under fire

Chapter 1590 People are not afraid of death and ghosts.

The Japanese invaded, morality was corrupted, and bandits were everywhere.

In the troubled times, prices soared, and people began to barter, including food, copper coins, silks, silver, and in some places, women were used as hard currency for circulation. The forces that dominated various places refused to obey anyone.

Under normal circumstances, it is easy to end up with a dominating situation.

In fact, this is not the case, because the rafters at the top will die first.

In troubled times, heroes from the Central Plains emerged in large numbers, robbing the rich and giving to the poor. Not to mention sworn brothers, even brothers would turn against each other for money and power.

Why do you eat and drink and have wives and concubines every day, while I can only eat bread, starve my neck, and hand my wife?
Heroes with a little skill will be jealous of the rich, let alone those with money and guns who are jealous of others who have money and know their way around.
With a low whistle, the Japanese patrol motorboat, which had disappeared for nearly a year after the canal was cut off, reappeared due to the flood of the canal.

The steam boiler was boiling and smoking, and the white steam stretched into a long tail behind the ship.

The small wooden boat that was originally cruising on the canal disappeared directly into the dry reeds on the shore.

The ferry turned white overnight.

Crossing the canal to the third district became a difficult problem for the team led by Su Qing.

The chill of early autumn couldn't stop my blood from boiling, so the guard's original plan to find a few boats to cross the river from Yedu had to be abandoned.

Officer Ai disagreed. He believed that no matter how fast the Japanese patrol boat ran, it would be impossible to block the entire canal.

The problem before everyone turned into finding a ship
The Eighth Route Army came out of Qinghe County in a steady stream.

The detective team members hiding in the green gauze tent were horrified to see this.

After listening to the arrangement of the imperial army to capture the fleeing Eighth Route Army, they originally thought they could take the opportunity to collect some rewards. However, now that a huge creature has arrived, all the detective team members immediately dispersed.
Hu Yi didn't know what his superiors meant, but asked him to lead the team to Hedong to fight the locust plague.

There are now patches of grasshoppers eating the green gauze tents on the roadside.

Battalion Commander Li who was with him looked sad.

During the break, Luo Fugui caught a handful of locusts and stir-fried them in the army pot.

Then he stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it loudly. The disgusting look of his mouth full of green made the soldiers nearby almost want to vomit.

"His grandma's food tastes good. If you think it eats sorghum, we will eat it. What a good thing."

"I think it's better to eat sorghum rice. This thing looks disgusting." Wang Xiaosan felt sorry for his pot. He raised his foot and trampled the two authentic locusts that landed next to his feet into a pile of green.

"Can you please stop doing such a disgusting thing?" Luo Fugui was dissatisfied: "It's good to eat this. His stomach is full of sorghum."

Wang Xiaosan rolled his eyes at Luo Fugui: "You eat dog meat, and dogs eat shit, so why don't you eat shit?"

Luo Fugui glanced at Wang Xiaosan contemptuously: "Haha, just think about it, how long can we keep the food together?"

Wang Xiaosan turned around, not wanting to discuss eating locusts with this guy.

It is very strange that the warriors from the mountains are roasting locusts.

The soldiers from the plains all looked disgusting.

Hu Yi has no psychological pressure on eating locusts.

Seeing the battalion commander eating it, it seemed to be quite delicious, and several soldiers finally couldn't help drooling.

I pinched a fried locust, closed my eyes, and stuffed it into my mouth.

The smell of chicken is meat!

The soldier opened his eyes suddenly: "This thing seems to be indestructible."

After the rest, everyone broke camp and hit the road.

The target is also the ferry.

The green-mouthed Luo Fu walked in front and acted as a vanguard.
Although the one in front is the main battalion of Commander Li of the Northern Army.

Apart from anything else, the team carrying grenade launchers and heavy machine guns walking among the sorghum is indeed majestic, although only the friendly troops in front can see it.

I mean, what main group?In front of the guard camp, they are all juniors.

The sun rises slowly.

Hu Yi continued to lie on the carriage and closed his eyes.

It was bright.

There were ghosts everywhere around the yard.

The operation to search and clean up the rats that had sneaked into the imperial army camp began.Boom boom boom.
After a burst of smoke filled the air, the two Japanese soldiers rushed into the yard without any hesitation.

bang. bang.
Rifle shooting plus continuous shell gun shooting.

The two ghosts in the yard immediately turned into corpses.

In the smoke-filled side room, Liu Yuanqing quickly shrank his head and jumped into the cellar that he had dug out for half a morning.

Shaking his head, he felt tired and hungry, and his arms still hurt badly.

Two Japanese corpses lay at the entrance of the courtyard.

All the Japanese were immediately furious.

A little mouse, that mouse has become a turtle, what's the point of catching it?
The loss of the elite of the elite of the imperial army is not bad.

Immediately, several more grenades were thrown into the house.

After another explosion, this time the Japs no longer rushed into the courtyard. Instead, the Japs who climbed up the wall fired randomly at the doors and windows.
Then, the elites of the Three Emperors Army rushed into the courtyard.

This time, as soon as they entered the yard, they quickly moved across the cat's waist. Even if there were people in the room, no matter how fast he shot, he could hit at most one person.

As long as you are in rapid lateral movement, the probability of being hit by a bullet is said to be less than 5.00%.
This time, the man in the room told them what it means to die!

The smoke was still billowing in front of the hall and another shot was fired.
Bang bang followed by another shell gunshot.

None of the trio of Japs who entered the yard were left behind. Although they missed their vital points, they could only scream after being shot.

The 5.00% law is quite reliable.
It was true that no bullet hit the vital part.

In other words, the guy in the room never died.

No one can maintain combat effectiveness after being bombed in a confined space!
The two Japanese soldiers who were ordered to enter the hospital by the sergeant again couldn't help but feel numb instantly.

Who is not afraid of death?

Taking a long breath, the two Japs quickly poked their heads.

Seeing that the two men seemed to be ready, the Japanese lying on the wall once again provided cover with fire.

Then the six grenades were divided into three groups and thrown into the main room and the side rooms on both sides.

The explosions one after another were followed by creaking sounds, and were suddenly interrupted by a loud rumble.

The roof, which was lifted nearly a foot high, was blown down!
With a wooden pot lid on his head, Liu Yuanqing was half-kneeling in the recently dug single-soldier pit.

Even with the wooden pot lid, it still felt like the entire private pit was about to collapse. The roof collapsed, creating high pressure and pushing the air into the pit.

The house immediately turned into ruins.

As the Japanese cheered, several Japanese immediately rushed into the room, which was still filled with gunpowder smoke.

The Japs are not stupid. The guy hiding in the house must have something like a cellar in the house.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for two consecutive rounds of grenades to not kill him.

Now that the roof has been blown down, things are not going to be easy.
Firstly, I don’t know whether the guy is dead or not, and secondly, I don’t know where the guy is hiding.
First, he shot randomly under the roof tiles.

The footsteps of Japanese soldiers crushing tiles overhead.

Liu Yuanqing knew very well that he would never be able to hold on for long. With so many Japanese, they would find him sooner or later.

Relying on his familiarity with Japanese tactics, he took risks and rushed out of the cellar with smoke still billowing from every explosion.

Through the gunpowder smoke, only the blurry silhouette of the ghost could be seen, and five ghosts were hit.

He was sure that two were dead and three were injured.

He first aimed his rifle at the enemy's head. Anyone who was shot would die!
Unfortunately, the Japs have too much firepower.

Otherwise, in just one second, he would be sure to shoot the wounded Japs in the head.

Now, all I can do is delay for one more minute and live for one more minute.

Liu Yuanqing has no regrets. At least dozens of Japanese died at his hands.

It's just a pity that we are just a little short of breaking into the Japanese headquarters!

On the battlefield, no matter how strong one's ability is, it is not enough to reverse the current situation of certain death. (End of chapter)

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