under fire

Chapter 1589 A lot of 8 routes

Chapter 1589: So many ways
The green gauze tent stretched for dozens of miles from north to south and disappeared about ten miles away from the ferry.

The Grand Canal is high in the south and low in the north. The reason for this is simple, mainly because of water problems.

Where there is water, there are crops, and where there are farmers, there are people.

The short break is over.

After lying in her clothes for more than an hour, Su Qing, who had just woken up, felt a little restless.

Since entering the plains, I have almost never had a peaceful sleep.

In his sleep, he spent most of his time improving the intelligence line on the plains and summarizing intelligence from various places.

Occasionally there is a vague shadow.

This is not a base area, but the territory of Cangzhou Road.

Villagers are on high alert for the team that arrived last night.

If there weren't men with guns guarding the outside of the village, all the villagers might have escaped.

There were many people living in the village chairman's house, but there were no quarrels.

The villagers were hiding in their homes and thinking wildly.
The special commissioner sent by the head of the third division hurriedly asked: "Captain Su, are you looking for me?"

"Are you sure you can cross the canal during the day?"

"Don't worry, the person guarding the ferry is Chen Baji from Cangzhou Road. He is an active member of our development in Cangzhou Road."

Su Qing looked unhappy: "You must have heard about the incident on Cangzhou Road the day before yesterday, right?"

"I haven't heard anything." The correspondent's face changed slightly: "Captain Su, you'd better keep this matter in your heart."

Two figures appear from the south.

The mud-covered monkey jumped off his bicycle: "The ferry was burned to ashes last night, and it's still smoking now."

The commissioner's face changed drastically and he took a step forward: "What did you say?"

The monkey looked at the commissioner: "You have to find a new ferry to cross the river."

The special commissioner stepped back and came to Su Qing: "Cangzhou Road has been fighting constantly, but burning the ferry will do no good to Cangzhou Road. I think this must have been done by the little Japs."

"Return to the green gauze tent first!" Su Qing weighed the pros and cons in his mind and made a decision after a moment.

The special correspondent hesitated for a moment: "How about we wait until we finish breakfast before leaving?"

"No, you must leave here immediately!" Su Qing flatly refused.

The woman in front of him seemed calmer than expected. The special correspondent no longer insisted: "I'll make arrangements right away."

After getting more than 30 guns in one night, Captain Li of the guerrilla team looked at the dirty face of the man who was sleeping soundly in a raincoat on a wet high ground, and his face was full of joy.

Although there were not many bullets seized, there was still enough to replenish the soldiers' consumption in the early morning.

It's just a pity that most of them are pistol ammunition for shell guns.

In Guantao, offending Cangzhou Dao was almost the same as stabbing a hole in the sky.

Fortunately, I didn't come face to face with anyone from Cangzhou Road last night.

Chen Baji and his men were hunted down by Cangzhou Road and so many people died.

Naturally, they will not reveal to the outside world that this matter has anything to do with their guerrillas.

Therefore, he plans to continue to stay in the village to fight guerrillas, eliminate traitors, and work as a traffic officer
Various forces in Guantao City are intertwined, and fights between each other often occur.

In such a place, there will naturally be no shortage of Eighth Route Army intelligence personnel.

Captain Li squatted next to Dirty Face's head and stretched out his hand to shake Dirty Face awake: "Hey, we brothers will go into Guantao City while it's still early."

"What are you doing in town?"

"Drink and eat meat!" Captain Li felt heartbroken at the thought of spending money to go out to restaurants, but he had a mission now.
"Stop talking nonsense and tell the truth!"

"Hey, haven't we seized a lot of oceans and banknotes? The price of food in the city changes every day. If the money is not exchanged for food in the city, I will not feel at ease."

Dirty Face yawned: "Are you a guerrilla leader or a traffic officer?"

These words may have touched on Captain Li's pain point. He was stunned for a moment, and sat down directly on the corner of the raincoat next to the dirty face. His tone was a little lonely: "I was originally a traffic officer from the ferry to Guantao. Later, Captain Zhou of the guerrilla group near the ferry Sacrificed during the enemy's spring sweep.

After the superiors learned about our situation, they sent another captain. However, when passing through Guantao County, they encountered the Guantao Guards bullying the people in broad daylight. The captain killed several guardsmen before he died.

Therefore, our guerrillas were leaderless for a while. Not long ago, the main force moved westward, so I had to gather the members together, and then you came."

Dirty Face suddenly became alert: "What do you mean? You want me to be a guerrilla leader?"

Captain Li's black face smiled like a flower: "Don't think about being so beautiful, hey, you have to be aggrieved to be the deputy captain first, and then I can explain the situation to my superiors before you apply."

"Don't laugh, I'm scared!" Looking at this man, he looked like a wolf meeting a sheep, with a dirty face and the hairs all over his body: "When I am healed, I will return to the team."

When Captain Li heard this, he immediately became anxious: "Which team are you eager to join? Besides, I asked everywhere about the Ninth Battalion and the Guard Battalion you mentioned, but I have never heard of it. Well, maybe they have returned to the mountains long ago. .”

The man with a dirty face has been in the army for a long time, so he doesn't know the flaw in this man's words: "You are dishonest. The Eighth Route Army came out of the mountains in large numbers and entered the enemy-occupied plains. Do you think they are going back to the mountains now?"

"A slip of the tongue, it's definitely a slip of the tongue. They may have gone to other places to fight the Japanese and can't be found for the time being." He asked proudly with a dirty face, "You are really good at telling lies. Please tell me whether the Guard Camp or the Ninth Battalion is in Qinghe County."

"Impossible, I just got the news that the [-]th Brigade and [-]th Regiment are currently stationed in Qingheqie."

"Haha, you have been with me from last night to now. Where did you get the news just now?"

"Don't worry about this. As long as you stay in our Guantao Wangguanzhuang guerrillas, I promise to find you a wife!" Captain Li thought deeply and thought for a long time before he came up with this idea.


"I'm telling you, we have regulations that require the [-]th regiment of regular troops to get married, but it's different for our guerrillas."

"Who do you think I am?" The dirty face said firmly, but his eyes rolled.

"I said, you can fight Japanese everywhere, why don't you get the idea?" Seeing this upright man, Captain Li couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.

But in his heart, he began to speculate about the mysterious Jiuying.

As a traffic officer, he has met many chiefs, and naturally knows a lot about them.

He knew every brigade and regiment of the Autonomous Army and even the commanders of the regiment.

As for Cheng Haibo having a guard camp under his command, he had never heard of it.
Last year, the Eighth Route Army was reorganized, and the main regiment was transformed into the A-type regiment: the third battalion and the ninth company had more than [-] men;
Type B Regiment: Two battalions and six companies, 200 men.

C Regiment: Sixth Company, 900 people.

Of course, the various newly formed brigade, anti-Japanese brigade, guerrilla detachment, so-and-so county brigade, so-and-so district squad, so-and-so guerrilla squadron, etc. are not within the scope of reorganization.

It is said that after the adaptation was completed, the commander still could not figure out how many people there were in the Eighth Route Army.
Only the main regiment of the Northeastern Army once adopted a four-battalion system, and even strengthened the special agent battalion and artillery battalion.

But but!No matter how you calculate it, there cannot be nine battalions!

I have never heard of any team having nine battalions, absolutely not.

Therefore, he was very suspicious of Dirty Face's words.

So, he decided to make a big bet.

Although, if Dirty Face really agrees to his conditions, it means that this guy is probably not very enlightened, but military ability is definitely more important than enlightenment.

As for doing this, it's obviously a mistake, so that's a big deal.
When the time comes, let your superiors masturbate your captain.
As traffic officers behind enemy lines, how many of them are just mediocre people?
Lao Li is definitely considered scheming.

There is no other way. Fighting guerrillas behind enemy lines may seem easy, but in fact it is extremely risky.

The team usually hides among the people. Once someone is arrested and betrays during a mission, the cover identities of all team members will be exposed.

You may even fail to notify others due to time constraints, resulting in losses.

The situation of retired guerrillas is slightly better, at least they can reduce their dependence on their families.

Dirty Face came from the Autonomous Army, which he knew, but the [-]th Battalion of the Independent Regiment was definitely a weirdo.

As for why there is such a weirdo in Jiuying, maybe it is because this guy talks nonsense.

After thinking for a long time, there was no reply from the dirty face.

Dirty Face is hesitating in his heart, hey, if you try to persuade me again, maybe I will agree.
Hu Yi huddled on the carriage, his whole body trapped in all kinds of baggage.

The bear who had taken the driver's seat looked around proudly.

Behind him, two bundles took up half the carriage.

A pigtail peeked out from the middle of the baggage, and he yelled angrily: "Damn mule, walk more slowly!"

Just after roaring, a big grasshopper suddenly jumped on her braid and took a bite. Maybe it didn't feel right. It flicked its calf and jumped a few meters away. Then it spread its wings and glided into the sorghum. land.

The morning glow travels thousands of miles.

The early morning sun was warm on my body, and I was on my way.

Of course, if you are not in a hurry, sleeping is just right.

After the rain, the green gauze tent is filled with water vapor.

Several detective team members would occasionally pull grasshoppers off sorghum leaves and play with their legs.

A figure hurriedly jumped into the sorghum field and shouted out of breath: "Here we come."

"What's coming?" A dark figure subconsciously took out a shell gun.

"The Eighth Route Army is coming." The messenger continued to pant.

"Brothers, get ready to work," the leader of the detective team shouted, raising his legs and kicking his subordinates who were still sleeping.

"Well, there are a lot of Eighth Route Army coming." The detective team member who reported the news had a nervous look on his face and gestured with his fingers to the team leader who was sitting in the green gauze tent.

"Damn it, please tell me clearly, how many eight roads are there?"

"That's right. Lots, lots, lots, lots, lots, lots, lots, lots, many, many, many, many eight-way routes." The reporter was so anxious that his head was covered with sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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