under fire

Chapter 1592 Canal King 8 Happy

The safety of a grenade was released, and it shot into the sky with a bang.

Xiao Hongying raised her eyes and looked at it. She grinned and yelled: "How dare you ruin my aunt's good deeds?"

A head popped up from behind the river bank: "The battalion commander said that the river bank is full of mud and the Japanese armored ships cannot reach the bank, so he asked you not to take risks."

From somewhere on the riverbank, there was suddenly a burst of excited shouting.

Mancang didn't expect that he would actually get the battalion commander's sword from above, and he was excitedly directing the soldiers to lift the heavy machine gun to the machine gun position that had been leveled earlier.

Four soldiers carried sandbags and skillfully set up a bunker in front of the Miner [-] heavy machine gun.
Xiao Hongying climbed ashore and rolled to the west side of the river embankment.

Tom tom tom.
As the heavy machine gun trembled, the ballistic trajectory rushed towards the Japanese iron-hulled patrol boat more than fifty meters away.

The grenade accurately landed on the bow of the iron-hulled ship heading towards the shore.
The explosion shook the ship's hull violently, and a cloud of smoke rose from the iron-hulled bow.

Then there were panicked shouts from the Japanese, and someone was thrown directly into the river.

With the sound of heavy machine guns, a barrage rushed towards the iron-hulled hull.

Whistling sounds, penetration sounds, falling sounds, groaning sounds, and the chirping sound of the iron shell being penetrated made the river even more noisy.

The first grenade went off.

Under the influence of inertia, the crooked machine gun of another iron-hulled ship still cruising forward in the canal turret fired, pointing directly at the civilian [-]th machine gun position on the shore.

Two groups of machine gun fire flashed in the sun, roaring wantonly and raining bullets on each other.

The difference between having a bunker and not having a bunker was immediately apparent. The Japs' primary and secondary shooters operating heavy machine guns were hit by several bullets. Even the heavy guns that could not be seen clearly in the Taisho year were hit with sparks flying.
The second heavy machine gun operated by Luo Fugui stared at the Japanese heavy machine gun.
The heavy machine gun was fully operated and aimed at the stern of the Japanese iron-hulled ship until the engine was shot and smoke came out.
"The distance is 85 to [-], the target speed is five miles." After aiming for a long time, the thin shot hit the target. At this time, he was as excited as a madman: "Hit, hit me hard!"

Careful and careful, the grenade can hit a moving target more than a hundred meters away. It is luck if you can hit it accurately, and it is normal if you can't hit it accurately.

The main reason is that the sunlight on the sparkling river is too dazzling, and there is no reference target, making it difficult to measure the distance.

"I suggest calling it 95 to [-]." Li Xianglian's observer held up the telescope, and he didn't believe Wan Xiang's detailed observation data next to him.

Boom boom. Boom boom.
Two groups and six grenades rushed out of the grenade mouth.

Five rounds fell into the river, and finally one grenade aimed at the bow of the second iron-hulled ship landed at the stern.

"It's really rare to be able to hit a target from a distance of more than [-] meters." Wan Daoxi shook his head proudly and shouted to the side: "Big dog, now it's up to you."

The stern of the boat was actually hit by a grenade?

The Japanese squatting on the bow of the boat were stunned and saw that there seemed to be no movement behind them.
There was no sound of explosion.
Fortunately it seems to be a dud.

I heard that the Eighth Route Army in the mountains was also imitating the imperial army's high-tech grenade launchers, and they even named them [-] small cannons.

The fuse of this thing is a big problem. The Tubalu one is shot and the dud is normal.

Six duds seemed to prove that the Eighth Route Army was a joke.
Only on Tubal Road can there be such a small cannon that does not go off when fired, and a thrown grenade that explodes in two pieces, does not hurt anyone, but is scary.
Five plumes of smoke seem to be coming out of the river?

No, why is the gasoline engine at the stern of the boat emitting white smoke all the time?

The smell doesn't seem right either, a bit like a chemical bomb?

The white smoke spread wider and wider, and the smoke that continued to emerge from the river was very weak, and almost disappeared when the river wind blew.

But it's pungent to the nose, irritating to the eyes, and brings tears
There’s no mistake, it’s a chemical bomb!

Chemical fumes are spreading and dispersing on the iron-hulled ship.

The Japanese were rolling around on the boat, and some smart people began to tear apart the bags behind them.

They had been trained and occasionally used on the battlefield, and they knew what the smell meant, so they would rather roll on the deck than stand up.

He desperately pulled out the gas mask he carried with him.

It was originally prepared for the resisters to launch a chemical attack. I never thought in my wildest dreams that this thing would come from across the river.

It is a pity that most of the Japanese soldiers did not always keep gas masks with them, because after traveling across the canal for many years, no one ever thought that they might encounter a chemical bomb attack during this trip.

Some Japanese would rather save space for gas masks and use more privately collected items.

call out.
A bullet flew far across the river and penetrated into the chest of the Japanese who had just put on a gas mask and was about to operate the ship's heavy machine gun.

The Japanese man trembled, struggled, convulsed and slowly fell into the river.

Another heavy machine gun fired on the shore.

The two ballistic paths intertwined, and the sickle-like machine gun ballistic path began to tear apart the Japanese body.

The Japs without gas masks coughed and vomited, and the Japs who couldn't bear it jumped directly into the river.

The Japanese second lieutenant was stunned and watched helplessly as the two heavy machine guns on the ship misfired.

The heavy machine guns on the shore continued to fire, and suddenly I woke up. I was too careless and was too close to the shore.He raised his voice and gave the order to fight back.

The heavy machine gun went silent, and the two crooked machine guns fired continuously, desperately suppressing the two heavy machine gun positions on the shore.

Later, the Japanese who were still able to move after falling into the water hid on the east side of the ship, raised their rifles and joined in the shooting sequence.

In an instant, on the bank and on the river, gunshots roared like a violent storm.

The hull of the iron-hulled ship made a noisy crackling and tinkling sound.

On the heavy machine gun position, the heavy machine gun in Mancang's hand was firing, and he was shouting: "I'll kill you bitch. I'll break your broken ship."

Luo Fugui only fired half of the bullet chain before Wan Duoxin took over the heavy machine gun.

"Grandma, please look carefully and don't sink the broken boat near the shore."

The chemical bombs on the ship were still smoking.

Another round of grenades flew into the air.

The only high-explosive bombs in the Ninth Battalion were all used up in the battle of Qingshazhang, and they were constantly engaged in ambushes, leaving a lot of chemical bombs left.

The Japanese who fell into the water used all their fire to suppress and shoot, just to buy time for the backup driver wearing a gas mask to quickly drive the boat into the middle of the canal, away from the Shura hell on the shore.
However, there are sharpshooters on the shore.

Almost a perfect shot!
Anyone who dares to approach the outboard engine at the back of the boat will be shot immediately.

The hull of the ship was constantly hit by bullets, and the shooters might have been ordinary people. The backup pilot elites who were near the engine were all confused, and they were finally sure that the other party had a precise shooter with excellent marksmanship.

A gun that blasts off a pig's head under a steel helmet is definitely not the so-called sharpshooter that most people brag about!

On the ship closest to the shore, all the Japanese on board were shot. The remaining Japanese jumped into the water on the east side of the ship and continued to resist.

The Japanese sergeant who fell into the water saw that the iron-hulled ship providing cover for him was emitting white smoke. Although the gunshot hole was small and did not sink, he was sure that the ship was disabled and immediately ordered an evacuation.

As long as you leave this area, there should be a way to survive.
Because the canal water is slowly moving northward with the iron-hulled ship that has lost its inertia.

He was glad that his men were not stupid. The men on both sides of the boat next to him were pulling the iron-hulled boat slowly away from the river bank with a hand planer.

The sound of heavy machine guns on the shore finally stopped. The Japanese went crazy and began to compete in the dog-paddle competition in their best way... Looking at the speed, the slowest swimmer... all surpassed the usual training champion...

The devils who can get on the boat will naturally know how to swim, and they can swim absolutely fast, faster than the champion of the World Games.

Unfortunately, they ignored the man on the shore who had the butt of his gun on his shoulder and was pulling the bolt of the gun quickly with a grin on his face: "You really want to run, I'm letting you run."

"You can swim faster than a fish. I'll turn you into a dead fish... Let's see how you swim."

"I want you to feed the bastard"

"I want you to feed prawns"

With every yell of the big dog, a Japanese soldier sank into the canal.
Once upon a time, a man named Ximen Bao was given as a sacrifice to the Dragon King. Nowadays, the big dog keeps letting the devils sink to the bottom of the canal to feed the bastard.
The bastards in the river were overjoyed when they felt the fishy smell. They all rowed their short limbs to the bloody place to have a meal together.

The Japanese took advantage of their good water skills and never forgot to bring their guns when swimming.

The Japs hung guns around their necks and relied on their limbs to paddle to float on the water. The weight of the rifles made all the Japs hit the bottom of the canal without exception.

I could see the expressions of pain on the faces of the main force soldiers behind the river embankment.

So many [-] caps, so many bullets, so many grenades, lunch boxes, military shoes...

At the same time, I couldn’t help but look at this autonomous army guard battalion with admiration.
"Hey, there's something wrong with this guard camp."

"What's wrong?"

"This damn thing is more powerful than our main force."

"Actually, if we fight, it should be about the same."

"Haha, you may be really bragging. You shot the Japanese one by one. When have you ever seen that?"

"Can you please stop emphasizing other people's ambitions?"

"Yes, you didn't see that heavy machine gun firing blindly..."

"That's called suppression, do you understand?"

"We can't let our brothers fight alone!" The soldier spoke righteously.

"Hey, squad leader, why don't you go tell Camp Commander Hu and let's try it too?"

"We? Our level is not high enough. We have to let the battalion commander go..." (End of Chapter)

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