under fire

Chapter 1578

Three in the morning.

The lights in the Anxian Military Police Headquarters were brightly lit.

The Japs were still working overtime, and the radio kept beeping.

From time to time, operators and telegraph operators would get up and deliver paper recording the contents of phone calls and messages to Maeda's office.

In the past two days, there have been many calls and text messages.

The assistant took the stack of messages sent over and sat behind the desk, frowning and reading them carefully.

Judging from his serious expression, something bad must have happened.

There was a busy scene in the room. Some Japanese were marking the map and some were drafting messages to reply.

The assistant handed Maeda a newly received telegram: "The Eighth Route Army attacked Qinghe County two hundred miles away. It said that intelligence showed that part of the Eighth Route Army came from our jurisdiction."

Maeda received the telegram and frowned: "The main forces of the Eighth Route Army were transferred to Shanxi Province on a large scale. The remaining county and district teams fighting guerrillas should be ambushed."

The assistant shook his head: "The Tubal Road that has been hiding in the mountains and entered the plains in large numbers is the root cause of the rapid deterioration of the security situation in the plains."

"There are spies in the Imperial Army's intelligence system?" Maeda suddenly said.

The assistant hesitated for a moment and lowered his voice: "My classmate who works in the Beijing Special Police said that the internal affairs department had conducted strict investigations and even passed stress tests such as fishing, and found that the leaks involved a very wide range of areas and could not be investigated in a short time."

Maeda nodded: "The Intelligence Ministry had no choice but to split the original Military Police into two and establish a new Northern Special Police."

It was almost dawn when the assistant yawned.

Maeda waved his hand: "Go and sleep for a while first."

There was a creaking sound, and the military policeman in charge of guarding outside the door opened the door: "Report Major, Xu Jinsen, the detective team, has been brought to the reception room downstairs."

Maeda ordered the military police: "In five minutes, take him to the reception room next door."

"Yes!" the military policeman responded and went out.

Soon, detective captain Xu Jinsen walked into the reception room with a smile on his face.

He quickly trotted forward and bowed to Maeda, who was kneeling beside the tea tray: "Good evening, Maeda-san, what are your orders to me?"

"I called you here in the middle of the night. I have a plan that needs to be implemented." Maeda turned his head and stared at the guy in front of him with stern eyes.

This guy often does little tricks. If he wasn't so easy to use, he would have been killed long ago.

"Please give me your instructions!" Xu Jinsen walked to the tea tray and stood next to him, pretending to be flattered.

"You take a look first." Maeda handed a file next to him to Xu Jinsen.

Xu Jinsen used the electric light in the room to read the file quickly and felt very happy.

This guy is also an old man, and he still nodded calmly: "Invited in the name of Wang Jingchang, Sun Youshang will definitely come!"

"Well, you have good understanding." Maeda poured a cup of tea into his mouth before nodding in appreciation.

"Taijun, do you want to die or live?" Xu Jinsen asked shyly.

"That's not the point. Tell me, how confident are you of recruiting the Soil and Water Conservation Corps?"

"I will try my best!" Xu Jinsen knew very well that he had to express his position first, but he could not boast in front of Maeda casually: "Please tell me, Taijun, people who are on the Eighth Route Army are almost all diehards. As for the certainty, I still have [-]% certainty. of!"

Maeda narrowed his eyes slightly: "Fifty percent? In other words, is it possible or impossible?"

"The main thing is that the combat effectiveness of our detective team is indeed a bit like that."

"I only need the results, I don't need you to explain the difficulties."

"Your Majesty, Major, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the recruitment, do you think it is possible to mobilize some of the imperial army to support it?" Xu Jinsen felt happy. Without the support of the Eighth Route Army, the Soil and Water Conservation Corps is nothing!
As for the Eighth Route Army, I heard that there is a plague going on during this time.
Otherwise, he would not dare to take the Eighth Route Army idea at all.

"The imperial army is not free, you can go find Wang Sanzhu"

Ma Liang stood in the rain with a calm expression. As the captain of the students, he had lost the opportunity to serve as a sentry.

The leading soldiers who were touching the stronghold had already used the sound of rain to climb over the stronghold wall.

The sound of the soldiers landing was completely obscured by the sound of rain.

The searchlight on the top of the turret was reflected by the fine raindrops, which was enough for him to see the situation in the stronghold clearly.

After taking a deep breath, he began to look around his surroundings.

Nuoda's stronghold was shrouded in vague rain and fog, and the turret in the east corner looked like a giant beast that chose people to eat.

A typical triple courtyard house.

There is a small playground in the middle of three rows of houses.

There was light in the window of a room to the south, and figures were floating on the paper.

You can vaguely hear the clatter and shouts of the horse crane in the house.

As another soldier entered the stronghold, the previously vigilant soldier no longer hesitated and ran towards the puppet army dormitory against the darkness under the eaves.

Although the rain was falling continuously, the soldier felt that the silence was terrifying.

There must be puppet soldiers sleeping in the room next to them.

The rain was so heavy that there was no dry place to stay under the eaves.

The soldier seemed to be able to hear his own heartbeat, and the gun in his hand opened wide, ready to harvest life.

The soldier squatted quietly at the door of a room.

The soldiers who followed him quickly moved forward past his position and alerted the next room.

One figure after another crept like a mouse in the darkness.Perhaps because of the heavy rain, the puppet troops did not post a sentry at the gate of the stronghold.

The inn has been abandoned for many years, and the door is blackened by rain and full of moth holes.

Years of drought have caused the roof to leak, and the rainwater dripping from the roof jingles in the bucket.

Before the battle begins, you must first grab the high point if possible.

A group of three people stayed at the door of the cannon tower for a long time, feeling that the room was breathing evenly, and then they moved cautiously, and their figures slipped into the darkness of the cannon tower like a ghost.

The searchlight on the top of the turret diffused light to provide illumination for the soldiers who entered the ground floor in the dark.

No matter how dark the night is, as long as there is light, the road is smooth.

One after another, dark shadows entered the turret, and the leading soldiers began to go up to the second floor.

The wooden stairs creaked.

A puppet soldier in the room who was having a nightmare seemed to be awakened.

He suddenly sat up from the corner of the bunk bed, muttered a few times, and then lay down again.

He didn't even notice that five or six guns were aimed at his upper body almost simultaneously.

The three groups went up to the second floor one after another, and the leading shadow went up to the top floor.

With a click, the lights on the second floor suddenly turned on.

The puppet platoon leader who was sleeping on the second floor suddenly opened his eyes: "You mother-in-law bastard, who let you..."

Under the dark muzzle, the pseudo-platoon leader, who was still in a state of confusion after being awakened by the light, subconsciously raised his hands, and his tone was a little uncertain whether he was dreaming: "Are you Tubal Road?"

Ma Liang nodded: "Yes, it's Tubal Road?"

After saying that, he untied his wet military uniform, looked around, and took down the hanger hanging the puppet military uniform on the wall.

Throw the fake military uniform on the table and hang your own wet military uniform on the wall.

Then he looked at the pseudo-platoon leader who was still in a daze: "Hey, what are you still doing in a daze? Make room for me quickly."

The fake platoon leader squatted on the wooden floor of the second-story turret in his underpants, and finally came to his senses: "Master Eight, can you give me a way to survive?"

Except for the sound of rain, there was silence.

There was no gunfire at all, and more than thirty of his men were killed by the Eighth Route Army without any sound.

The pseudo-platoon leader believed that he knew the policies of the Eighth Route Army very well, so he was not worried at all about saving his life.

"Tell me, which department do you belong to?" Ma Liang wrung out the towel and wiped his hair quickly.

"The [-]st Division, [-]nd Regiment, [-]st Battalion, [-]nd Company and [-]st Platoon of the Puppet Army. My surname is Mao." The Puppet platoon leader replied subconsciously.

Ma Liang was stunned for a moment: "Haha, are you just running around and shouting one, two, one?"

"Sir, we had no choice but to surrender to the Japanese." The pseudo-platoon leader looked bitter.

"Tell me, how many people's blood have been stained by your men?" Ma Liang asked Yan Yuese.

"If you dare to lie, I will shoot you in the head." The soldier who was always on guard with a gun put the muzzle of his rifle on the head of the fake platoon leader and warned sternly.

Ma Liang sat on the bed and pulled out the bayonet from his calf: "You'd better tell the truth. If you don't tell, your men will tell you later."

Smoke filled the room where the puppet soldiers were putting on horse cranes.

The door seemed to creak.

"Hahaha!" The man with his back to the door suddenly shouted: "Everyone, touch yourself!"

He looked at his opponent and the two people next to him and seemed to be looking at him: "I've been fighting all night, and this one will pay off!"

"Hey, give me the money quickly. Why are you raising your hands?"

The guy's ears moved slightly, and he finally heard the footsteps behind him.

Huo Ran turned his head.

The black muzzles of the three shell guns that were still dripping looked like soul-chasing yakshas.

The two buttons on the military cap on his head were very conspicuous under the light in the room: "Eighth Route?"

"Don't move. I'm talking about you. What are you waiting for? Raise your hands!"

"Don't shoot, we are all Chinese, don't shoot your own people."

"Anyone who is your friend should squat down. If anyone dares to shout, I will turn him into a briquette!"

"Hey, let me tell you, this is too smooth, isn't it?" A dark figure complained to the companion next to him.

"That's right, my bayonet hasn't seen blood for two days." The soldier who was picking up the rifle hanging on the wall looked regretful.

There were four puppet soldiers in the room, and four others watching the excitement.

In front of the black hole of the gun, no one dared to resist.

The black figure, whose head was dripping with water, grabbed the peanuts placed by the table, stuffed two peanuts into his mouth, chewed them twice and spit out the shells, then turned around and shouted: "Hey, what are you doing standing still? Get them all quickly." Go out and gather, click Mao!"

In the stronghold, the dormitories were brightly lit and there were shouts and shouts everywhere.

The searchlight on the top of the turret was shining on the open space in the yard.

In the heavy rain, a large group of figures squatted in the darkness. (End of chapter)

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