under fire

Chapter 1598 3 Slip County

Chapter 1598 Three slippery counties
As Chongqing's tacit tacit understanding with the Japanese to suppress northern Shaanxi came to light.

Under pressure from all parties, Chongqing made concessions during negotiations with the Eighth Route Army Office and evacuated some troops two days ago.

However, the Japanese in North China had no intention of retreating and were prepared to annihilate the Eighth Route Army on their own.

The Eighth Route Army's guerrilla campaign is too insignificant. They wreak havoc everywhere like rats in the occupied areas, making it difficult to guard against...

The best defense is offense!
There is no doubt about the strength of the Japanese. The Eighth Route Army does not have the ability to fight the Japanese directly.

Northern Shaanxi is vast and sparsely populated. Even if the Eighth Route Army cannot be wiped out, it must at least be made to give up its base and move.

Otherwise, the base area would have always been a solid psychological backing for the Eighth Route Army that insisted on resisting the war.

For the Eighth Route Army, only by keeping its base areas intact can it stabilize its morale.

As orders were issued one after another, the Eighth Route Army in the enemy-occupied areas attacked the enemy in various ways, creating a storm.

In an abandoned village five miles away from Hua County.

Ma Liang squatted under the eaves at the entrance of the village.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, hitting the grass outside the village, making a dense rustling sound.

Two figures appeared in the rain and fog in the distance.

A student soldier and a soaked soldier trotted to Ma Liang.

The student soldiers saluted: "Reporting to the captain, this is the correspondent of the [-]th Regiment of the main force."

"Hello, Captain Ma! Our unit and the [-]th Regiment have arrived at the assembly position. This is the latest battle plan formulated by the leader. It is top secret!"

Ma Liang took the oil paper bag and opened it.

After reading the plan wrapped in oil, his face became better, and he nodded to the correspondent: "Thank you, go back and tell the leader immediately, and the rotation training team will ensure that the task is completed!"

The correspondent saluted, turned around and followed the students westward, disappearing into the rain and fog.


A student soldier jogged from the east of the village to Ma Liang, who was looking at a map, and saluted: "Report, a group of puppet army patrols are coming from the east."

Prepare for battle.

Through the rain curtain, a group of puppet soldiers with five-color cap badges on their heads staggered forward in the mud.

"Hey, there is a village ahead, let's take a rest."

Just arrived at the village entrance.

"Help...Help..." A traitor in black clothes sitting under the eaves said hoarsely, waving his hands and moving with difficulty.

The puppet soldiers walking in front stopped and raised their guns.

The frightened traitor fell to the ground with a plop.

The puppet squad leader walking in the middle of the team behind frowned: "What's going on?"

The puppet soldier walking in front turned around and shouted: "A man rushed out by the roadside, he seems to be injured."

The pseudo-squad leader was a little impatient: "Third son, go over and take a look!"

"Yes!" The puppet soldier named Sanzi looked around and saw that there was no one else.

He ordered the two brothers to follow him forward with their guns in hand, cursing and walking towards the traitor sitting on the wet ground.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?"

The man in black moved his body, trying to get up on the ground, but his body seemed weak and stopped moving.

The third son asked the two puppet soldiers to hold their guns on guard, then he stepped forward and reached out to turn over the traitor in black who was lying on the ground.

When he saw the scar on Ma Liang's face, he was stunned for a moment: "Which part of yours is it?"

Ma Liang tightly grasped the sleeve of the puppet soldier who was supporting him, and moved his lips. His voice showed weakness: "I...I am from the Huaxian County Detective Team. I was ordered to inquire about the situation...I was attacked by the Eighth Route Army...save...save me... "

Ma Liang's voice was very quiet, but the puppet army could still hear it clearly.

When he heard that this guy was a traitor from the Hua County Detective Team, his face actually showed a look of pleasure.

There are many kinds of traitors. Although he himself can be considered a traitor, he now regards himself as a national salvation soldier.

After saving the country, he was currently in Cao's camp and his heart was with Han, so he looked down on such true traitors from the bottom of his heart.

If Shangfeng hadn't repeatedly emphasized that these people were needed for local governance, he almost couldn't hold back and killed this guy directly.If the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, Sun Dianying's soldiers will naturally not be much better.

Everyone has a past, and Sun Dianying was once an anti-Japanese hero, but betraying the enemy means becoming an enemy of the people.

Ma Liang was not worried that these puppet soldiers might attack him.

There are at least a dozen soldiers hiding in the ruins of the ruins that cannot be seen around.

If he wanted to capture this group of puppet soldiers without firing a shot, Ma Liang had no chance.

Because this group of puppet troops is different from those ragtag puppet troops. They were once the second-rate main force of the national army.

The fighting power is not bad.

"Why are you here? Why are you injured?" Sanzi didn't care at all about the injured traitor in front of him and had no doubts.

Because it is normal for traitors to be attacked by anti-Japanese elements. It does not happen every day, but it is not normal if it does not happen ten times a month.

He feels very sorry now, and he doesn’t know which bastard anti-Japanese element did it, so why didn’t he kill this traitor?

Ma Liang, however, clutched the puppet soldier's arm tightly: "Help...save me...hurry up...send me to the doctor quickly...or I will die..."

A sinister smile suddenly appeared on Sanzi's face: "You want me to save you? Why?"

After saying that, he shook off Ma Liang's hand and stood up to leave.

Ma Liang quickly stretched out his hands to hug the puppet soldier's calf: "Please...don't go...save me..."

"Go away!" The puppet soldier kicked Ma Liang.

With a scream, Ma Liang covered his stomach with both hands and rolled on the ground.

The puppet soldier scolded in a cold voice: "Damn it, you do not know life and death, get out of here, I still have to patrol."

In normal times, even if he looked down on these traitors, he would not dare to say these words. After all, everyone would work together to maintain law and order in the future.

These eggless people are good at playing dirty tricks.

But now that it is raining, he is not afraid of Ma Liang, who is almost out of breath, remembering his appearance and causing trouble.

This guy was injured and it was still raining. Even if he didn't die, he would probably lose half his life.

The puppet army walked back, and Ma Liang hurriedly got up from the ground, holding himself up, and staggered to catch up.

"help me……"

As soon as the puppet army returned to the team parked outside the village, they saw Ma Liang chasing after them, with murderous intent flashing in their eyes.

At this time, the pseudo-squad leader put his hand on the holster of the rifle and walked up to the third son and asked the third son: "What's wrong?"

Sanzi smiled grimly: "A traitor was injured. He said he was injured by anti-Japanese elements."

The squad leader was about to take out his shell gun and give this guy a good blow, when he suddenly noticed that Ma Liang, who was following him, seemed to be smiling.

The squad leader was stunned, and immediately felt uneasy in his heart.

"What do you want to do…"

"Haha!" Ma Liang held a grenade with the safety off in his left hand, raised the rifle with his right hand, and pointed it at the pseudo-squad leader first: "I know you also hate traitors very much, so we should be considered as kindred spirits."

The pseudo-squad leader looked a little surprised, and quickly reached for the holster on his waist, only to hear the sound of kicking and the sound of footsteps...

Heads popped up one after another among the ruins:
There are more than ten rifles, and there is actually a submachine gun.

Before the pseudo-squad leader could react, the gun was pointed at him and his men.

"Don't move, anyone who moves will be killed."

"We are the Eighth Route Army, we will not kill anyone unless we turn in our guns."

Things happened so fast that the pseudo-squad leader never thought that this injured traitor would be the Eighth Route Army...

There are so many hidden in the village!
This group of puppet soldiers did not participate in the raid because they were connected to Nianli County. In their eyes...

They are at the rear…

Under the dark muzzle, the puppet soldiers holding rifles did not raise their hands.

A few months ago, when the Eighth Route Army met the 24th Army, they had to go around...

(End of this chapter)

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