under fire

Chapter 1595 Hyena, fight to the death

Chapter 1595 Hyena, fight to the death

The Northern Special Police Elite Action Team stationed in An County took action and killed the commander of the Soil and Water Conservation Corps who showed obvious signs of resistance.

In the eyes of the most elite elites, this matter is nothing, and is even very disappointing.

These local militants, Xiao Xiami, are not even considered an honor to them. Currently, their goal is to find out the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army in the mountains and kill the leading figures of the Eighth Route Army.

After all, it was considered a victory in the first battle. Major Nijoji, together with a group of subordinates, booked a room in Huixian Tower and set up two tables to celebrate.

First, summarize experience and review actions, and second, make a plan for the next step.

As for eliminating the underground intelligence network on Tubal Road, that is a matter for the intelligence department.

Major Nijo raised his glass: "Our goal this time is to find out the scope of activities of the leaders of the Eighth Route Army, find a way to sneak in, and quietly collect intelligence."

A group of Japanese soldiers poured wine into their mouths, smashed their tongues, picked up vegetables and drank the soup.

Two soldiers pulled Liu Yuanqing out from under the rubble, and the soldiers cheered.

However, Liu Yuanqing spat on the ground with a disgraced look on his face.

The nose and mouth are full of dust.

The four people searched everywhere in the village. There were two missing bodies of the soldiers who entered the village last night.

The soldiers quickly dug pits to bury the bodies of the fallen soldiers at a slightly higher place outside the village.

Liu Yuanqing, with his head wrapped in a bandage, was leaning against a bare tree outside the village: "I am responsible for their deaths. It is all my fault for my poor planning."

"I counted, we sacrificed five, lost two, killed at least [-] Japanese, and did not take the wounded Japanese for four. One is worth thousands."

"Instructor Liu, you don't have to blame yourself. Fight the Japanese to protect your family and country. They won't regret it even if they die."

"That's right, they are all heroes!" The soldier with red eyes, who was using an engineer shovel to smash the grave head, turned to comfort Liu Yuanqing.

Liu Yuanqing didn't know the character of the Eighth Route Army soldiers. As a commander, he had to take responsibility and win people's hearts.

With eyes rolling, the task of burying the soldier's body was almost completed, and he spoke again: "I plan to continue chasing!"

The team leader immediately trotted up to Liu Yuanqing: "Count me in!"

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Liu Yuanqing was quite satisfied.

"If a man dies and a bird looks up to the sky, 19 years later I will be a good man again!"

"People say 18 years, why do you say 19 years?" Liu Yuanqing was stunned for a moment.

A soldier next to him interrupted: "What he means is that it has to go through ten months of pregnancy. It can't collapse from the cracks in the rocks."

"Okay, I guess what you said makes sense." He was clearly trying to boost morale, but this guy disturbed the atmosphere.

The team leader hesitated and suggested: "I think we have to arrange for one person to go back and bring in reinforcements first. The others will continue to hang on to these Japs."


It was still raining non-stop.

The once land of fish and rice is now mottled and desolate.

In summer, the cold wind continues to blow.

The ferry burned to white ground.

The low-rise buildings within the masonry walls that lost their doors were still smoking the smoke from the fire.

A short, fat Japanese soldier had no markings on his military uniform and was wearing a pair of ordinary military shoes.

It's just that they don't wear leggings like the Japanese infantry.

The Japanese assistant hurriedly came behind the major general and reported the message.

He was able to accumulate merit and be promoted to major general. He knew very well that in such an occupied area with complex terrain, if he wore the commander's uniform, he would probably be shot.

The hand holding the command knife tightened, his joints turned white, and his eyes were gloomy, all showing that he was in a bad mood. The ship that came to pick them up still hadn't arrived. He sent a telegram to the division headquarters for questioning. The division headquarters replied that they could not be contacted for the time being. superior.

The Major General knew exactly what it meant to be unavailable.

The assistant babbled in bird language and suggested finding other ways to cross the river.

The major general looked at the canal quietly and suddenly smiled: "It doesn't matter whether we go back or not. You should immediately streamline the collected gas bomb damage report and send it back via cable."

"Then, should we get in touch with Xiong Eryang's troops?" The major general turned away from the dock: "Order Xiong Eryang to come closer to us immediately!"


The assistant turned to arrange the dispatch.

The lieutenant who led the escort came to the major general: "After reporting the data, the troops discovered that the resistance elements who attacked us last night have pursued us again."

The major general shook his head and asked the lieutenant: "Tell me, even if we kill them all, how much effect will it have?"

The lieutenant was stunned for a moment: "This subordinate is stupid and doesn't understand."

The major general frowned: "According to the Chinese... we are jade, there is no need to touch bricks..."

Madman Yang and Li Laosan's reconnaissance team did not encounter the soldiers who came back to report.

The two sides were not walking on the same road, passing each other four or five miles apart, one in the south and the other in the north.

The leading soldiers approached the village after the battle.

"Stop! Xiao Zhu is on alert, Xiao Hu, run back and report the situation!" the leader of the vanguard team issued the order.

Even in the heavy rain, the smell of gunpowder smoke was still strong in the air.

Based on my feeling, there must have been a large-scale battle in the village last night.

He immediately asked the guard soldier to hide in the green gauze tent, and he quickly ran towards the village with the shell gun in hand.

There was no time to look for the secret message Liu Yuanqing left.

The message left by Liu Yuanqing said that they were tracking a group of ghosts who were probably Da Yu.

If Liu Yuanqing and his party died, then all those left in the village would be Japs.

It will definitely hit the Japanese's peripheral security first.

Since no remains of Liu Yuanqing or Eighth Route Army soldiers were found along the way, it at least shows that Liu Yuanqing still has hope of being alive.

He entered the village alone, and he was not afraid even if there were ghosts in the village. The focus now was not on his own life, but on finding out whether Instructor Liu and the others were still alive.

It doesn't matter if you die alone.

The death of Instructor Liu is a big deal.

It was impossible to sneak into the village while holding your breath in broad daylight. It was better to rush into the village directly and run diagonally to be faster, which would make it less likely to get shot.

He rushed straight into the village and didn't meet anyone.

However, many traces of the aftermath of the war were found.

There was a heavy smell of blood in two courtyards. Although the blood stains on the ground in one of them were dry, it was judged by years of combat experience that someone had died not long ago.

The roof of another yard collapsed…

Even if Instructor Liu takes a rest, arranging security is the most basic common sense in camping. It is impossible to divide the originally small number of people into two courtyards to sleep.

So, the smell of blood in these houses is likely to come from Japanese blood.

Judging from the traces, it is estimated that many people died.

An instructor is an instructor.

There are many ways to kill the enemy.

However, on the battlefield, no one who is powerful will definitely survive.

No corpse of the Japs was found, which means that the Japs took away the bodies. In other words, it was the Japs who won in the end.

He was now getting worried and kept walking through the yard and into the house.

Before finding the secret message left by Instructor Liu, any outcome is possible.

Perhaps, Instructor Liu escaped after a successful raid...

Inherent thinking limits his imagination...

(End of this chapter)

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