under fire

Chapter 1577 Heroes Association

There are smart people among the traitors who surrender to the Japanese.

It is recommended that you do not attack Huidaomen in the occupied areas.

We should adopt gentle measures and send out intermediaries to discuss cooperation with heroes from all walks of life.

The general idea is that heroes from all walks of life only need to pay a certain amount of food every year to maintain local security.
Everyone kept their noses in the water and seemed to have given the heroes enough respect.

Of course, if the heroes want to seek an official position, the imperial army will naturally welcome them.

The commander of the security regiment, the commander of the battalion, and the sergeant are all given casually according to the number of heroes under their command.

Do you want autonomy?No problem, but there is one thing: you must not get together with the anti-Japanese elements.

The imperial army only occupies the county town. As for the towns, you can do whatever you want.

Boil the frog in warm water and wait for the imperial army to stabilize the overall situation and free up their hands to slowly deal with it.

early morning.

Guantao County,
It started getting dark yesterday.

Heroes from nearby Cangzhou Road entered the city one after another.

In Huixian Tower.

More than a dozen guild leaders attached to Cangzhou Road are holding a hero meeting.

The scene is very grand.

There was a lean old man sitting at the top, and two sturdy men standing behind him, probably his apprentices.

Below him were two rows of shorter ones.
Uh. It can also be called a small table.

There are more than ten heroes each with a small table, and two subordinates stand behind each.

It is very similar to the emperor's morning meeting during the Qin and Han Dynasties.

People who can enter Cangzhou Road are basically old Jianghu.

In these troubled times, when foreign enemies invade, laws fail, and morals decline, this is a world of heroes.

The morality of Jianghu is nothing more than robbing the rich and giving to the poor.

In the eyes of the heroes, they are heroes who are enemies of the Japanese.

Now, under the iron heel of the Japanese, they work hard to maintain law and order and ensure peace.

It is not easy.

The heroes believed that what they did was not considered surrendering to the Japanese.
Zhao Haichen, the little leader who was surrounded and suppressed by the Nine Battalions and managed to escape, was standing in the last vacant position. He was excited and told the tragic story of the death of all his brothers with tears and sweat.

After a while, the lean old man sitting on the top looked around: "Everyone, please share your opinions."

"Leader." A man with a sinewy face sitting at the top of the left road first handed over to the lean old man, and then slapped his hand on the table: "Eighth Road, they bully people too much!

"I think it's better to investigate clearly first, before causing trouble with the Eighth Route Army." The fat old man opposite who seemed to be serious and old-fashioned stroked his beard and shook his head.

"Tubal Road should not be used at all. He should not be fighting the Japanese on my territory on Cangzhou Road." The muscular man next to Hengrou nodded immediately, indicating that he agreed with the fat old man's opinion.

"What nonsense are you talking about? No matter who it is, I have no objection as long as it's about fighting the Japanese!" The young and passionate man next to Lao Chi Chengzhong immediately objected.

"That's right. I don't object to the Eighth Route Army fighting the Japanese, but it's not right for him to fight the Haichen brothers."

"Besides, the Eighth Route Army got so many guns and made a lot of money from fighting the Japanese. In the end, the little Japanese will still cause trouble for us. I think the Eighth Route Army is letting us take the blame."

"I also think that Brother Zhao's attack on the wounded soldiers of the Eighth Route Army on our territory is excusable!" A man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks said: "The Eighth Route Army should not seek revenge from Brother Zhao."

"Fuck, what's your fucking logic? You killed other people's people and let others take revenge?" The hot-blooded man's eyes widened.

"Listen to me, don't you know, this is our territory, we have the final say!"

"Bullshit, then why didn't you say this is the little devil's territory?"

"This is the territory of the Imperial Army. He killed your father. Do you dare to say anything?"

"I will kill them sooner or later!"

A middle-aged man frowned: "I didn't expect the Eighth Route Army to be so cruel to Brother Zhao and not give us face."

"If I hadn't escaped by chance, the Eighth Route Army would have thought they didn't know what they were doing." Zhao Haichen looked aggrieved.

"Does the Eighth Route Army want to rebel?"

"That's right. Is it okay to attack on our territory?" "You have to retaliate with tooth! Otherwise, Tubal Road will still think that we are nothing."

“What they say about unity in the war is purely a lie.”

"Hey, you can't say that. The Eighth Route Army really only attacks the Japanese. This time it was our fault first." The young passionate man couldn't help but sarcastic again.

"Chen Baji, what nonsense are you talking about? The Eighth Route Army is grabbing food on our territory. Is there any justice for him if he doesn't pay homage to the dock first?" The arrogant man slapped the table.

"The Eighth Route Army dares to attack the Japanese and Qinghe County directly. Do we dare?"

"What do you mean, do you have access to the Eighth Route Army?" The tough guy slapped the table again.

"So what if I know all the ways? Why the hell are you going to bite me?" Chen Baji was not a good person and just flipped the table.

"Old Eighth Route Army, stop it!" The lean old man sitting at the top yelled, and then concluded: "The Eighth Route Army has touched our people, and this matter is not over!"

The tough guy had the backing of a dragon head and immediately became excited: "Now, we should consider how to get this place back."

"Yes, the Eighth Route Army is a bandit. Even if they take Qinghe County, they won't be able to hold it. In the end, they will have to run away."

The heroes were a little too arrogant. They didn't consider that they had attacked the wounded on the Eighth Route Army first, and now they were discussing how to deal with the Eighth Route Army.

The hero meeting didn't last long.

Everyone has different opinions.

Chen Baji left Huixian Tower and walked into the rain with a livid complexion.

For their own benefit, these bitches finally decided to attack the Eighth Route Army.

At least half of the dozen or so boneless guys secretly surrendered to the Japanese.

In the darkness opposite Huixian Tower.

"This Chen Baji must be eliminated!"

"Captain, the Eighth Route Army has occupied Qinghe County, should we?"

"Let the military handle the bad things they do by themselves. We just have to do our own thing."


"Is there any news about Takahashi?"

"No, even Murakami-kun who went to pick him up has lost contact."

"Well, put them on the missing list."

"Isn't it inappropriate to do this?"

"If there is no contact for more than twelve hours, you will either be captured or killed."

"It used to be 24 hours."

"It's war time."

"But it shouldn't be war time yet."

"In the past, you were called the military police, but now you are called the Northern Special Police!"

"Okay." Heiying said helplessly, "The reconnaissance team has been deployed, and we are just waiting for the main force to launch an attack on Qinghe County."

"The idiot who made this plan didn't even think about it. It's raining so hard. Do you think the dogs of the detective team will stay in the sorghum fields?"

"Do you want to make changes?"

"Dark night, heavy rain, it's too slow to deliver the news, so let's just arrange it this way."

"Sir, I think you seem to be upset. How about going to Wei'an to relax?"

"Is there also a Wei'an office in the city?"

"No, but there is a Wei'an brothel opened by the Chinese. They call it a brothel."

There was silence for a while.

A voice came from the stairs: "Those guys on Cangzhou Road have finished driving.
"What are they going to do?"

"They decided to take action against the Eighth Route Army"

The voice in the darkness was cold: "Then let them go for now!"

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