under fire

Chapter 1594 Sun Youshang sacrifices

Chapter 1594 Sun Youshang sacrifices

I don't know when a dark cloud gathered on the river.

Big raindrops fell down instantly.

When shooting in water, you must ensure that water cannot enter the barrel and bolt.

Otherwise, if there is water in the barrel and the slug cannot be fired, it is likely to blow up the chamber, or if water enters the bolt, the firing pin spring must be drained, resulting in insufficient power when firing the primer and jamming.

The body was shaking in the river, and the muzzle was swinging around without a fixed support. It was absolutely impossible to aim in such an environment.

The main camp has been operating in the canal area for a long time, but there are not many with good water quality.

But it’s not a problem to plunge into the water and hold your breath for more than ten meters.

More than 100 people dispersed towards the enemy ship.

The Japanese finally panicked.

The sergeant who took over the command looked at the densely packed heads on the river in three directions, and in his heart he greeted all the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the second lieutenant who had fed the bastard, and had to give the order to abandon the ship.

After more than a dozen grenades were thrown at the engine of the iron-hulled boat, the Japs immediately swam toward the center of the river.

Boom, boom, boom…ding, bang, ding, a blaze of light

With the shouts coming one after another, soldiers finally climbed onto the boat.

The heavy machine guns and rifles on the ship were bent by grenades, and the shell gun in his hand had a short range.

Watching the Japs wander away.

The iron-hulled patrol boats that the Japanese converted from merchant ships are quite strong and cannot be sunk by just a few grenades.

The iron-hulled boat was too heavy and relied on people to row it, so it was impossible to catch up with the Japanese who left.

"If I could have a small ship, I would definitely kill all those little devils and feed them to the bastards." A soldier was unwilling and had no choice. He had previously swam more than 200 meters with all his strength, but now it was impossible to catch up with the little devils.

Physical strength does not change based on who has the courage.

The Japanese who were swimming in the river knew that there was a sharpshooter on the bank, so they used the iron-hulled boat to cover themselves and headed east.

From time to time, he stabs Meng Zi, sometimes disappearing and appearing.

The big dog ran and tore away on the river embankment, and when he went around the iron-hulled boat in the river again and saw the devil's head, the Japanese, who were only black spots, were already 500 meters away from the river embankment.

He looked straight into the distance with his ears straight up and tried his best to aim. Unfortunately, as the waves on the river surged, only half of the little devil's head was exposed, and he failed to hit the target even after firing several shots.


More than 200 miles away.

There are many people in an unnamed gambling house in An County.

Li Youcai didn't see Jiu Jiu for a long time. He turned over a few Pai Gow and lost interest after winning a bunch of money.

Walking out of the gambling house, I found that the sky seemed to be raining.

Pedestrians walking in a hurry on the street saw this traitor in black with a face so gloomy that water dripped from his face, so they quickly walked away.

These days, who dares to compete with the detective team? Are you impatient?

But I could only secretly scold him in my heart for being a traitor and not being thrown into the ancestral grave.

Li Youcai turned around and walked into the teahouse opposite, and the shopkeeper immediately greeted him.

He took out a banknote he had just won, put it in the shopkeeper's hand, and sat down in the seat reserved for him by the shopkeeper.

Just as he sat down, he immediately saw the waiter approaching and whispering: "Captain Li, I didn't see Sun Youshang entering the city."

Li Youcai was a little surprised: "Are you sure?"

The waiter skillfully filled the teacup in front of Li Youcai: "Xu Jinsen only has two homes in the county town. He won't do this kind of thing at home. If he entertains guests, he will definitely be in Huixian Tower. , we have arranged manpower."

"The man named Xu is ruthless. Last time he went to Huilong to rob and seize the territory, he lost dozens of his confidants. Only then did we have a chance to break into his interior."

Not long after, the tea cup in front of Li Youcai was empty. After the waiter came over and changed the water twice, Li Youcai stood up.

Xu Xiao, dressed as a beggar, squatted under the eaves of the teahouse, his eyes full of sorrow and anger.

For some reason, Xu Xiao always felt that the task he accepted was very uncomfortable.

His current identity is very different. He is an armed worker and a non-staff member.

When he saw Li Youcai leaving the teahouse, he immediately approached him and said, "Captain Sun is dead and his head is hanging on a building in Nancheng."

Li Youcai was stunned for a moment: "What did you say?" "Captain Sun took the guards to a security meeting. As a result, not long after I entered the door, I heard shouting coming from the courtyard. Then there was no movement. I walked around. When I went to the backyard, I saw two detectives sneaking up to the city tower. I walked around to the outside of the city, and then I saw them hanging a head above the city gate."

Li Youcai's scalp was numb. The news he got was obviously revealed by someone deliberately.

Moreover, Sun Youshang died, and he was kept in the dark.

Something was wrong, someone was staring at me.

Obviously, it was definitely not Major Maeda. He knew that he had access to eight routes, the special forces, and several boats.

It was easy for him to take his own life.

There is no need to go to such trouble.

From the beginning, Li Youcai believed that Sun Youshang should not enter the city.

If this guy didn't have water in his head, how could he have entered the city?

There is no difference between a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

Sun Youshang's Soil and Water Conservation Corps was ostensibly under the control of the Japanese, but in fact it was with Jiuying. Maeda could not have known this.

Maeda did not take action against Sun Youshang because he generally knew that on the plains, the Eighth Route Army could not make big waves.

Go out and walk towards South Street.

This area is under his jurisdiction.

As if patrolling the territory, he walked toward the city gate under the eaves that could protect him from the rain.

In the rain, the face of the head hanging in the rattan cage above the city gate could not be seen clearly.

He was still frightened.

When he returned to his small courtyard in the alley again, he suddenly had a clear concept in his mind.

He connected the broken threads one by one, and all doubts pointed to the Rangers.

Since the Nationalist Army retreated to the south of the Yellow River, the Rangers have not had any public activities for a long time.

I was suddenly shocked. It seemed that I hadn't seen Lin Xiu for a long time.

I am extremely conflicted. I am wearing the skin of a traitor. In the eyes of ordinary people, I only see him with envy. At least I will not run around for three meals a day.

Lin Xiu's behavior was completely seeking his own death.

Sitting in the darkness behind the table, he took off the holster hanging from his waist, pulled out the shell gun that had not been fired in 800 years, quickly removed the magazine, and ejected the bullets one by one.

He didn't understand why Lin Xiu insisted on him learning to shoot.
The rain gradually became heavier.

Outside the county seat.

A team hurriedly ran through the rain and fog.

The rifles rubbed against the shaking back.

Figures wiped the rain from their foreheads and panted rapidly.

Running in large strides, from time to time someone would slip in the rain and take the opportunity to lie on the ground and gasp for air. Then he would be picked up by his comrades and follow the fast-moving team again.

Wang Peng stopped on the side of the road and shouted: "Hurry! Everyone, follow us!"

"Batalion Commander, please take a rest. If we keep running, half of the soldiers will probably fall behind."

"Even if there is only one person left, I have to crawl to Xiaowang Village!"

Sun Youshang's head hangs at the gate of An County.

Lao Qin's eyes were as wide as a bull's eye, and he was about to spit out fire.

Next to him, Chen Chong pressed down on Lao Qin: "Don't be impulsive."

Lao Qin finally stopped struggling: "Find a way to sew up Captain Sun's body."

"The person named Yang is taking the opportunity to do something dirty." Tian Sanqi looked angry: "Xu Jinsen used the excuse to discuss the security issues in An County. I don't know why the person named Yang sent Captain Sun to hold that bullshit conference!"

"I swear that I will kill all the traitors named Xu and their entire family!"

"Shut up, we are an organized and disciplined Eighth Route Army, not bandits." Old Qin, who had regained consciousness, patted Chen Chong's arm: "Let's all go!"

On the way back, everyone felt depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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