under fire

Chapter 1583

Chapter 1583
The enemy is facing a formidable enemy, and some people have sleepless nights.

Some people can still sleep soundly without any heart.

The heavy rain turned into light rain.

Su Qing took Officer Ai to say goodbye to Park Buhuan and the middle-aged man.

Su Qing refused Park Buhuan's request to arrange an escort.

More than thirty intelligence agents who could speak three languages ​​followed the monkey and quickly left south.

The escort team consisted of people drawn from the militia of the ninth battalion, plus three veteran squad leaders, barely making up a platoon.

Walking to the entrance of the village, a huge black figure, one big, two small and four small, stood against the wall.

The monkey who came first stood on the left side of Hu Yi, and the girl stood on the right side, scratching her ears and cheeks and muttering.

We parted after a brief meeting.

The two generals Heng Ha stood on their left and right, Hu Yi didn't know what he should say at this time.

However, the careless Luo Fugui next to him was discerning: "Sister Su, I will sponsor you a light machine gun..."

After speaking, he pointed at the machine gun that Zi was holding and shouted: "Spare barrel, two hundred bullets..."

Xiao Hongying was rare and generous: "Hu...Sister Su Qing, this is my favorite flower-eye masturbation, I give it to you."

Su Qing was stunned for a moment and took the heavy pistol.

Suddenly, he remembered that he had pointed such a pistol at him.
"Thank you." I felt sour for no reason.

"Thank you." Xiao Hongying waved her left arm.

Then he pulled off the big bag hanging on his right arm and handed it to Qianjiu who was standing next to Su Qing. He lowered his voice and muttered: "There are French currency, Japanese military notes and bird yuan. When you use up, ask someone to send a message."

"No one in the business will accept this thing now, it's useless." Zhangjiu took it and was complaining, when he suddenly felt that there were small square pieces in the cylindrical thing at the bottom of the baggage.
I immediately understood that they were oceans and gold bars.

He quickly hung the baggage on his back and carefully tightened the rope.

After dealing with Jiuying for so long, he knew it very well.

Su Qing next to her immediately thought that Xiao Hongying had put some private goods in the bag.

But I felt a little worried in my heart.

Those who are intercepted and seized privately will be severely dealt with according to the regulations of the Eighth Route Army!

The lightest case could be expulsion, the worst case might be shot!

Ai Ganshi, who was walking next to him, was very preoccupied. A little girl casually took out a fancy-eye roller?
This is too much!

He didn't know the secret of the baggage. When he saw Su Qing saying goodbye to the three shadows, his thoughts were too busy for many leaders to notice, and he didn't notice any more details.

To be honest, he felt a lot of pressure. He had worked diligently in the intelligence department of the headquarters for many years.

Last year, the headquarters was besieged and suppressed by the Japanese and suffered heavy losses, so he was promoted.

This time he finally had the opportunity to work behind enemy lines. He secretly vowed to rebuild an efficient intelligence system network.

I greeted the comrade next to me who took the monkey and handed over the light machine gun to Cao Shangfei. Unfortunately, this comrade kept sneezing while carrying the machine gun.
I heard from other people that this person came here in the rain last night to deliver the code book. Maybe he caught a cold from the rain.
Su Qing turned around and walked into the darkness.

Officer Ai stopped on the side of the road to wait. When he saw Su Qing following him, he immediately lowered his voice: "Hello, Captain Su, I'm here for the first time and I have a secret mission."

Su Qing was stunned for a moment: "What instructions?"

"Follow the latest instructions from our superiors and investigate the spies who have infiltrated our intelligence system."

Su Qing was shocked: "You mean, there are spies in our intelligence system?"

"That's not true, because there was an assassination at the headquarters, and a new document was issued in northern Shaanxi, requiring a major review of the comrades in the team to ensure the purity of the team!"

Su Qing's heart was in turmoil. Could it be that we were going to launch a counter-revolution again?
I couldn't help but slow down and look at the backs of Fei Shang and Kao Jiu walking in front of me...

Something is not quite right!
Do you want to inform the little girl?
Logically speaking, the relationship between my own organization and the independent group is not
It's just that... I once worked with Comrade Lin Yi.

It's very possible that she... deliberately arranged for Director Ai to take the risk to find her.
Otherwise, why would such an important task fall on the independent group?

The ninth battalion was so strong in combat that they were registered in the division.

Frequent violations of regulations cannot be hidden from the honest eyes of the former enemy headquarters...

Maybe she warned herself in this way on purpose?
The current situation is very difficult, and doing the things at hand first is more important than anything else...

The ground was muddy and difficult to walk on.

Still thinking about it...

Although she doubted the ability of Director Ai, who came from the headquarters and lacked practical work experience, she did not reject it.

For the Eighth Route Army, educated talents are rare.

But intelligence work doesn't happen overnight.

It is even more impossible to send people to infiltrate the important intelligence departments of the Japanese in a short period of time!
The more than 30 intelligence agents from foreign countries arranged by the headquarters were obviously not professional.There are more than 30 intelligence agents who can speak bird language, making it easier to get information about the Japanese.

Entering various industries as an exile is not too difficult, but it does not play a big role.

My thoughts return to work and my mind becomes clear quickly.

First arrange a group of people to enter the Yanxian County Station of the Jaap Railway through Li Youcai's relationship.

Then, by cutting nine, these people were infiltrated into various gun tower strongholds at the end of the Japanese forces.

The muddy water on the ground remains.

Chen Baji, who was being hunted, was like a bereaved dog.

The remaining eight died one after another.

The nerves of the congregants who had been chasing all the way south began to slacken.

He started cursing the guy who was setting up a dojo on the ground with a flashlight.

The team that had spread out, just ran over to the south and finished!

The person using the flashlight was unaware that he was relying on his rich experience to carefully study the traces on the ground and judge the distance of the escapees based on the turbidity of the water.

The flashlight light stopped, and the bandit waited for a moment before the guy cautiously raised his head, looked south through the darkness and affirmed: "They left here within 10 minutes!".

There were already bandit soldiers around this man. When he heard this man speaking, he immediately raised his rifle at an angle and continued to pursue southward.

The wilderness is silent.

When I pulled out the soles of my shoes that were stuck in the mud, the sound of footsteps made an exaggerated sound.
The dirty face lying on the road exhaled with relief: "More than a hundred bandit soldiers!"

In the eyes of different people, the mood when looking at the same thing is completely different.

Chen Baji's second-in-command said in a trembling tone: "How about we withdraw?"

Dirty Face relaxed: "I really don't know how you became the second in command. Are you afraid of the Hundreds of Bandits?"

"Our people have very little training, and many brothers have never been on a real battlefield before today." The second master looked sincere.

"That's okay, you can just watch it later."

"What I mean is that the guys chasing us are ruthless. They even dared to fight against the Japanese in the past. Moreover, they really surrendered to the Japanese this time." The second master became more and more excited as he spoke, and his body almost straightened up.

Dirty Face was kicked hard on the thigh, and then he fell to the ground.

Dirty Face's tense nerves have long since relaxed. If the people on Cangzhou Road compete with each other, they must hide as far away as possible.

But when it comes to fighting with guns, facing these heroes with eyes on the top of their heads, he can beat ten of them one by one!
Amidst the dense footsteps to the north, the shouts mixed with the footsteps could be clearly heard.

The second boss felt that his thigh was in burning pain after being kicked.

Stiffness in the knee and elbow joints.

The blood seemed to be coagulated.

My scalp felt numb as if it was about to split.

Tremblingly, he clutched the speed machine that had been with him for many years.

Looking north, there was a loud noise in my ears, my expression was nervous, and my teeth were chattering.

The dirty face next to him shook his head and smiled: "Can you stop being so nervous? It makes me want to pee."

To him, it seemed that he had already seen the ending of the chasing heroes, and even heard the sigh of death.

Next to him, Chen Baji did not give up his desire to survive.

The stinging pain in his back affected his brain activity.

My brain is a little overloaded. At this time, shouldn't I retreat?

But seeing that the guy commanding the guerrillas was calm and composed, it was obviously not a good thing.

Meeting them in a desperate situation gave me hope of survival.

There would be something wrong if I ran away now...

In the flash of lightning, he felt as if he had lost himself because of the deaths of his brothers.

He took a deep breath: "Um, Platoon Leader Zhang, right?"

"If there's anything else, let's talk about it after I finish beating them."

"In the future, can you help...train my brothers?"

"It shouldn't be difficult to find a veteran to train you these days, right?" Dirty Face was stunned for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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