under fire

Chapter 1588 Man-made and natural disasters

Chapter 1588 Man-made and natural disasters
The Japs abide by discipline to the point of perversion.

The Japanese were always arrogant. After the curfew order was issued, they did not send anyone to search even though they knew there were enemies in the yard next to the headquarters.
Liu Yuanqing threw several grenades in a row to the Japanese headquarters across the wall. Not only did the Japanese not fight back, but they didn't even make any move to come over for reconnaissance.

As if he knew he was alone, he just stepped up his guard.

The fire that was lit in the main room was not extinguished.

Liu Yuanqing knew that the Japs were using this behavior to keep the Japs in the village confident.

Every time he popped up from the courtyard wall with a helmet held up by a Japanese bayonet, he would be immediately discovered by the Japanese hiding in the dark and shoot the helmet away.

Later, some Japanese began to shoot directly at the courtyard wall under the helmet with rifles.

The Japanese [-]mm rifle bullets can penetrate the rammed earth courtyard wall that has been soaked in the rain for half the night.

Liu Yuanqing was shot in the stomach. Fortunately, the courtyard wall absorbed most of the kinetic energy and the bullet did not penetrate the military uniform.

The rain finally stopped, and some Japanese climbed onto the roof of the nearby yard.

With the Japs watching, I couldn't stay in the yard anymore, so I had to retreat inside.

The eastern sky began to glow.

At dawn, the Japanese would search every yard in the village.

Now, we are surrounded and unable to escape.

The whitening eastern sky slowly turned red.

The plain land wakes up as usual.

No more cocks crowing and dogs barking everywhere.

"Why did you come back?"

Zhang Jiu hurriedly ran to the entrance of the courtyard where Hu Yi lived. He looked at the soldiers standing guard outside the door and lowered his voice: "Don't yell."

Zai Jiu jumped into the courtyard, and the main room was still dark.

When he reached the door and was about to open his mouth, a black muzzle suddenly appeared from behind the door. Hu Yi asked in a cold tone: "Who?"

"Fuck" Zhang Jiu was startled: "It's so early in the morning. Hurry up and put the gun away."

"From now on, please say hello when you come in." Hu Yi, who was half sitting behind the door, seemed to have not slept well all night. He yawned and did not stand up for some unknown reason: "What are you doing back here?"

"Sister Su asked me to come back and tell you that the superiors sent an urgent message saying that locusts in the plains may cause a disaster."

"What did you say? Locust plague? Coming again?" Hu Yi's face changed drastically. He had personally experienced last year's severe drought in the plains. Countless people starved to death. The land was bare for hundreds of miles, and they exchanged their children for food. They even took out the corpses from the graves.
Even though he killed the enemy like a fool, he could keep his expression straight when Liu Jianqiang and Wu Shitou sacrificed their lives. However, he immediately shuddered when he thought of the locust plague.

". Even if it's just a severe drought, the villagers along the canal can always grow some crops. Now the crazy Japanese have spread the tiger bacteria everywhere, killing people in the whole village, coupled with the locust plague, it is very likely that the crops will be completely cut off." Sister Su Qing asked me to tell you about the livelihood of the people on the plains." The content of the Jiujiu episode was horrific, but the tone was not sad at all: "I want you to think of a way to reduce the losses of the people."

I really think Hu Yi is a little confused.

In severe drought, we can find ways to transport grain from other places to deal with it.

Tiger Lala can prevent it by immediately isolating patients when they are found and practicing good hygiene and not drinking raw water.

As for the locust plague, those little grasshoppers directly snatch food from people's mouths.

What can I do?

"Don't worry, hehe, Su Qing said, now we not only need to guard against the devils, but also find ways to do a good job in the autumn harvest work of the common people. Otherwise, not just one or two people will die by then, but the whole village and the entire township. "The whole county"

Hu Yi couldn't sit still anymore, adjusted his trousers, pulled off the marching blanket on his body, turned over and sat up on the straw, turned his back to Qian Jiu and quickly dressed and hung up his gun.

He gathered up the brim of his hat and called to the depths of the hall: "Mule, get up quickly and start working."

After saying that, he quickly went out and walked directly to the headquarters where the lights had not been extinguished all night.

Battalion Commander Li, who had red eyes and yawned, had obviously not slept all night. When he saw Hu Yi, he looked nervous and said, "You came just in time, I was just about to find you."

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment: "I have something to discuss with you."

"Then you first"

"That's right. It is said that there may be a locust plague in the plains."

"You sit down first." Before Hu Yi could finish his words, Battalion Commander Li interrupted directly: "I have just received the news that the locust plague is more serious than the man-made disaster caused by the Japanese using Hu Lie La."

There was a radio station in the county, and it seemed that a correspondent was sent to convey the order to Battalion Commander Li. Hu Yi stopped talking nonsense. "What's the superior's plan?"

"We have to go!" Battalion Commander Li looked at the map he had studied all night, with a look of reluctance on his face: "The autumn harvest is coming, and our task now is to ensure that all the sorghum on both sides of the canal goes into the people's granary." "Yours. You mean, we all have to leave now?" Hu Yi understood what Battalion Commander Li meant from the words "we".

"That's right, the Seventh Brigade and Nineteenth Regiment arrived at Wangguanzhuang last night, and the commander gave us a disengagement order."

"The [-]th Regiment will take over the defense here?"

"Yes, your battalion has suffered a lot of losses. Our superiors are considering letting you cross the canal with us to the third district to rest and fight against the locust plague."

"Leave now?" Hu Yi was not surprised. In the current war, the [-]th Regiment that came to take over the defense needed to command the participating troops and let other troops leave to ensure smooth command of the various units during the war.
But he had no experience in fighting the locust plague himself.
Battalion Commander Li, who had never cried even when he was bleeding on the battlefield, started to shed tears when he saw Hu Yi: "Last year, I saw with my own eyes a crow standing on a bare branch, staring at the dying big-headed baby on the ground. It should have been curvy. A big girl, but she looks like a skeleton."

Hu Yi stood opposite Battalion Commander Li and listened to him talk about the tragic situation of the locust plague. His scalp was numb: "What are you going to do? Just tell me!"

Battalion Commander Li explained: "The superiors said that you know Hulie La better, so they arranged for you to go with us."

"What to do with the wounded?"

"Take them all away and go to the three-district base area to recuperate."

There was an endless stream of teams coming from the east.

Battalion Commander Li made a handover with the brother troops who came to take over the defense.

Hu Yi was on pins and needles at the headquarters, crossing the canal and entering the border of Lu Province.

Liu Yuanqing, who retreated first, disappeared mysteriously.

Li Laosan found Madman Yang, and later separated from Pu Buhuan and his party, saying that he was going to find Liu Yuanqing, but he has not seen a trace yet.
They are all careless guys.

Guantao to the banks of the canal in Qinghe County.

The hundred-mile green gauze tent is not peaceful at all.

After a heavy rain, the originally clean sky seemed no longer quiet.

From time to time there are small black spots rolling in the sorghum field.

Later, migratory locusts started to appear all over the place.

Falling into the next piece of sorghum, the mature sorghum creaked under pressure.

In a short time, all the sorghum ears and leaves were eaten away, leaving only the bare and crusty yellow-green sorghum stalks.

After eating, the locusts continued to fly away in search of the next sorghum field.

From time to time, locusts fall into ditches in the fields, struggle desperately, and eventually drown.

When the water surface was covered, the locusts that fell again kicked their legs violently and flew directly into the sky along with the air flow brought by the large numbers of locusts flying together.
Yang Chengzhi looked haggard, looking worriedly at the locusts flying all over the sky, and chased them all night following the unique signs left by Liu Yuanqing.

As of now, the signs carved on the sorghum poles on the roadside are being eaten by locusts.

Old bandit Qi has been having a very uncomfortable time these days.

After entering the plain, Captain Qin was not allowed to do this or that.

They were not even allowed to sleep in a village house that was only locked and no one was there.

After performing sword skills all the way at the entrance of the village, the people nearby applauded and shouted, which made the old bandit with a dark face feel a little better.

A soldier hurried through the village: "Report!"

"Say!" Qi Lao Qi took the coat thrown by the soldier next to him and put it on.

"Ordered by superiors, the Lingqiu Squadron immediately boarded the ship and headed north to reinforce Qinghe County captured by the Third Column."

"Damn it, we've traveled more than 400 miles in the past few days, and we just received such a crappy mission?"

Captain Qin made several reports to his superiors about returning to the team, but they were all rejected.

After listening to the old bandit Qi relaying the order, he was also confused.

The Eighth Route Army went out of the mountains into the Central Plains in large numbers, usually to fight guerrillas behind enemy lines that they were familiar with.

After running several hundred miles eastward, they suddenly received an order to reinforce the county seat to the north.

The Eighth Route Army rarely attacked county towns because they could not defend them.

I had a vague feeling in my heart that something big was going to happen.

(End of this chapter)

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