under fire

Chapter 1596 Scout Xu Xiao

Chapter 1596 Scout Xu Xiao

The battle on the canal was short-lived.

The grenade thrown by the Japanese before leaving did not sink the iron-hulled patrol boat.

The gun holes on the hull of the patrol boat can be blocked by inserting empty bullet casings.

The soldiers of the main battalion found the broken rope from the patrol boat. After connecting it, nearly a hundred people pulled the rope together like centipedes and paddled with their hands and feet to pull the iron-hulled boat to the west bank.

The water in the canal is very slow, so there is no need to worry about whirlpools.

Hu Yi stood on the shore, always worried that enemy ships would appear again on the canal, but it did not happen.

Without oars, it seemed possible to row iron-hulled boats to carry people across the canal.

Across the river is the Third Division Base Area.

Until the sun was high in the sky, hundreds of people were pulling in the water, the wounded landlubbers were taking boats, and the iron-hulled boats were crossing the canal.

Perhaps it was the sound of gunshots and explosions that passed by word of mouth, but not a single ship passed by.

The little devil was beaten, who has nothing to do to get into trouble?
Chen Baji's back was wrapped with a bandage and he was hiding in a bush three miles away from the ferry.

Seeing that the home he had run for many years was occupied by the Japanese, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

300 meters away, the Japanese guard post was clearly visible.

The brothers who escaped from nearby gathered together and found out the cause of the matter.

This group of Japanese soldiers arrived at the ferry shortly before him.

Now the ferry that he has run for many years has been burned to the ground by the police, and the little devil appears here.

I heard from my brothers that this group of Japs took a steamboat to the ferry a few days ago, then went west to Qingsha Zhang and disappeared. Unexpectedly, they came back again.

It was obvious that the gang was waiting for the steamer to pick them up.

The ferry has a pier, and in the past, Japanese patrol boats often docked for inspection.

However, most of the time, everyone stays within their boundaries.

It is unlikely that this group of Japanese would set up camp at the ferry.

Because this place is mixed with fish and snakes, if the Japanese send people to guard it, there is a high possibility of being attacked.

He tried hard to straighten his back, but the stinging pain in his back made it impossible for him to hold on for long.

He suffered a catastrophe and was shot. He could lie on the stretcher and show his weak side, but in front of his brothers, he had to show his strong side.

Otherwise, people's hearts may be scattered.

Master once said that a man with a straight back, no matter how downcast he is or how shabby his clothes, is still a man. To be a man, you must stand upright.

The ferry must be recaptured.

Whoever wants to cross the border must pay a price.

My brothers cannot die in vain.

The big dragon head would not come forward, and the guards did not dare to directly occupy the ferry.

Because they have to guard against their own attacks day and night.

According to past practice, someone will definitely act as a peacemaker to continue the business.

He was looking forward to seeing who would dare to come here to swim in the muddy water.

He is very curious now, who will be the peacemaker next, or who will be the fake good guy to steal his plate.

The world is like this. If you don't have the strength, don't occupy this feng shui treasure.

The crime of holding a jade should be this.


West Street is not very long, only half a mile.

After walking back and forth, the porridge Xu Xiao drank in the morning had completely disappeared.

Suddenly I smell the smell of wine and meat
His stomach began to growl, but this was nothing to him. He was used to being hungry early in the morning since he was a child.

The sounds coming from the windows upstairs were very strange, much like northern Mandarin, and occasionally mixed with the chirping of birds.

That’s right, the birds are definitely singing!

Xu Xiao slowly stopped.He tightened the cloth belt under his ragged clothes again, hugged a sea bowl with a big rooster on it, and leaned against the corner of the wall that was not exposed to rain.

Occasionally I look up at the window upstairs at Huixian Tower,

These days, the business of Huixian Tower is bleak.

The eaves cannot cover the drizzle.After Xu Xiao waited for a long time, the people drinking upstairs were still going on.

A window above the head suddenly opened, revealing a young face, followed by a strange voice: "Hey, little beggar, I see you have been here for a long time, there are some leftovers here, do you want it?" ?”

After saying that, before Xu Xiao could refuse, an oil paper bag was thrown down.

Xu Xiao quickly grabbed the bowl with one hand and caught the package with the other hand.

When he looked up again, he found that the window had been closed.

Xu Xiao took the oil paper bag, opened it, and found that half of the roast chicken without chicken legs was still hot.

He didn't even care that the person throwing the roast chicken upstairs might be a kid.

He didn't intend to be polite. He pulled the roast chicken out of the oil paper bag and stuffed it into his mouth. It tasted really good.

He ate it all in one breath, wrapped the remaining bones and put them in his arms, intending to take them back to be chewed by the puppy he had just adopted.

For some reason, Xu Xiao suddenly felt hot all over.

Maybe it was because there was food in my stomach, maybe it was because I found a ghost.

Anyway, his heart was beating fast.

The guy who threw the roast chicken must be a kid.

Even if he lost half a roast chicken to himself, as long as he was a little devil, he felt that he must be killed.

While I was thinking wildly, I heard the sound of stools moving upstairs.

There was a sound of footsteps upstairs.

After waiting for a while, I finally heard the sound of the door opening, followed by the sound of someone's footsteps coming down the stairs.

Xu Xiao stood up suddenly, left the street, turned to the alley next to the restaurant, and stuck out half of his head to observe.

The bustling sounds in the room seemed to be the shopkeeper's checkout.

Suddenly, there was a sound of breathing from behind.

Xu Xiaoxin didn't know well.

Turning around suddenly, he finally saw clearly the appearance of the person who attacked him.

It's the little devil who just threw the roast chicken to me!

This guy didn't know when he came downstairs silently and came around behind him.

A sharp sharp knife in his hand was stabbing his waist.

Xu Xiao quickly took a step to the side, and then tightly clamped the arm holding the knife with his left arm.

He bent his right elbow and slammed into the guy.

The guy who attacked him grunted and threw away the knife.

Then, a thin rope was strangled around Xu Xiao's neck, and he turned around to carry the pig to death.

Once the rope tightens around the neck and is carried around for a few times, the thin rope will strangle the throat.

Fortunately, Xu Xiao was alert and put his hands on his neck. The nylon rope was pulled into Xu Xiao's palms. He raised his feet and pushed hard on the wall. The force of the impact caused the two of them to fall together.

Xu Xiao, who broke free from the nylon rope, suddenly pulled out the short knife from his calf and stabbed it along his ribs without even thinking about it.

A scream sounded particularly loud in the silent rainy street.

Xu Xiao didn't think much, and this was not the time to relax. He plunged all the knives in his hands into the devil's waist and twisted hard.

Perhaps because he heard the screams outside the restaurant, the footsteps in the restaurant rang quickly again.

Xu Xiao quickly took out a handful from the Japs who was still twitching after being stabbed to death.

This guy actually had a pistol hidden under his ribs. He felt happy and quickly pulled out the pistol. As expected, it was really a southern pistol. Then he pulled everything in the kid's pocket, including the bullets, into his ragged clothes.

Then, he rolled and crawled deeper into the alley.

After running a few steps and looking back, I was thinking that this kid must have come out of the back door.

Obviously, he was caught staring at them.

The alleys in the drizzle were misty.

Several men in gray clothes, smelling of alcohol, rushed out of the restaurant door with guns drawn.

Run west along the street and arrive at the corner of the alley in a few seconds.

He caught a glimpse of the body of the SWAT elite lying on the ground.

Around the body, a large amount of blood was being washed into the gutter by the rain.
The faces of several men changed drastically, and they began to shout loudly.
Looking up, deep in the rainy and foggy alley, a figure just ran out of the end. In a blink of an eye, the figure disappeared.
(End of this chapter)

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