under fire

Chapter 1597 Mule Company

Chapter 1597 Mule Company

After killing the little Japanese spy, Xu Xiao did not dare to stay in the city any longer.

If you stay outside the restaurant for a long time, the little devil will definitely anger all the beggars in the city.

Tell Teacher Mei everything he knows, and ask him to find a way to tell all the beggars in the city to temporarily avoid the limelight, and then quickly stick to the wall and rush towards the city gate.

Anxian County is not big, and the underground personnel know most of the situation of the Japanese in the city.

The identities of this group of unknown Japanese spies are indeed suspicious.

The earth-colored Teacher Mei was left in a daze in the rain and fog. Notifying the beggar would expose herself. Moreover, there were so many beggars in the city, how to notify?

The trouble Xu Xiao caused this time was not ordinary Xiao.

He himself didn't realize this, and he was still thinking in his mind that the Japanese guy he was lucky enough to kill was definitely better than him.

I was able to escape from the Japanese spy mainly because the Japanese drank a lot.

In addition, I also benefited from being led by Sister Caixia to practice boxing and kicking during this period.

The Japanese and puppet troops guarding the city gate probably haven't received the news about the dead Japanese agent yet.

There have been no major manhunts in the city yet.

Although it was raining, there were many people going in and out of the city.

When I walked out of the suspension bridge outside the city gate into the crowd, I looked back twice.

The head hanging on the city wall makes people entering and exiting the city gates tremble with fear.

Jingle Bell.
The phone on the city tower rang, and then a puppet soldier ran out of the city gate tower and leaned toward the city gate hole to shout.

Then, the thick city gate creaked, and more than a dozen Japanese soldiers running down the street took over the south gate.

At the gate of the gendarmerie, groups of Japanese gendarmerie ran out in full gear.

The traitors in black clothes from the detective team came out in full force
The police trooped out of the gate.

They are all meeting at Huixian Tower.

Immediately, a house-to-house search was launched.

This time, regardless of the reason, he will catch beggars whenever he sees them.

Such a thing happened once not long ago, and that time, the former shopkeeper of Huixian Tower disappeared.

The sky was gloomy and full of dark clouds, and sporadic raindrops fell from the sky from time to time.

Su Qing received news from nearby traffic officers and led his team to follow the traffic officers to the main camp's crossing point. Hu Yi had already led his team across the canal with the main camp.

The monkey, the traffic officer and the volunteered Officer Ai were lying on the river bank.

In the field of vision of the telescope, I saw the team on the other side of the river disappearing into the reeds.

The correspondent hiding in the green gauze tent behind came in a hurry: "Report, a large number of Japanese soldiers from the north are heading south along the canal embankment, about five miles away."

The three of them are not allowed to get into the green gauze tent to the west again.

Turn on the radio and report to Division [-]: There is an obstacle in crossing the river.

The monkey lay on the edge of the green gauze tent and kept watch.

Looking at the sky blurred by the rising fog over the canal, I could vaguely see the Japanese motorcycles clearing the way on the embankment, hurriedly running southward in the drizzle.

A whistle sounded far north of the canal.

The Japanese motorboat appears again.

"The monkey's face is unusually serious: retreat to the depths of the green gauze tent immediately!"

Officer Ai next to him said in a low voice: "We are hiding in the green gauze tent. What are we afraid of?"

"When the Japs march, they will send a reconnaissance team to search Qingsha Zhang. Once they are hit, we will not even be the Japs opponents of the same team this time!"

"Thank you for reminding me, I was reckless!" Officer Ai's face turned pale and he humbly thanked him.

The team stopped again after walking a mile to the west, and the monkey led the people to disperse and be on guard.

Officer Ai knew what Su Qing was worried about: "If you are not sure, I suggest you cross the river somewhere else."

Su Qing never expected that after leaving all night early, the main group and the guard battalion would cross the river before his group.

Moreover, they did not take the ferry, but also forcibly seized Japanese iron-hulled boats to cross the river.

Officer Ai glanced at the international friends hiding behind the green screen tent: "You have to have confidence in them. Our task cannot be completed in a day or two." Su Qing took a deep breath: "I may have misjudged the situation. There is no sign of the Japanese moving toward Qinghe County."

"You mean, if we capture Qinghe County, the little devil is willing to suffer the consequences of being dumb?"

"At present, it should be like this!"

"We have a radio station, and I think we should ask our superiors for instructions."

Su Qing shook his head: "You have to understand that your superiors have asked you to personally escort them out of the mountain. The fewer people who know about their existence, the better!"

The monkey trotted into the depths of the green gauze tent and said, "The troops have left after the Japanese broke up."

Su Qing thought for a while: "Continue to be vigilant. Don't wander around before dark."

In the path between the green gauze tents.

A team hurried forward.

Madman Yang entered the village carrying a shell gun.

Zhang Xiaodao followed closely behind Madman Yang, and then Li Laosan and the others.

After leaving the warning soldiers behind, more than ten people entered the village.

After entering the village, Madman Yang looked up at the sky. Although the rain was not heavy, the dark clouds in the sky were getting thicker and thicker. There might be another heavy rain in the afternoon.

For some unknown reason, the traces left by Liu Yuanqing stayed here.

After the heavy rain, the ground was muddy. Madman Yang squatted down and took a closer look.

Suddenly he breathed out a sigh of relief.

He may not be familiar with other people, but he is very familiar with the footsteps left by Liu Yuanqing.

When the gendarmerie trains, they will cut one or two notches on the edge of the shoes with a knife. The shapes and sizes of the notches are different.

If there was an emergency, a circle would be carved into the sole of the shoe with a bayonet.

In this way, when you need support when performing a mission outside, your companions only need to look at the shoe prints to find you.

Crazy Yang has no interest in seeing the traces of battle left in the village.

Lead the team to follow the footprints and chase forward.

When Liu Yuanqing saw the dirty face, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Is your brain flooded?" Dirty Face was in a very bad mood: "You want my guerrillas to fight against the Japs?"

"You're afraid of a ball. I killed twenty or thirty Japs yesterday!"

"There are nearly two hundred little Japs over there. You want us to die?"

"I'm telling you, this group of devils has a lot of background. It would be exciting to think about killing their commander."

"Haha, you want to play something exciting? You can play by yourself! Don't involve me."

"The little devil is staying at the ferry. He must be waiting for the boat to pick them up. There are not many opportunities to kill the little devil and the high official."

"Then why don't you go to the county town? There are too many Japanese officials in the county town."

"The county seat was beaten yesterday."

"Can you stop for a while?"

"Then you brought so many people here to watch the fun?"

"Don't tell me, you are just watching the fun. People on Cangzhou Road are fighting among themselves. Chen Baji originally had a good relationship with our Eighth Route Army, so he will help if he can."

"Don't talk so much nonsense, even people from Cangzhou Road are involved. Don't even think about standing aside if I have something to do now." Liu Yuanqing looked solemn.

"Don't look at me with that look."

"You only need to attack the outside guard of the little devils. I will lead people to sneak to the river to ambush. Once there are so many little devils on board, they will be crowded. I will shoot the commander coldly."

The dirty face looked at the ferry by the canal, frowning: "I beg you, can you just play by yourself?"

Liu Yuanqing put his arms around Dirty Face's shoulders: "Is your mother a soldier of the Ninth Battalion?"

"It's none of your business, I'm from the mule company, and your reconnaissance company platoon leader has nothing to do with us."

(End of this chapter)

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