under fire

Chapter 1593 Some people work hard while others make money.

Chapter 1593 Some people work hard while others make money.
The east side of the iron-hulled ship's side away from the shore.

The Japanese took advantage of the hull of the boat to hide in the water to the east, holding on to the side of the boat with one hand and rowing hard with their hands and feet.

As sailors, the Japanese had naturally trained for this situation. After falling into the water, even if they gathered on one side and tried their best, the iron-hulled boat did not spin in the canal.

The rebels on the shore were very good at precise shooting. The engine on the boat was obviously making a roar, but no one dared to climb from the river to the stern of the boat to start it.

I was cursing those damn mechanics in my heart for how they installed the engine on the exposed surface of the stern.

The iron-hulled ship was originally a civilian merchant ship, carrying cargo on the bow and hull. Naturally, it was not designed to be used on the battlefield.

To facilitate inspection and maintenance, the engine is installed on the stern deck, and the cockpit is located directly next to the stern.

As a result, if you want to maneuver the iron-hulled ship, you must go to the stern deck.

Unfortunately, no matter whether the Japanese who climbed onto the boat were lying down or squatting, they were all shot by rifles from the shore.

There is a heavy machine gun on the bow of the ship, whoever touches it will die.

Unwilling to give up, a Japanese soldier climbed onto the ship and hid in the cargo cabin in the middle. The heavy machine gun on the shore immediately opened fire, making a jingling sound, and the bullet penetrated the iron plate of the ship, seriously injuring the cargo... and screaming in agony.

It was too far away from the shore. He lay down on the east side of the ship with his rifle and fired. The ship was shaking. In addition, the Japanese who had been hit by the chemical bomb were coughing, shaking hands and crying. It was impossible to hit the people on the shore.

It is safer to hide in the water overboard.


The heavy machine gun in Mancang's hand began to spit out tongues of flame again.

Sprinkle bullets directly into the distant hull.

"You idiot, I told you not to hit the stern of the boat. There is an engine there." Xiao Hongying, holding the telescope, looked angry.

"It's so far away, how can I care about it? Even if it's broken, can't it be repaired by Li Xiang later?" After firing twenty or thirty rounds of ammunition, Manchu released the trigger and rubbed the buzzing sound. ear.

"It's all the fox's fault, my aunt didn't fire a single shot." Xiao Hongying did not personally raise the scoped rifle to shoot, because the commander of the reconnaissance company was not around, so she, the instructor, had to serve as the commander.
Originally, the platoon leader was supposed to take over the command, but this guy was chosen as his position was low. Xiao Hongying, an instructor who once served as the group leader, became the commander naturally.
Neither ship returned fire.

Immediately, someone climbed over the embankment and ran into the river through the mud.

After digging around in the mud, I finally reached the water's edge, jumped into the river, and swam toward the iron-hulled boat like a dog paddle.

Although the soldiers in the guard camp know how to swim, they are actually not very good at it.

Several militiamen who quickly became veterans were not very sensible, and even carried rifles on their backs. As a result, they sank as soon as they entered the water. They quickly stabilized their bodies and used their hands and feet to dig with dogs for a long time. Looking back at the mud, they found that they seemed to be still in the same place.
Watching helplessly, the veterans with shell guns tied to their heads and wrapped in oilcloth walked away.
On the motorboat near the shore, the side of the boat facing the river embankment was almost smashed into a sieve, and river water was constantly pouring into the cabin.

Although there are many bullet holes, they are not big, and it should not sink for a while.

A dozen rifles on the shore were aimed at the edge of the ship's side, hoping that a Japanese enemy would show up.

The boat in the distance looked out of reach, so I could only join in the fun.

In fact, when the Japanese military commander ordered the retreat, there were no Japanese on the east side of the ship.

The big dog led two followers and ran north with a rifle. From time to time he stopped and raised the gun, aiming at the edge of the motorboat carried by the canal water to the north in the distance. Occasionally, he fired a shot.

He had two targets. One was the heavy machine gun on the bow of the ship. He did not know that the heavy machine gun was damaged. The second target was the Japanese who dared to go on the deck to control the engine at the stern of the ship.

Li Laosan, one of Big Dog's followers, yelled at Big Dog: "Hey, as long as our people get close to the boat and the little devils use the iron-hulled boat as a cover, won't they become easy targets for the little devils?"

"Why are you so stupid? As long as you go around five or sixty meters away from the bow and stern of the ship, won't the little devil have no cover?"

"Hey, can you let me try that gun with Zhang Xiaodao in your hand?"

The big dog pouted: "You won't be able to use it if I give it to you."

in the river.

Seeing that they were getting further and further away from the river bank, the Japanese finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Good times are not long.

A certain Japanese who occasionally looked around, probably an observer, suddenly discovered that people on the shore were running towards the river.

He ran through the mud, jumped into the river, and swam towards him.

The Japanese who had been pushing the boat toward the center of the river panicked.

A certain Japanese soldier came up with a quick idea: "I'm reporting to Commander Cao, I suggest that the corpses on the ship be stacked next to the engine, and then we can drive the ship away."

The Japanese soldier Cao next to him was overjoyed: "Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and build a bunker."

Then he ordered the Japanese next to him: "You, go up and use the light machine gun to provide cover."

A Japs jumped out of the river into the middle cabin of the iron-hulled boat with a whoosh.

Then he picked up the crooked light machine gun that was lying under the corpse of the Japanese that fell in the cabin, and prepared to shoot at the people flopping in the river.

ashore.The big dog was careless for a moment, and the Japanese jumped into the cabin quickly. Before he could take aim, the Japanese had disappeared from the cabin.

Then, the devil stuck out half of his head, and only a gap was exposed between the helmet and the side of the ship.

This guy doesn't dare to raise his head too high.

chug chug.
The light machine gun trembled, and a three-volume burst of bullets rushed towards the head swimming towards him in the water.

Before he could fire his second shot, the bullet came out of the chamber.

From the shore came the sound of light machine gun fire.

The hull of the ship was hit with a bang, and the Japanese on board immediately took action.

Ban Er Er proudly raised his hand to put up the awning: "Grandma, you dare to show off your sword in front of Guan Gong."

Battalion Commander Li, who ran all the way, was a little frightened.

The Czech light machine gun has a sight, but this machine gun is also too accurate, right?
He brought nearly a hundred soldiers with him, saying he was here to support his brother troops.

When we came along the river embankment, there were already soldiers occupying the iron-hulled boat that was motionless near the shore.

There are also a few black spots with only their heads exposed, swimming towards the ship in the distance.
He said in a consultative tone to Hu Yi, who was lying on the shore holding a telescope: "Hey, you guys are swimming too slow. How about letting my people come up?"

Hu Yi put down the telescope: "Okay, I suggest you walk some distance downstream."

The third zone defense area is close to the canal, and there are many people who know how to use water.

Nearly a hundred people armed with short guns plunged directly into the water
The main force camp is really awesome, I really don’t know where they got so many short guns.
It wasn't until Luo Fugui threw a large bag of banknotes to Xiao Hongying that Hu Yi figured out what was going on with a dark face.

Xiao Hongying opened her eyes wide: "You exchanged the shell gun for money?"

"What do you mean by exchange? Look at what you said, I'm borrowing, borrowing, you know?"

"What if they don't pay you back?"

"Don't give it back? Hey, one shell holds two rifles. He has almost all the rifles in his company with me." These days, the shell gun is more valuable than the rifle.

"How much did you lend him?"

"They had more than 40 themselves, and I lent them fifty."

"Where did you get so many bullets?"

"Why do they need so many bullets? As long as they can bypass the ship, two or three bullets will solve the problem." Luo Fugui smiled proudly.

Xiao Hongying stretched out her hand to weigh the baggage and stared at Luo Fugui: "Where is Dayang?"

Luo Fugui stared with triangular eyes and said righteously: "No, not a word!"

"Stop talking nonsense, have you forgotten what the vixen told me to cut the nine belts?"

Luo Fugui lost his temper instantly: "Um, what does review mean?"

Xiao Hongying lowered her voice: "Have you forgotten about the time when Fox was censored?"

"You don't really want to hand it over, do you?"

"Even if you get money, please don't do anything to our brother troops, okay?" Xiao Hongying said with a dark face: "You know how bad the impact of this is, it must be turned over!"

Luo Fugui looked wary: "Isn't that right? We are an independent group, who should we pay it to?"

"Hey, the political commissar uncle is not here, I will help keep it for now." Xiao Hongying stared at Luo Fugui and stretched out her hand: "Hurry up, don't lose a penny."

With a dark face, Luo Fugui pulled out a small baggage from the bag behind his back and threw it to Xiao Hongying, still looking upright: "I found that money is actually not very useful."

Xiao Hongying nodded: "Awareness has improved very quickly. I will give you a reward later."

"No, I can't bear it!" Luo Fugui thought to himself. The group of big yellow croakers and small yellow croakers swimming with him had to find a way for them to find a place to hide.
 There is no such thing as merit in the Eighth Route Army. It has always been a reward. In [-], there was a medal. The highest reward was taking a photo under the red flag and the Red Flag Medal.
  In October 46, Sulu and Anhui troops first started recording merit, and then troops from various places began to promote it.

  In June 47, the New Fourth Army and the Shandong Military Region issued the "Guidelines for Meritorious Service in the Troops", which stipulated that the past method of accumulating small merits into large merits was cancelled, and the grades of merit were divided into five levels: special, first, second, third and fourth. .

  By June 48, there were seven reward items stipulated in the East China Field Army's "New Interim Regulations on the Handling of Seized Materials":
  1. Verbal praise;

  2. Publish a report to praise (and issue an order);
  3. Record merit;

  4. Material rewards;

  5. Give the model the title and take photos;
  6. Certificate of Award;

  7. Award the People’s Hero Medal. .

(End of this chapter)

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