, everyone will be taken advantage of by the Japanese."

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly became dead silent.

"Think carefully!" After a long while, a middle-aged man named Jin who was sitting in the corner stood up and applauded: "Captain Su has rich experience in fighting the enemy behind enemy lines. Please feel free to give me some advice."

Having worked behind enemy lines for a long time, Su Qing was not used to this person's enthusiasm.

"I suggest that they be dispersed and infiltrated into the enemy. Before that, I suggest that everyone learn the local dialect for at least three months!"

How to make these trilingual intelligence agents work better? Su Qing directly arranged them as junior intelligence agents, and she said three months, in order to make everyone present think that others would start working after three months.

Director Ai immediately objected: "This is not possible. According to the requirements of the superiors, now we must contact those student translators first."

Su Qing insisted on her opinion: "I must be responsible for their safety!"

"We don't have that much time!" Officer Ai walked to Su Qing and lowered his voice. He was sure that in the sound of rain on the roof, only Su Qing could hear: "Earlier, the head of the headquarters was almost killed. "Assassination by a spy planted by the Japanese." "Something's wrong, how could the vixen treat you so well?" The black shadow was rubbing his hands and walking back and forth in front of Hu Yi's bed.

"Auntie, we are facing a formidable enemy. Can you let me have a good sleep?"

"Tch, I heard you tossing and turning outside the door. Can you really sleep?"

"I really don't understand. You don't sleep day and night. How can you be in such good spirits?"

Xiao Hongying lowered her voice: "Let me tell you, I thought about it for two days and found that the sniper rifle is really easy to use."

"How easy is it?
"As long as there is no strong wind, the 600-meter target error will not exceed [-] centimeters.
"Do you know what error is? Hu Yi was dumbfounded.

"Hey, even if I aim at the little devil's chest, at worst I can hit the fifteen centimeter range centered on the little devil's heart.
Hu Yi was speechless: "Aren't you worried about your reconnaissance company?"

"Big Dog and Mr. Li are keeping an eye on the situation, so there is nothing to worry about now.

“Can you please leave me alone for a moment?

"No! Xiao Hongying shook her head: "Even if I leave, you will still miss the vixen..."

"Can you stop talking about vixen?"

"Okay...but I have a condition..."

Darkness is not conducive to attack, but it is conducive to sneak attacks.

The Japanese second lieutenant was hanging on the Eighth Route Army, thinking that he could sneak into the Eighth Route Defense Area. However, when he reached the Eighth Route Army's outer defense line, he killed eight of his men without a chance, and his jaw was crooked with anger.

Anger couldn't solve the problem, so he forced himself to calm down.

I get angry when I think of the autonomous troops guarding the perimeter. They are all cowardly rats. Not to mention that we can't contact them yet. No one knows whether these two-faced rats will reveal the whereabouts of the elites.

Dark night, heavy rain, unable to determine the exact location now.

After some thought.

Immediately ordered his men to assemble, briefly disposed of the bodies of the fallen warriors, and divided them into three groups. One group went back to find road signs, determined the current location through walking measurements, and sent a three-person team back to report the situation, and the remaining people went to take over the autonomous army. !
The other two groups immediately dispersed to the left and right, planning to find a suitable position after walking a certain distance and rush eastward, not to attack, but to move eastward quietly. With such a large area of ​​sorghum land, he did not believe that Tubal Road could be completely defended.

This...seems a bit like the style of the Tubal guerrillas!

It is still the three leading soldiers who lead the group.

Three sneaky black figures come together from time to time to block the light, and turn on the flashlight to see the compass that can guide the direction.

With a compass, you won’t get lost in the dark.

The second lieutenant suddenly had an illusion. Facing the Eighth Route Army who dared to operate in the occupied area of ​​​​the plains, the imperial army, as the master of this land, should crush them with thunderous force...and crush them again.

Instead of bravely groping cautiously in the endless darkness in the heavy rain.

Before discovering the Eighth Route Army, I hoped to find the Eighth Route Army. After discovering the Eighth Route Army and being beaten, I hoped not to hit the Eighth Route Army...

The second lieutenant believes that as long as he catches his tongue and understands the layout of the Eighth Route Army's troops, he can complete this mission...

As for the elites who do not speak Chinese, they will be taken back and interrogated again.

Most people are afraid of death!

There is no mouth stronger than a bayonet!

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