under fire

Chapter 1585: Surprise at the Ferry


Among the heroes in the green forest of Bandit State Road, there are also people who are loyal and brotherly.

A bandit soldier was bandaging his companions regardless of the danger in the darkness ahead.

Wrap a large circle of gauze around the injured man's muddy body.

The injured man had the butt of the rifle on his back pointing upwards, and the muzzle of the gun was pressed directly into the mud.

As for whether the barrel of the gun will explode due to mud on the muzzle when I shoot it later, I haven’t thought about it that much for the time being.

The bandits stared nervously at the darkness ahead.

The two sides were in a stalemate.


The bandit soldiers were no match for the little devils. They were suddenly ambushed, and a dozen of their men were slightly or seriously injured. They simply fell to the ground and fought back.

Because there is a sharpshooter in the south.

That guy is a master.

If you shoot once and change the location, the gun will be accurate.

Several brothers with good marksmanship followed past experience and fired at the flash of fire, but they failed to blind the guy, and instead got themselves in.

Even if the golden bell is used horizontally, it can't stop the gun.

A soldier's goal on the battlefield is simple: kill the enemy.

Real bravery without fear of death.

Many of the heroes in the forest have families and businesses. Once they lose the ball, their mother-in-law will be suppressed by others, and their sons will have to take someone else's surname.

As for those of my best friends, they would only enjoy themselves in the crotch of other brothers.

How the hell can you stand this?

Seeing the injured brothers being sent to the back, the little leader lying on the ground felt relieved.

The brothers who were surrounded from both sides seemed to have been ambushed.

As a party with a large number of people, they were suddenly trapped in the mud and unable to move.

The other party shot and moved to another place, making it even more difficult for him to judge how many people there were.

Some people turned around to take a peek, or asked each other about familiar people nearby. It seemed that not many people had been shot.

All the injured were carried away, of course not many.
The green forest heroes gradually began to whisper: "Which fucking guy is this guy from, how dare he fight against us?"

"Biting dogs don't bark. These guys just hit them and they stopped. It's not easy to deal with."

"That guy's shooting skills are amazing!"

Then someone suggested to the little boss: "Third Leader, how about we ask each other which path he is on?"

"Just asking, it's obviously Chen Baji's."

"Impossible, Chen Baji's men definitely don't have such good shooting skills."

"It doesn't cost money to ask. Maybe the other party just bumped into Chen Baji here by chance?"

The Third Master thought this was a good idea, and immediately raised his voice: "I'm in the lower hall, Tao, trying to fool Jianglong. My friends across the street, we have no grudges at all, we are all just trying to make ends meet. Chen Baji colluded with outsiders to kill him." Brother, the big dragon has issued a pursuit order, you must keep your eyes peeled."

"Oops! It turns out that it's the Third Master under Master Qi. He's disrespectful and disrespectful. A flood has really washed away the Dragon King Temple!" The traffic officer immediately pinched his nose and replied: "What are you talking about Chen Baji, we haven't seen it."

When the little boss heard this, he was stunned for a moment: "You guys haven't seen me?"

"I never saw it. I swear to God, I lied to you. You will kill your whole family," the traffic officer shouted, combining the two words "you".

These days, most people don't swear easily, because it will come true.

The head of the third party let out a sigh of relief: "It turned out to be a misunderstanding. However, you did not do it in an honest way when you attacked our brothers."

"Hey, we were on our way, and a bunch of you suddenly rushed up and started shooting. You can't blame us."

"What are you talking about? It was obviously you who shot first, okay?"

"Don't open your eyes and tell lies, it was you who did it!"

"They are deliberately stalling for time!" There were many smart people among the heroes in the forest, and they whispered to the third master. "What?" The third master turned around.

"From the accent of that guy, he is a local. Think about it, if Chen Baji could run away, he would have disappeared long ago. It is definitely not an accident that these people appear here. I think they must have hidden them. ."

"It makes sense." The third master nodded.

"So, I think, first find two brothers to open fire, attract the opponent's sharpshooter to open fire, and then throw two grenades to kill that bastard."

The heroes next to them were startled. Whoever shot was the one who got shot. They subconsciously moved their bodies to the side to get further away from the third master's house.

"Sai Zhuge, you have a good idea. Now go south and shoot!" The third master looked around and moved to the side: "Erdanzi, throw a grenade with me!"

The man nicknamed Sai Zhuge didn't think anything was wrong. He raised the rifle a little higher and fired randomly towards the south. The opponent would definitely not be able to hit him!
Immediately pull the bolt and raise the gun.

The muzzle flashed violently.

Bang bang bang.
Not far away, shots were fired back.

The Third Master was stunned for a moment, why the hell were there three places for someone to fire back?
What the hell, just pick a random target and drop the bomb.

He forgot that there was a delay after the grenade was fired.

As for holding it in your hand and waiting for two seconds, you absolutely cannot do that.

Boom. Boom.
The unfortunate dirty face was covered in mud.

I couldn't help but feel nervous, having underestimated these heroes.

The recruits left the queue and faced west in embarrassment. The instructor Tiedan turned his head to look at the soldiers on the side of the playground and wondered: What is Captain Hu doing... He really has a fight with the Japanese military police.


In the dark night.

A series of dark figures, running against the wind.

Small and lonely.

His sloppy outfit was covered in mud, and the color was indistinguishable.

Hold the shell holster across your back with one hand to prevent it from bumping against your body when running.

It's still late summer, but I feel the cold wind blowing.

The further south you go, the emptier it gets.

To the east is my hometown.

"It's said that Big Dragon Head is ruthless, but I didn't expect that he could actually do something to his own people. This time, we must fight him to the end!" The angry shouts of unwillingness floated far away in the dark night.

Finally smelled the familiar water vapor of the canal.

There was a faint light in the distance.

There is the ferry, there is my own home.

The shadow was already exhausted, but still quickened his pace: "I hope Master Ba and the others will be safe and sound."

Chen Baji asked him to go back and shake people, and he had already begun to think about which brothers to bring.

The light in the distance is getting closer.

There was a gunshot from the direction of the light.

Crisp and vague, a bit like the sound of New Year firecrackers.

I quickened my pace again and finally turned onto a familiar road. When I saw the familiar sign on the side of the road, I realized that I was still far away from the ferry.
Something's wrong, the light in the distance doesn't come from the lantern on the ferry watchtower!

Another gunshot came from the east.

In the darkness ahead, there seemed to be a figure running towards him desperately.

Quickly squat to the edge of the road.

When the black shadow came closer, he suddenly stood up: "Stop!"

When the black shadow heard the sound in front of him, he was frightened to death and immediately fell down on the spot.

Hearing that voice was very familiar, he suddenly came to his senses and cried loudly: "Fourth brother, you are back and something bad has happened."

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