under fire

Chapter 1584 The powerful dragon crushes the local snake

Guantao is the territory of Cangzhou Road.

This was true in the pre-Ming Dynasty, and it was also true in the pre-Qing Dynasty.

It was still like this during the Republic of China.

After the little devil called, it was still like this
Even in troubled times, these guys still believe in their opinions!
This is the territory of local snakes. If a tiger comes, it has to lie down, and if a dragon comes, it has to coil up.

It is not anyone else's turn to intervene in the internal affairs of Cangzhou Road.

Whether it was the Central Plains War many years ago or the Zhili War, no one dared to ignore the existence of Cangzhou Road.

Because martial arts is a common practice in this land and the folk customs are strong.

The person who was good at tracking said that Chen Baji couldn't run far, so just chase him slowly.

Bang, bang, bang, bang...

The very familiar rhythm of a broken gun. It is the unique sound of an old slide that has been almost worn flat.

The bullets roared towards the crowd, passing wildly around the crowd.

By the side.


There was a roar everywhere.

There was a continuous thud, and the gunshot sounded, so you fell to the ground, the first step to save your life.

He immediately fell into a large puddle and muddy ground.

There was a hapless person who was slow to move. His body blocked the path of the flying warhead, and the two sides merged into one with a pop.

Perhaps because it did not hit the bone, the warhead was not greatly hindered and directly penetrated the tissue and brought out a canopy of liquid.

In the dark night before dawn, the flashes of light one after another made the pupils of the people lying on the ground dilate instantly.

Finally, some smart people understood that this was not something Chen Baji's men could cause.

He quickly shouted: "No, there's an ambush ahead."

Then he raised his gun and fired randomly towards the dazzling gunfire.
Anyone who has been ambushed can see it.

Voices shouting "ambushed" kept coming and going.

Regardless of whether what he shouted was nonsense or not, he had to shout loudly to relieve the fear in his heart.

Bullets don't have eyes. Maybe if you blink, the bullet will complete its mission, but it will kill you.

Only if you lie down on the ground, the possibility of getting shot is almost zero.
Those old sleeves in the south seem to have maintained a certain frequency.

It seems to be different from the situation where bandits often hear gunshots and then break into chaos.

More than a dozen painful screams resounded in the dark night.

A picture appeared in everyone's mind: bullets like mad dogs tore the bodies of the screaming brothers bloody.

The fire of return fire continues to shine
Finally, someone noticed something was wrong. The brothers who fought back would be shot and scream in agony as soon as they fired.

The opponent's bullets seemed to have eyes in the dark night
A terrifying thought came to my mind: There is a sharpshooter!

How the hell do you fight?
The bandit soldiers may not have received professional training, but they are not stupid.

He fought back and stopped shooting immediately.

The shameless ambusher sharpshooter on the opposite side couldn't find the target and immediately stopped shooting.

dark night.


In the muddy ground caused by internal waterlogging, nothing could be heard except the screams of the unlucky ones who had been shot and the sounds of their own breathing and heartbeats.

Even those who are usually brave don't dare to raise their guns and go south to fight.

The guy in the dark is so accurate with his marksmanship.
Bandit soldiers are soldiers, but they are not considered soldiers.

This time they were lucky because their opponents had dirty faces and this time had no machine guns in their hands.

Otherwise, after a few shuttles, the guy lying on the ground would have turned around and fled.


Confidence mostly comes from past experience.

Dirty Face thought that it shouldn't be a problem if he was blind, calculating and unintentional, firing more than ten rifles from the front, emptying the magazine with five bullets, and covering up ten or eight.

There is not much difference between the enemy gathering into a group and shooting at them randomly and the sharpshooters opening fire.

The bandits actually fired back, giving him the opportunity to kill his targets one by one.

The rifle in his hand kept shining, and after every bullet, you could almost hear the screams not far away.
Zhao Haichen is very smart and understands that in a dark situation, it is better to protect one's life and prevent chaos than to take the lead, so he has always walked at the back of the team.

Suddenly attacked, Zhao Haichen thought at first that it was just Chen Baji who was stubbornly resisting like the previous times.

The sound of the old muzzle shot made him feel unsure.

Did he hear wrongly or was he hallucinating?
If you open your ears without blinking, you will hear and see nothing.

I should have known earlier that Chen Baji only brought thirteen people with him this time.

All he had on him were shell guns.

Eight of his men were killed on the road.

There should be only five of him left now. Counting the muzzle flashes from the front, it seems that there are still thirteen.
Could it be that he saw a ghost?

We must find out what happened!
Chen Baji dared to stop, even if there were more than ten people, it would not be enough in front of his brother No. [-].It is said that people who practice martial arts generally have low IQs, which actually makes sense.

It is much more direct to use force to achieve the goal in the long term than to use tactics.

If a group of brothers gathers for a group fight, Zhao Haichen must be a top player.

But he is really not good at commanding battles.

Previously, there were more people than Chen Baji, and they had a dark advantage. Any ambush would be full of holes.

However, he still proudly believed that he was better than Chen Baji.

Bandit soldiers are also soldiers.

Therefore, a bandit soldier hurriedly crawled back in the mud to report the situation.

The person he reports to is the person next to him who wants to get rich.

The two of them murmured slightly, which roughly meant that the identity of the ambusher was unknown.

There seemed to be only a dozen people on the opposite side, but the one who wanted to get rich had a sweet dream, and it would not be interrupted by this accident.

He felt he had figured out the situation.

He immediately shouted and ordered his men to spread out their wings.

Frustrated from the front, outflanked from both sides
Everyone knows this tactic!
Seeing the black figures running to both sides, they quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Zhao Haichen was startled for no reason, and suddenly felt that something was not right.

He kept fiddling with the shell gun in his hand, thinking deeply about it for a long time, but he couldn't figure out the reason.

Could it be possible that the Eighth Route Army was involved in this matter?
The Eighth Route Army is not afraid of death, and their fighting ability is not very good, but even the little devils have headaches.

I have heard of the custom of fighting on an eight-pronged basis. Usually, they would shoot one round and then rush in for a bayonet fight.

He would also shout that he would not kill him if he handed over his gun...

This did not happen, so it can be ruled out that the road ahead is the Eighth Route.

The most likely possibility is that Chen Baji has arranged for someone to take care of him here.
In the dark night, he couldn't see anything but gunfire. Maybe it was because he had been traveling around the world for many years, but he couldn't help but have a thought in his mind: Keep the green hills here, so you don't have to worry about running out of firewood.

There were so many people there that it seemed a disgrace to just run away.
Random thoughts.

bang bang bang
Shots were fired almost simultaneously on the east and west sides.

The sound of gunfire became intense instantly.

The shell gun and the old sleeve make such a happy sound.

The flash of muzzle flash was dazzling.

Light tears through the darkness.

With a dirty face and dirty brows, he lay on the south road and looked at the two wings in the dark night.

He was watching the flashes of fire and return fire.

After a while, he suddenly turned around and said, "Those bastards from the front are here again, so listen up. This time, they'll greet you with shell guns and grenades. I'll scare them out of their wits."

Is this playing house?The second-in-command, who was not far away from Dirty Face, thought this was so fucking incredible.

With more than ten people blocking more than a hundred people head-on?

Those bastards Zhao Haichen really did what Platoon Leader Zhang said and surrounded them on both sides.

Then, a dozen guerrillas pressed those bastards who spread their wings directly into the puddle and rubbed them?
The guerrillas ambushing on both sides, according to Dirty Face's arrangement, immediately rolled on the spot after firing.

Then pull the bolt.

Push the bolt and load the bullet.

Then raise the gun, aim at the muzzle flash when the opponent fires back, aim and then fire.

After firing a bullet, he rolled around in the muddy ground.

Repeat the action of pulling the bolt, pushing the bullet and loading the gun, and shoot again.

After five rounds of bullets, except for the strange screams of the bastards who were shot, the gunfire slowly became quiet.

The guerrillas who rolled into mud figures in the puddles and mud began to have time to mutter...

"It's not a good idea to fight like this."

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and get guns and bullets." The squad leader next to him acted calmly at this time.

In fact, he was very nervous and kept wiping the sweat from his palms on his clothes.

A group of three people were crawling on the ground, two of them were on guard, and one of them stepped forward.

He seemed a little worried about running into the muzzle of a bandit who had not been shot.

"What if they shoot at me?"

"This is a fool. If he dares to shoot, we will avenge you!" The guerrillas covering both sides immediately replied.

"Uh, let's agree first, let's take turns."

"What are you afraid of? We won't shoot in the dark. No one can see who is talking. The squad leader and the others are not holding fire sticks."

"If I can get more bullets this time, I won't let any of those bastards go back!"

"Can you please stop bragging?" The vigilant soldier listened to the screams in front and crawled even more vigorously. (End of chapter)

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