under fire

Chapter 1580

Guantao County has a slightly higher terrain and is far from the canal.

The common people could not use canal water for irrigation, so they naturally did not have green gauze tents.

Plain terrain is different from hilly and mountainous areas. As long as the surface land is filled with water, the excess water cannot be drained away in time and becomes a waterlogged area.

In many places, the potholes formed by heavy rains have reached the knees.

In the dark, it is equivalent to wading through water.

After losing two brothers again, Chen Baji, under the cover of the two brothers behind him, finally broke out of the southern ambush line with the remaining eight men.

Several bandit soldiers were injured by a grenade blast.

In the dense rain of bullets as a group of black figures rushed towards them like they were desperate, the two bandit soldiers who were lying on the ground slightly higher with rifles were shot one after another. The remaining four or five hurriedly crouched and spread their legs to flee to the east and west. .

After running a certain distance, he saw gunfire flashing wildly to the north. Knowing that other brothers were chasing him, he quickly turned back like a hyena and followed the escapees to the south.

Rain and fog become the biggest cover for escapees.

Chen Baji, who often moved around in the dark and escaped alive, realized that continuing to fire back would give direction to the pursuers behind him.
Running headlong is not an option, because the people behind you will keep shooting. If there are too many bullets, you can always cover them.

Without waiting for Chen Baji's arrangement, the two men took the initiative to run eastward, firing while running to attract the pursuers behind them.

Give other brothers running south a chance to escape.

The ground was covered with water up to the ankles, and the ripples on the water caused by running quickly returned to calm under the raindrops.

Don't worry about pursuers following the footprints.

However, the pursuers are not fools, and everyone knows the truth.

It had been known for a long time that Chen Baji did not have many men, so relying on the strength of his many people, he immediately divided his troops into multiple groups to pursue them.

Those who run away try their best, because if they are caught, they will die.

The mentality of the pursuer is different. If the pursuit is too tight, it will not be economical if the person in front jumps over the wall to risk his life.

Chasing Zhao Haichen didn't understand this truth: "Third Master, if you don't kill the snake, there will be a backlash. Let brothers work harder."

"I'll add your grandma. I've lost more than twenty brothers because of my reckless actions. How should I calculate this battle?"

"I have promised to give you [-]%"

"That won't work. I've used so many bullets, so I have to pay more!"

"I'll give you [-]%, [-]%, right?"

"Damn it, if you had said this earlier, wouldn't it be over?"

Thinking of the huge amount of money being made at that ferry crossing, the Third Master immediately shouted: "Brothers, chase more closely and don't let anyone go. If you kill each one, you will be rewarded with a hundred guangyang."

These days, money is worthless and money is hard currency. There must be a brave man under a heavy reward.

The bandits quickened their pace.

Bullets were scattered into the darkness like a strong wind blowing away money.

The two black figures who ran eastward and fired to attract the pursuers were shot one after another. They were half-kneeling in the cold water with their hands on the ground, muttering to each other: "Mom, fight them."

Well, 18 years later, the man is a good man again!
Bandits are different from soldiers. Not everyone carries grenades with them.

The two men lay down in the blood-stained water, loaded bullets into the magazine, inserted them into the mouth of the magazine and raised the gun again.

The muzzle flash as he fired back drew bullets that were like raindrops above his head.

Their bodies were hit by bullets again and again.

After a few shakes, the two fell into the water.

Before one of them died, he used his last breath to throw both shell guns into the water a few meters away. Even if he died, those bastards couldn't easily get the shell guns worth 200 yuan.
Blood quickly dyed the water around the two bodies red.
Several bandit soldiers chased after them, turned on their flashlights and looked at the two black figures lying on the ground. They first refilled their guns, and then stepped forward to look for the shell guns that fell into the water.
From the sound of gunshots, there should have been three people fleeing in this direction, but only two bodies were found.
The remaining bandit soldiers were a little confused, raising their heads and swaying left and right. The land shrouded in rain and fog was dotted with gunfire. It was the other brothers who were shooting to the south in pursuit.

It seems that these people who are in the dark can no longer find the direction of pursuit.
Kill two of them and get a speed machine for two hundred oceans. There is no need to continue taking risks.
Chen Baji watched helplessly as another brother was covered in the back with a blind gun and fell down without saying a word.

I was so anxious that I couldn't leave this brother behind at this time, otherwise the pursuers would find the dead brother's body and chase him in the direction of the body.

Before he could make any arrangements, a dark figure standing behind him picked up the dead brother's shell gun and inserted it into his lower back: "Brother, let's stay behind to stop you. You guys run in another direction."

Holding back the severe pain on his back, Chen Baji interrupted his men: "You can't turn at this time. The pursuers behind are almost maintaining a line. If you pull sideways or change directions, it will only shorten the distance."

"There are only seven of us left."

"Carry up Lao Liu, stuff some soil into his clothes, find a ditch in front and sink into the ditch first."

"This is a waste of time." Heiying did not listen to Chen Baji this time: "Brother, you go to the southwest, we will continue running in the current direction."

"Good brother! Take care." Chen Baji is not the kind of mother-in-law and mother-in-law kind of person.

"Take a step first, and we will be brothers in the next life!" The two black figures handed over their hands and ran southward after speaking.

Including Chen Baji, there are only five left in total.
Change direction to south by west.

There is a question that Chen Baji has never figured out.

Even if he said good things for the Eighth Route Army at the meeting of heroes, Zhao Haichen would not dare to attack him.Dare to ambush him outside Guantao County, which means that the leader must know about this matter.

But now, there are not many pursuers behind him, which shows that someone wants to control the matter within a small area.

It is very possible that Zhao Haichen is getting the tacit approval of Da Longtou.

For many years, guarding the canal crossings was a lucrative job.

Most likely someone on the road was jealous.

He wanted to seize his own territory under the pretext that he had asked the Eighth Route Army on the east side of the canal to borrow the ferry.

Other than that, he really couldn't think of any reason why Longtou would acquiesce in Zhao Haichen's attack on him.

Interests make people jealous, and even worshiping brothers may not be reliable.
I think back then, Liangshan and Songjiang in the east did not kill the old brother in the same way in the end.
Jianghu, fighting and killing is the Jianghu.

It's not surprising that you rob me today and I rob him tomorrow.

Heroes who lick blood from the edge of a knife call each other brothers, and there are many instances of stabbing each other in the back.

Of course, it is not uncommon for real heroes to go to great lengths for their friends, provided that both parties have common interests or have a life-long friendship.

Smooth and stable, that's called government.

These days, the gun is the last word.

Chen Baji swore that when he went out from now on, even if he went to his mother-in-law's house, each of his men would have to bring four grenades, both long and short guns, and enough ammunition belts. Also, he had to bring a machine gun!
As for the ferry, as long as you are not dead, you can still get it back even if it is robbed.

Those who run away are like lost dogs.

The hyena chasing behind is still lingering.

"They divided their forces again, haha, there are fewer people going south, and there are more people going southwest."

Chen Baji did not expect that among the chasing bandits there was a guy who had been living in the water for a long time.

This guy was using a flashlight, and every time he ran a certain distance, he kept looking for and observing on the ground.

Although no footprints were visible in the water where Chen Baji and his group ran, there were obvious traces of muddy water left behind.

The flashlight is a good thing, because the murky water can directly hang the escaper's tail.

Since Chen Baji split up and ran away, let's just split up and chase him.

The pursuers did not have an accurate target, so they fired randomly in the dark, making it difficult to blind the target.

But they couldn't let the escapees run easily. They continued to fire at every turn, putting pressure on the escapees.

The two sides continued to wrestle in the dark.

Chen Baji was very helpless. If he hadn't been shot in the back, it wouldn't have been a big deal at all to get rid of those bastards.

Night rain does not last long.

After more than three hours of rain, it finally stopped a lot.

Even so, the sound of gunshots would not travel far because of the rain and fog in the air.

Sporadic gunshots gradually became clearer from the northeast, indicating that there were not many people on both sides.

Dirty Face squatted on the roadbed above the water in the south, muttering to the traffic officer.

After analysis and judgment, we came to a general conclusion: someone should be chasing and someone should be escaping.

And he did not give up the pursuit on a dark rainy night, which shows that the person being chased is very important.

These days, those who escape in the dark are definitely not Japs.

It won't be the puppet troops in Guantao City.

The most likely possibility is that the Japanese and puppet troops are chasing the anti-Japanese elements.

"We have to help the people who are being chased!" After the traffic officer finished speaking, he stretched his neck and looked north. In fact, he could not see anything.

"The best option is to leave here and go back. Avoid them and follow the route!" Dirty Face was startled and immediately shook his head.

"Comrade Zhang, can you just watch our comrade being chased by the enemy?" The traffic officer turned his head and stared at the dirty face that was so close at hand.

The Eighth Route Army likes to talk about comrades.
With the same virtue, we have the same heart, and with the same heart, we are comrades.
Something in Dirty Face's heart was stirred.

After hesitating for a while, he reached out and took out the tap fire. He held the tap fire with his left hand, rubbed the gear with his right thumb, and made a click, igniting the fire.

A weak flame and a weak light instantly tore through the darkness.

Dirty Face began to look at the roadbed where the two men were squatting.

The roadbed is half a meter higher than the flooded wasteland on both sides, and you can still see the ridges above the water near the limit of the firelight.

It's a good ambush position.
Quickly turning his head, he ordered the trio of warriors who were squatting not far away in their raincoats and looking at them after seeing the flames: "Hey, one of you should go back quickly and call all the people behind you."

Dirty Face was cautious. The location where the gunshot was fired was in the north-east direction. This place was not on the escape route of the escapees.
If nothing unexpected
You shouldn't run into those people.

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