under fire

Chapter 1581 The Legend of Warriors

Chapter 1581 The Legend of Warriors
The Japanese camp was suddenly attacked at night, in order to prevent chaos and leave opportunities for the attackers.

Directly adopt the strategy of silence for all members.

Silence means that the Japs in the village are on standby, and it does not mean that they will not send out search teams.

The four dark figures protruding from the east of the village unexpectedly bumped into the Japanese soldiers who had just been transferred back to guard the perimeter.

The black night allowed the two sides to come closer before attacking each other. Both sides were caught off guard and opened fire on the spot. Two of the trio from the protruding village were killed and one was seriously injured.

The three Japanese were all beaten into a hornet's nest.

The seriously wounded man fired the grenade carried by the Japs and died together with a trio of Japs who came over after hearing the gunshots.
The eight people who entered the village, plus the soldiers who died earlier, now only have four people left, scattered in the south and north of the village.

Liu Yuanqing, who was leaning behind the window in the house, understood that because he underestimated the enemy, he was deeply surrounded by the Japanese.

The general was killed in battle, and the earthen jar was broken at the well. He had been on the verge of death and was not very afraid of death.

Although he is wearing a Japanese military uniform, as long as he moves in the village, he will immediately attract Japanese bullets hidden in the dark.

The Japanese in the yard next to him were lying on the wall, watching over him.

It seems that the matter of climbing over this courtyard and touching the Japanese headquarters was ruined.

It's not long before dawn.

Liu Yuanqing's mind was like a cauldron exploding, with all kinds of thoughts popping up instantly.

No matter what I try, I can't move.

Dark night, calm.

But a wave of fear came over me like a frenzy.

Death is not scary.

I have been prepared in my heart, but actually facing death head-on and waiting for death in this shabby yard will make people have wild thoughts.

There was still unspeakable fear in my heart.

Dark night can hide people's whereabouts.

Then, just go crazy again before you die.

With trembling hands, he unloaded the magazine, took out all the bullets from the gun, but could not fill the magazine.

He lowered his head and walked around from under the window to the door, came to the guarding soldier beside the door, and whispered in a low voice: "You will open fire here to attract the Japanese in a while, and I will find a way to get to the roof."

The soldier who followed him lost his last bit of luck, but he had no regrets.

After the instructor goes to the roof, he will try to find a way to reach the next door, preferably if he can kill a Japanese, and then try to get the Japanese's grenade, and then...
Suddenly, at this fatal moment, the fire in the Japanese headquarters lit up again.

Immediately, there was a slight sound of military uniforms rubbing against the wall.

No, the little devil has climbed over the wall!
The devil's silence does not mean that he stays where he is and does nothing.

If enemy traces are found in an adjacent yard, a search team will still be organized when it is certain.

The footsteps of the Japanese who slid into the yard were light, but in the silent darkness after the rain stopped, they were still very clear.

The soldier felt a shiver in his heart, and quickly squatted down to change his position, squatting under the window and slowly probing his head.

The footsteps were familiar, a trio of Japanese soldiers.

Ba Da
The sound of metal hitting the Sanhetu ground was clearly audible.


There was a bright flash of light in the main room, followed by a ball of air carrying mud and sand, rushing out of the door and into the side room.
Bang bang bang.
There is no pause.

The muzzle of the flattened shell jumped horizontally, and the bullets that hit the fan-like shape rushed towards the two Japanese crouching in the yard.

The flash of the gun's muzzle immediately caused the Japanese lying on the wall to fire back.

Ba Gou'er. Ba Gou'er.
Bullets rang out, almost all whizzing into the window and around the flash of the gun.

Then, a grenade that smashed the hood hit the window accurately.

Liu Yuanqing, who had just climbed onto the roof, was lying on the roof tiles when he felt the roof tiles suddenly hit his body.

As it sank, several tiles fell.

The figures of the Japanese lying on the wall and shooting were clearly visible, at least seven or eight!

Fortunately, he was in a high position, so the Japanese didn't notice anyone on the roof for a while.

Liu Yuanqing didn't even dare to take a breath, his whole body was tense, and he could faintly hear his own frantic heartbeat.

The sound of gunfire can mask the sound of his movements.

Quickly crawling on the roof tiles, now I can only bet that the large tile house built by this family can bear the weight of my body.

He pulled back the brim of his hat and carefully poked his head.

If a Japanese soldier looked up at this time, he would definitely be able to see half of his head under the light coming from the headquarters.

With a normal person's thinking, they must think that the other party is in the room at this time.

The grenade thrown into the wing exploded.The smoke coming out of the roof tiles perfectly blocked half of Liu Yuanqing's head.

There was no time to wait any longer, and he didn't care how many Japs were in the yard.

The shell gun in his hand poked out.

The head of the Japanese lying on the wall was in a line.

Liu Yuanqing could not guarantee that the bullet would hit the front of the Japanese helmet that was constantly shaking.

Because, no matter how close the distance is, the bullet will bounce off the side of the Japanese helmet.

Bang bang bang bang.
The shell gun suddenly spat out tongues of flame.

Shooting a gun with both hands is definitely not accurate.

What Liu Yuanqing wants now is precision.

It must be ensured that every bullet can hit the target.

Two point shooting method!
In other words, he set each target at two bullets.

It is necessary to ensure that the trigger is pulled at the moment when the muzzle jumps, and there is no chance to think at all.

Reaching this level of shooting puts a lot of pressure on the right hand holding the shell gun.

You can only shoot by feel.

Twenty rounds of bullets were fired at a rate of four rounds per second.

At his current shooting speed, by the time the second double burst of bullets came out of the chamber, the Japs lying on the wall had already discovered someone on the roof.

Immediately raise the gun.

When the third double-shot bullet came out of the chamber, a Japanese was already aiming at him.

It took a little more than two seconds... Liu Yuanqing didn't dare to push too hard. When he fired the fourth double burst of bullets, he had already moved sideways and slid away from the yard wall.

The shell gun sticking out of the eaves in his hand did not stop.

The fifth double burst of bullets rushed towards the Japs who raised their guns.

The pitcher Ray's devil stared helplessly at the half face on the roof.

Half the face of death.

He hurriedly grabbed the rifle that was leaning against the wall at his feet.

This shrinking head just missed the bullets whizzing towards the roof at close range.

The head and the Japanese man next to him who were looking for a target but were shot first disappeared one after another behind the courtyard wall.

The Japanese are not afraid of death. No one can instinctively shrink their head when hearing the gunshot like Luo Fugui.

However, it was not easy to lean on the wall and turn the gun upward with your feet on the hole dug out in the wall. The two Japanese soldiers didn't step firmly on their feet and fell directly from the wall.

Eight Japs, at least five were hit!

Liu Yuanqing breathed a silent sigh of relief and jumped directly from the roof into the yard next door.

This jumping method is very dangerous because it is impossible to judge the position of the ground through eyesight in the dark night.

It's easy to break a leg.

The rolling method used by Liu Yuanqing.

It is impossible to determine the exact location of the Japanese.

The Japs must have also heard the sound of him jumping into the yard.

At this time, whoever strikes first will take advantage.

From the moment he touched the ground, the shell gun in Liu Yuanqing's hand had started firing.

The target is the approximate location from where the Japs fell previously.

Directly burn out the bullets in the shell gun.

Then he pulled out another shell gun and aimed it at the black figures he saw through the muzzle flash when he fired just now.

The bullets sounded like a violent storm.

Nearly thirty rounds of bullets finally took care of the three Japs.

Less than 15 seconds have passed!
Then, the sound of dense footsteps suddenly came from the Japs headquarters.

This time, the footsteps were more numerous and denser.

Liu Yuanqing held on to his aching body and, with some difficulty, rushed towards the eight Japanese soldiers who fell on the ground.

He wants a grenade!
Without grenades, it's nothing.
As time passed by, a Japanese helmet appeared on the wall of the headquarters yard next door to inspect the situation.
Under the helmet, his eyes could not see the situation in the yard next door.

I just felt black things flying over my head one after another.
It hit the yard behind me and made a rattling sound.
(End of this chapter)

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