under fire

Chapter 1591 The Relaxed Japs

Chapter 1591 The Relaxed Japs

The patrol boat went south from the canal, and not long after, two armored transport boats came slowly from the north, one after the other.

The Japanese second lieutenant held up Cao Changjing and looked around.

In the field of vision, a jumping flower girl appeared on the shore in the distance.

The second lieutenant thought he was just looking at flowers, so he put down the telescope and rubbed his eyes, then raised the telescope to look for the target again.

Yes, looking at her brisk movements, she must be a flower girl in a bright red dress.

I put down the telescope and raised my hand to look at my beloved watch. It was still early.

I feel that I have plenty of time to complete today's response task.

He turned to the superior soldier next to him and ordered: "Get to the shore and check carefully!"

The west bank of the river embankment.

From time to time a head would pop out, staring intently at the surface of the canal.

A motorboat running on a wide canal is a curious thing.

Even from a few hundred meters away, when the red-eyed gadgets saw the plaster flag, they couldn't help but want to raise their guns and shoot.

When I saw a Japanese patrol boat, I wanted to beat him up. He looked completely fearless.

It seems that the rifle in his hand can knock down two of the stars in the sky.
Hu Yi's eyes still stung from time to time, and he could see clearly that the behavior of the soldiers lying outside the river embankment was actually a kind of pathology.

When this pathology develops to a certain extent, soldiers will regard killing the enemy as their entire life.

Even if they were still militiamen half a month ago, they would soon form an invincible team.

At this time, he didn't know how to guide them to improve their consciousness.

Inside the river embankment.

Xiao Hongying was dressed like a butterfly, scurrying around in the silt that had recently receded, shouting: "I remember everything clearly. When the little devil comes ashore later, no one except the big dog will shoot." "

On the west side of the river embankment, Mancang, who was playing with a heavy machine gun, looked frustrated. The heavy machine gun was hitting the iron boat thinly, but such an exciting thing was not his turn.

The three men who were hiding in the green gauze tent outside the village to meet Liu Yuanqing were on guard from early morning until dawn. After dawn, the Japanese began to search the nearby green gauze tent and had to leave.

Finally, when the Japanese guard post was evacuated, the three of them sneaked outside the village again.

The devils seemed to be lining up.
There is also a simple stretcher on the ground, and the white cloth on it must be the corpse of the dead Japanese.

He soon discovered that there were still figures abandoned on the ground, and carefully counted five of them.

Needless to say, they must be the remains of fallen comrades.

"They should all have died." There were tears in the team leader's eyes.

"Team leader, the Japs seem to be trying to escape. How about you leave a warning and we can go back to the west and sneak into the village to have a look."

The team leader shook his head: "No, if the kid leaves now, he must have other things to do. The kid is a very thief, and he may leave someone to ambush him in the village."

"I can't just leave them alone, what if they don't die?"

"There is a squadron of Japanese soldiers stationed in a small village. Do you think they can escape being hunted by the Japanese soldiers?"

"But what if you escape?"

"Wait, wait until most of the Japs are gone!"

Was attacked by the Eighth Route Army at night.

For the loss of thirty or forty imperial army elites, everyone will take revenge to the end.

A squad of Japanese soldiers were cleaning a house with a collapsed roof.

The commander had already analyzed that there must be a cellar somewhere under the ruined roof.

The matter is not finished until the resistance elements buried under the roof are found.

There was a loud crackling sound of tiles breaking into pieces.Outside the courtyard, a bird's chirping suddenly came: "Order. All hands are on the move."

Just when they were about to find the mouse, the Japanese who had just cleared out the main room had to end their search work early.
The Japanese were not willing to give in after the break, and moved out tables, chairs and benches from the original headquarters and started setting fire to the house.

Since I don’t have time to find it, I will light a fire up there and roast the resistance elements hidden in the cellar into beggar’s chickens.
Anyone who goes against the imperial army will die.
Flames began to break out, followed by thick smoke.

After a few coughs, the fire became more and more intense. The Japanese who were responsible for breaking the fire left the village and gradually went away.

The Japanese didn't leave anyone behind.

A figure ran around among the ruins, shouting as he ran, "Is anyone alive?"

After wandering around the village, it seemed that no Japanese ambush was found.

Follow the other two people and sneak into the village.

The yard where the fire was burning was still crackling.

In case there was an ambush by Japs in the village, the team leader went to the roof to keep a lookout, while the other two people dispersed and shouted loudly in the village.

Someone finally answered in a certain shabby courtyard: "Hey, let me tell you, the little devil is really gone?"

The sound came from the well in the village.
The two soldiers rushed to the wellhead and hurriedly pulled the two comrades out of the well.

After being soaked in water for a long time, the skin of the two soldiers turned white, like zombies.
Seeing the petite figure in the mud by the river, the Japanese began to smile arrogantly.

Several Japs even took out colorful banknotes and waved them around.
Along the Wei River in Tianjin, there are many shops selling leather goods. At night, women wearing cheongsams leaning under dim telephone poles are everywhere.
In the past, fifty cents of French currency could be used to experience the experience. Now that prices have skyrocketed, the money in the hands of the imperial soldiers seems to be worthless.

If you meet her in the wild, not only will you not pay her, you might even be able to cut the woman into pieces and eat her tender barbecue.
The second lieutenant who led the team came from Tianjinwei, and he only occasionally saw resistance elements on weekdays.

However, most of what he saw were corpses of resistance fighters.

Therefore, in his eyes, the resistance elements were just corpses in front of the imperial army.

It seemed normal to him that the flower girl did not run away when she saw the imperial army, because there were so many brothels and brothels in Tianjin.

The women in Wei'an Institute have to serve dozens of elites a day, so they are completely useless.

Therefore, when he saw the flower girl who had not escaped at all in the mud, he suddenly became interested.

At least, much cleaner.

Not even as vigilant as he should be.

A large group of devils stood on the armored boat and drooled at the petite figure in the distance.

I said, can you please stop trying to die there? The little devil’s armored boat can’t reach the shore, and it’s impossible for us to defeat it.
"Stop talking nonsense and follow my arrangements!"

"Don't be so crazy. Even if the little devils come ashore, they won't all come over."

"Stop being so verbose and follow your orders. I don't believe you. Even such a good gun can't kill them."

The Japanese didn't show any vigilance.

Even if there is an ambush by the resistance elements, they are not afraid.

As for the resistance elements, when did they not flee into the darkness as soon as the imperial army opened fire?

I wish there really were anti-Japanese elements hiding behind the river bank.

The Imperial Army had a very bad habit, and that was chopping off the heads of dead bodies.

This is the tradition of the imperial army.

Since ancient times, there has been a habit of fighting bravely with a samurai sword in hand and a human head hanging from the waist.

Every time a head is chopped off, he will roar out of habit. When all the heads of the rebels are chopped off, he will roast the enemy's flesh with the glory of the conqueror, drink and sing, and shout "Long Live Tianhuang"...

The Imperial Army has not exercised its muscles for a long time.

The imperial army takes action and must win the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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