under fire

Chapter 1586 Avoid attack and defense in the dark night

Chapter 1586 Avoid attack and defense in the dark night
"Wang Yi, tell me to make a long story short, what happened at the ferry?" Fourth brother asked sharply.

"Almost two hours ago, the county security team surrounded the ferry, then blew up the village gate. After entering the village, they killed people and set fire to the houses." Wang Yi held a shell gun without bullets in his hand, his eyes filled with pain and sadness. Force yourself to calm down.

"The Guard?"

"That's right, the leader is Er Longtou."

"How many brothers escaped?"

"I don't know the exact number. The gate of the village was bombed, and the brothers immediately ransacked the guys. Then the situation turned bad, and the sister-in-law asked the brothers' family members to get on a boat and escape to the other side of the canal."

"Where's sister-in-law?"

"The bastards from the security team threw grenades and killed Brother Fourteen. He led his brothers and forced a bloody road. Later, those guys from the security team kept chasing him, and the brothers were all scattered."

"These sons of bitches."

"Well, if they hadn't brought the dogs, they would never have been able to catch up with me."

"Wait a minute, you said they had a dog with them?" The black shadow named Fourth Brother had a numb scalp and secretly wanted to retreat. Unfortunately, he ran for a long time and was already exhausted. Now he knows that the other party has a dog with him, so he is in big trouble. Already?

"Let's go! With the strength of the two of us, even an ambush can't deal with so many people." Wang Yi sounded a little panicked when he heard the sound of a dog barking in the distance.

He was chased for a long time, but he was also at the end of his efforts.
The fourth brother secretly cursed in his heart. He didn't retreat now. Instead of being chased and shot in the back, he might as well fight with guns in front of him, fight one to make a difference, fight two to hit the other, aroused his pride for a moment, and decided to fight to the death: "You are afraid of being blind and blind." What? Let’s ambush him."

"Fourth brother is still so powerful. Being in the dark will help us sneak attack, huh! I, Wang Yi, am not a person who shrinks from battle." Wang Yi shouted quickly: "Fourth brother, do you still have bullets?"

The fourth brother steeled himself and took out the last ten-round short magazine from his body and handed it to Wang Yi: "I don't have many bullets in my gun. This is the last magazine. Save it."

Wang Yi took the magazine, felt a little relieved, inserted the magazine into the speed machine with trembling hands, and then lowered his voice: "There were more than a dozen chasing us, and the other brothers tried their best to cut off my back, killing at least six or seven of them. !”

"In other words, there are less than ten security teams chasing him?" The fourth brother looked at the boundless darkness in the east.

Wang Yi thought carefully for a while: "There should be less than eight!"

After saying a few words, the security team members chasing after him appeared.

Two dark figures continued to squat in the ditch on the roadside.

Wait quietly for the ferocious enemy chasing after you with your dog.

.A burst of dog barking suddenly appeared.

He followed a few black figures chasing after him and slowed down: "Dahu, be quiet!"

Another voice sounded surprised: "Hey, why is that guy missing?"

"No, Dahu seems to have found the target."

With the low barking of dogs, the two people hiding in the darkness became energetic.

At this time, the rain had completely stopped, and although the dark clouds had not completely dispersed, the starlight in the sky began to penetrate the night.

Even so, in the dark night, it was still difficult to see the exact number of people coming.

The distance between the two parties can only be judged by the other party's conversation and the damn dog's whine.

The fourth brother focused his attention on the approaching police team.

The pursuing party did not release the dogs because they could not catch up with the four legs.

The dog named Dahu was dragging him forward, and the guy holding the dog's leash obviously didn't dare to run too fast. He understood the principle that the first bird will be killed first, and the first bird will die first.

The possibility of getting shot if you run too fast is really too high.

Feeling that Dahu was getting more and more restless, the man pulling the leash suddenly realized something was wrong after having owned dogs for many years.

I have a bad heart!

The guy who escaped didn't keep running, he was probably just ahead!

Thinking of this, let go of the dog leash immediately!

Dahu, who had been swaying forward, suddenly felt that the rope around his neck was no longer restrained. He immediately stretched his legs, spread his legs, and rushed towards the two people hiding in the darkness with his dog's mouth barking.

"How dare a beast dare to be so presumptuous in front of me!" The fourth brother was overjoyed. He fed him snacks on dog meat until he grew up, killing countless dogs.

From the dog's cheerful barking, it was immediately clear that the person holding the dog had let go of the leash for some unknown reason.

Only dogs led by security guards are a threat. Dogs that dare to charge at you will only end up in the casserole.

Suddenly someone in the distance shouted: "Er Gou! Why did you let the big tiger go?"

"The guy who escaped may be in front!"

This further confirmed the fourth brother’s judgment.

He immediately put away the shell gun and pulled out a short dagger from his waist.

In an instant, a black shadow arrow rushed towards the fourth brother who had already stood up and bent over.Dogs are always beasts.

When he heard the subtle sound of the opponent's feet deliberately moving, he instinctively jumped up and opened his mouth and bared his teeth about two meters away.

The barking stopped immediately.

Standard pouncing action.

The fourth brother thought that this dog was really stupid, so he judged the distance by hearing the barking sound of the approaching dog.

Hearing the whistling sound, he kicked off his right leg with full strength and moved his body quickly to the left, but the dagger in his hand stayed in place.

I finally saw the dark figure coming towards me.

The powerful right wall slightly adjusted the position of the dagger tip in his hand.

A burst of long-lost strength came.

The dagger was inserted directly from the dog's eye into the dog's brain.
The fingers holding the dagger loosened instantly.

He has done this action countless times
The big tiger that fell into the ditch beside the road has turned into a twitching corpse
Feeling that the opportunity was unmissable, Wang Yi opened fire immediately.

A shot went off.

A bullet shot through the night.

Shoot the security team member running behind.

At this time, the distance between the two sides is at least 20 meters!

Upon hearing the gunfire, the security team members immediately stopped and jumped off the road to the side.

The ground is covered with mud. Although it is safe to throw yourself to the ground, it is not very comfortable to be covered in mud.
As the dog ran forward, the security team members noticed something was wrong.

He could have avoided the bullets, but Wang Yi knew the details of these dogs' daily training.

The shot was deliberately missed slightly, so although a guard member avoided the first bullet, he was unable to dodge the second one that rushed towards him.

The bullet passed through his waist, causing the unlucky man to scream miserably and fall into the ditch on the highway.

It's a pity that this shot failed to hit the vital point, but it is basically impossible for this guy to have combat effectiveness.

At this time, there were six or seven people jumping into the mud beside the road.

They exclaimed in unison and quickly raised their guns to fight back.

In groups of three, they rushed towards Fourth Master and Wang Yi's hiding place.

Use more to defeat less, and be sure to crush them.

The police force was actually still bandit soldiers, swarming up in the same way as in the past.

Unfortunately, Fourth Master is the same type as them.

Having been around the world for a long time, as the saying goes, no one can enter the jungle, and he will understand the truth.

The night is scarier than the woods. These guys try to use their overwhelming numbers to destroy their opponents' confidence.

In the dark night, avoid attacking and use defense.

The two groups met in the dark.

Both sides have their own strengths.

The garrison is different from the general army in that it has many shells.

Charge and fire at the same time.

For a moment, gunfire flashed in the darkness and guns flew around.

Fourth brother and Wang Yi were lying on the ground. The area affected by the bullets was small. They seemed to be passive, but in fact they were active.

Before shooting, you will not be shot randomly by the enemy.

On the offensive side, fire collectively to maintain fire suppression, a textbook standard.

The mistake was that they shouldn't have rushed up in a swarm to seek death.

"We are happy to meet each other on a narrow road, and we are not afraid of death." The fourth brother raised his rifle again and hid behind the dead dog lying on the road: "Death early, reincarnation early, hurry like the law."

"Fourth brother, reincarnation is a Buddhist theory." Wang Yi, who was extremely nervous, couldn't help but tremble.

"Put it closer and then hit!"

(End of this chapter)

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