under fire

Chapter 1587 The world is cold

The fourth brother originally planned to fight the opponent, but the opponent suddenly let go of the dog and he had to be exposed in advance.

Fighting an ambush is not easy.

It's impossible to aim at the target in the dark, and the gun doesn't have long eyes. Whether it can hit the opponent depends entirely on blindness.

Facing the opponent's dense bullets, Wang Yi felt the harsh sound of breaking through the air, whizzing past his head and side.

The attacking side has many people, guns, and bullets. Whether they can survive or not can only be left to God.

Fortunately, it was dark night. After shooting, he rolled into a ditch by the road, so he had the capital to fight with the other party.

There are only two people on his side and there are not enough bullets. Just firing a shot will attract bullets in return.

Don't shoot randomly.

The security team members were not stupid. They had already been prepared for the attack of the guy in the dark.

Relying on the strength of their numbers, they were ready to beat that guy into a hornet's nest in one fell swoop.

Until now, the people in the security team have not figured out that the other party is two people.

Seeing that the opponent was getting closer and closer, the fourth brother showed his head slightly and raised his gun to feel the trajectory of the opponent's muzzle flash.

Holding your breath, constantly weighing the enemy's position in your mind, you finally pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang.
The muzzle flashed three times.

Three screams immediately came from the darkness on the opposite side.

He immediately shrank his head and instead of rolling on the spot, he folded his arms together to protect his head and curled up to hide behind the dog's body.

The muzzle flash immediately attracted return bullets.

There were continuous popping sounds, and the dog corpses were shot one after another.

The arm was numb. A bullet must have penetrated the dog corpse and hit the arm.

The security guards hurriedly fired back at the flashing lights on the highway.

The gunfire exposed four cat-waisted figures.

Wang Yi, who was hiding on the side of the road, no longer hesitated and fired the shell gun in his hand.

All eight bullets in the magazine were emptied instantly.

Then he threw away the shell gun, pulled out a juicy eight-cut sword, jumped to the side from the ditch where he was hiding to avoid the enemy's subconscious counterattack, and then ran forward.

The stars in the sky are getting brighter and brighter, and things can be slightly blurred within a distance of one or two meters.

Based on the groaning sound on the ground, he stabbed randomly into the blurry black shadow.

There was no time to think too much, there was only one thought in my mind: stab these bastards to death.

A certain guard member whose thigh was scratched by a bullet felt a gust of wind. He turned his head slightly and saw a black shadow under the starlight rushing towards him. He was frightened to death. He instinctively raised his undiscarded shell gun and prepared to shoot. The shadow shot, but a bayonet stabbed into his abdomen first.

During the day, a bayonet with a three-meter range can slip faster than a gun. A bayonet with a ten-meter range is useless against a barge gun. At 20 meters away, a rifle can crush a barge gun.
In the dark night, life and death are fought at close range. There is not much difference in the effect of swords and guns. Whoever is faster...will survive.

To be able to guard the ferry in troubled times, almost all of Chen Baji's men are ruthless characters.

Wang Yi's skill with the knife is profound. He can stab his stomach, wipe his neck, cut his hands and feet.

Only fools would stab each other in the chest because: there are bones in the chest and the knife is likely to get stuck.

Without weapons, it will be difficult to kill enemies.

Therefore, the knife in Wang Yi's hand kept flying, cutting, stabbing, splitting or wiping out every dark shadow in his visual range.

Never attack the opponent's chest or back.

Although there is no guarantee that the opponent will be killed, it can at least prevent those bastards who have been stabbed from raising their guns to shoot black guns.

A man who was more desperate than being shot let out a miserable scream.

Behind Wang Yi, a stream of blood splashed.

Those with good skills in the security team can basically become the boss, but if they are reduced to chasing the security team in the dark, their kung fu will naturally not be much better.

In terms of reaction, he is even worse than Wang Yi who beat Xiao Xiwu.

Several guys who had been shot earlier tried desperately to resist, but before they could lift the guns in their hands, their necks were wiped clean by the thick backs, wide bodies, and short swords.

Several screams suddenly stopped.

The fourth brother shouted to prevent accidental injury, panting heavily, and picked up a shell gun from the ground.

Shake off the muddy water in the gun barrel, and quickly shoot at the black figures on the ground one by one.

The ancestors said: If you hit a snake, you will not die, but you will be harmed by it, so if you can, you will get rid of the root by cutting the grass.

Wang Yi picked up two shell guns from the ground and turned back to the fourth brother: "Are you injured?"

The fourth brother endured the severe pain in his arm and breathed loudly: "It's okay. Hurry up and collect all the bullets from the corpses of those bastards in the security team. We brothers will sneak back in a while."

"Fourth brother, something is not right."

"What do you mean?"

"You and I both know what the police are like. They can't have so many short guns!"

"You mean, these guys are not members of the security team?" "Do you think that when the security team comes out, they will bring dogs with them?"

"That makes sense. It seems like he might be a traitor from the detective team who doesn't open his eyes."

Dirty Face is hidden on the south side of the highway.

He waved his hand and shook off the mud on his arm.

He really didn't expect those people from Daomen to be so accurate in throwing grenades.

My body was originally injured, but after repeated movements, I felt it was difficult to breathe.

If you don't deal with these things hard, these bastards will probably rush over in a swarm.

The power of the shell gun is not very powerful in open areas and cannot scare those desperadoes.

The [-] rifle in his hand was of moderate quality, and he fired continuously at the gunfire points to the north.

The sound of rifle fire has the power to shock people.

This kind of fear is simply not something that ordinary people can bear. As long as they open fire on the south, they will die.

Seeing that throwing grenades doesn't work!

The formation of the Cangzhou Dao congregation that originally planned to attack immediately fell into chaos.

There are prerequisites for being brave and not afraid of death. If it is in broad daylight and under the eyes of everyone, the Taoist congregation will definitely dare to fight for their lives.

Because what they care about most is face.

But in this dark situation, no one can see anyone, and face is of no use.

Only small lives matter.

The secret to immortality in the Jianghu: If you miss a hit, you will immediately escape thousands of miles away.

Zhao Sihai and his three men ran away first!
Seeing that the real master was nowhere to be seen, the man who wanted to seize the ferry was furious, but he had no choice but to personally command his subordinates to shout and shout.

These days, bullying the weak and fearing the strong is the way to go.

Knowing that he is going to die, but still letting his subordinates fight to the death, he may be beaten by his subordinates sooner or later.

The number of casualties was NO.30. Although it was not a serious injury, one less brother and one less gun meant that the strength was weakened.

Check one by one whether the brothers lying on the ground are still breathing, remove them alive and ignore the dead ones.

The disgraced face quickly disappeared.

The Cangzhou Road congregation was not a soldier, and their fighting spirit simply could not withstand beatings.

Almost by a rifle, everyone was forced back.

The sound of retreating footsteps filled the eardrums of the heroes, and everyone knew that they were defeated.

Everyone seemed to be an independent individual, dejected and reluctant to talk to the person next to them.

There was no one to do a head count.

As for who died and who didn't, does it have anything to do with me?
Anyway, the important thing is that he didn't die.

Under the influence of this mood.

All the heroes carrying the wounded were finally gone.

Dirty Face asked the guerrillas who were familiar with the terrain to quietly join the people on Cangzhou Road who were leaving to prevent the enemy from returning with carbine.

More defeated less, but there was no joy on his face.

Half an hour later, it was confirmed that the Cangzhou Road congregation had left.

Torches were finally lit on the battlefield, and the guerrillas cleaning the battlefield began to welcome the commotion.

Holding the captured long and short rifles and bullets in their hands, everyone was smiling.

The dark night becomes quieter as the stars gradually appear.

At Chen Baji's request, the traffic officer and guerrilla leader arranged for someone to collect the body of his dead brother.

When he came out, including himself, there were fourteen people in total, nine of whom were dead.

Chen Baji stared at the rows of former robes on the ground with morbid eyes.

Now, even if they are dead, they are all his mortal enemies.

If it weren't for the gunshot wounds on the back, all these guys' heads would have been cut off.

What to do next is what he has to think about now.

With the behavior of heroes, he didn't think that people like Zhao Haichen would let go of his hometown.

So, he decided to leave first.

"Brother Li, I have to rush back to the ferry!" Chen Baji said anxiously, "I can repay you for saving my life later."

"Can you walk away from your injury?" Traffic officer and guerrilla leader Li did not hold back: "I can't get involved in your affairs, but the door of our Eighth Route Army will always be open to you." (End of Chapter)

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