under fire

Chapter 1582

The night rain finally became lighter.

The gunshots originally heading south suddenly disappeared.

The night before dawn is really dark.

Two spots of light appeared faintly in the dark night to the north.

Although Dirty Face's commanding ability is not very good, he has been in the army for many years and has seen a lot, so naturally he will not eat pigs with hair on them.

Immediately prepare your guerrillas for battle.

The guerrillas raised their guns and pulled the bolt, subconsciously aiming at the two light spots in the north.

Dirty Face, who acted as an observer in person, suddenly noticed that the two light spots seemed to be flickering.
He quickly shouted: "Attention, there is someone in front of that light!"

Chen Baji, who could not run much faster than he walked, was supported by two men, one foot higher and one foot lower, like a bereaved dog, heading south along the partially flooded path.

No one can keep running for a long time!
Seeing that the flashlight flash line following behind kept shaking.

Now there are only five people left.

Without waiting for Chen Baji's instructions, the two black figures stopped: "Brother, please leave quickly. We will stay and stop them for a while."

Chen Baji's face was livid, but he didn't expect that Zhao Haichen's ghost was still there.

His brothers risked their lives to distract the pursuers, but they still couldn't get away twice in a row.

Looking at the light spots getting closer and closer behind him, he seemed to have heard the footsteps of the pursuers.

It seemed that he was indeed doomed this time.

He immediately drew his gun and stretched out his right hand to push away his brother who was helping him: "Without me being involved, you will definitely be able to escape."

"Brother, we must die together!"

"Bullshit, if we all die, no one will burn paper for me during the New Year and Qingming Festival."

"Sister-in-law will burn it for you."

"Damn it, leave now, or I'll shoot you!"

"Hehe, even if you kill me, I won't go alone!" Black Shadow said while pulling out the shell gun: "We all said it when we sworn sworn brothers, we don't want to be born in the same year and the same month at the same time, but we want to die in the same year, the same month and the same day."

"Are you going to make me angry and die?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Even if we die, those people invited by Zhao Haichen can't hide the news." The man in black squatted on the ground and breathed heavily: "Brother, I really can't run anymore."

Chen Baji put the shell gun against his head: "If you keep talking nonsense, I will kill myself with one shot!"

"Oh, brother, why are you doing this again?"

"Brother." The four black figures exclaimed one after another. Big brother has done this before, but it was all to bluff people.

The barge gun jammed
Several dark figures rushed forward in a hurry.

Hua Huo has to act in full set
Chen Baji had a dark face. He had done this once before, but he didn't expect that his men were not afraid of him hitting him in the head with a gun.
The second master, who was originally planning to cut off his post, knew that given the current situation, it was impossible to escape with his injured eldest brother, so he immediately shouted in a deep voice: "Old Seven, you run fast, run south quickly, you must escape. Go out, go back to the ferry and give a message to the brothers. Also, if I die, you must take good care of my wife and children."

"I do not go!"

"Can I beg you?" The people on Cangzhou Road are hard-boned, and the second master immediately softened them up.

"No, I'm leaving. I'll stay with my eldest brother."

"Oh, what I said doesn't work anymore? If you die too, can you still expect someone to avenge our brother?"


"That's right, get out of here right now, or else I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost."

Dirty Face vaguely heard shouting coming from the darkness to the north: "Hey, it seems to be from the road."

The traffic officer pricked up his ears and his expression suddenly changed: "That voice sounds a bit like Chen Baji."

"What are you talking about? We are about to go to Chen Baji to borrow a gun from him?" Dirty Face was stunned for a moment: "Didn't you say they were guarding the canal ferry?"

"Don't say anything, don't shoot, everyone, they should be coming soon."


A dark figure hurried southward, still muttering something.

I can't hear clearly what Lin is talking about.

The man came wearing black clothes and black trousers, with a black scarf on his head.If it hadn't been for the sound of this guy's footsteps being heard after the rain had stopped, he probably wouldn't have been able to be spotted even ten meters away from the road.

"Stop, we are the Eighth Route Army, we will not kill you if we turn down our guns!"

The black shadow fell directly into the puddle on the side of the road: "Don't shoot, my eldest brother is Chen Baji, and I know you Fei Si Ling."

When the traffic officer heard the voice, he immediately became happy and quickly got up from the ground and approached the shadow: "Master Qi? I am your old Uncle Liu."

"Uncle Liu? Is that you?" The black shadow walked away from the ground: "Great, hurry up, help me go to the back and save my elder brother, he is injured.
Following the muddy water left by the escapees, more and more bandit soldiers were gathering in pursuit.

Zhao Haichen originally planned to stabilize Chen Baji first, but some people who arrived late finally arrived.

"There are bloodstains here, they are right in front!" the bandit spies shouted loudly.

"Kill Chen Baji and reward him with a thousand gold coins!" Zhao Haichen, who followed closely, suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and offered another high reward.

Large areas of wasteland were filled with running bandit soldiers.

Chen Baji, who originally thought he had encountered reinforcements, came to the side of the road.

When I heard that there were only about thirty guerrillas on the side of the road, I was immediately dumbfounded.

He pointed at the traffic officer’s nose and yelled: “Damn it, get out of here before those bastards notice you!”

The traffic officer was stunned for a moment: "Platoon Leader Zhang said that there are not many pursuers behind you."

"It's really not much, at least four NO.50 at least. You guys... forget it. Since you are not afraid of death, then give it a try with them."

After saying that, Chen Baji turned around and asked the second master in a low voice: "Second brother, how many bullets do we have?"

"It's basically all gone, brother, let's fight!" Of course the second boss saw the crisis in front of him.

There is a lack of ammunition now, and it’s not like he doesn’t know the virtues of the Eighth Route Army. Anyone with more than ten rounds of ammunition can be regarded as the main force.

Not to mention these guerrillas.

I have to say that Dirty Face is definitely a model soldier. Although Chen Baji was full of doubts about the guerrillas, he ignored them and asked the guerrillas to prepare for battle in a staged ambush.

A flashlight with a black light cannot cover a very large area.

Most of the ground was submerged in water, and the soldiers protruding from the wings to the north could only squat in the water.

The layout of the face is not complicated, with one class for the front and one class for each side.

It seems that there is no concern that more than ten people will not be able to stop No. [-].

The roadbed above the highway is a completely natural trench!

Release people to both wings, and the bandit soldiers from Cangzhou Road will surround them from both wings.

A simple ambush battle.

Of course, he also has Xiao Jiujiu in his heart.

The bandit soldiers chased for more than half an hour. People are not machines and they will get tired.

Now, waiting for work, even though the opponent has a lot of manpower, if they are suddenly hit by a few shuttles, it is only a matter of time before the team collapses.

After a long career in the military, he knew the moral character of those Taoist sects very well.

On the actual battlefield, a group of peaks rush forward. As long as they are hit by a few shuttles, ten or eight more people will die. Seeing the fierce firepower of the opponent, their subsequent performance will definitely be worse than that of the puppet army!
It is very similar to the scene where a squad of little Japanese soldiers are chasing and beating a national army.

Dirty Face lay on the paved raincoat on the south side of the highway, propped up the rifle on one elbow and tried it out.

"This injury heals so damn slowly" he muttered, feeling a dull pain from the injured area on his back.

The second boss muttered to the traffic officer for a long time, and finally turned to look at the dirty face lying on the ground: "Brother Zhang, are you really sure?"

"Are you sure?" Dirty Face shook his head in the darkness, and then slowly put down the rifle: "You have to try it to know."

"Try?" The second master was a little confused: "Human life is a matter of heaven and earth, you want to give it a try?"

"The bandits thought there were only a few of you!" Dirty Face said seriously: "They will underestimate the enemy, but what we are doing is an ambush. It shouldn't be a problem to defeat these puppet troops by surprise."

"You are the guerrillas who are not as good as you with three shots and eight attacks? Do you want to defeat Zhao Haichen?" The second master looked depressed and didn't believe it.

If his physical strength hadn't been nearly exhausted earlier, he would have really wanted to run away at this moment.
"Even a little devil, in front of me, can only cry for father and mother," Dirty Face replied seriously.

If I can save Chen Baji's life this time, I guess there won't be much of a problem in borrowing a gun from him!
Dirty Face may not have expected that he dared to stage an ambush because according to what Chen Baji said, the number of pursuers behind him did not include those who had just arrived from Zhao Haichen.

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