under fire

Chapter 1599 Numb resistance

Chapter 1599 Numb resistance

Street center.

There stands the Drum Tower with its vicissitudes of history.

Four streets are drawn from the southeast, northwest and northwest of the Drum Tower.

The Japanese began to impose martial law.

Street shops began to close without exception, and the people on the streets quickly disappeared.

The second floor of a grocery store on the corner.

Teacher Mei behind the window felt her throat was dry.

The smell of blood in the middle of the street was so strong that it made people sick.

I felt like I was dried fish that had been exposed to the sun for three months.

There was water everywhere in the streets and alleys, and he still felt like smoke was rising from his throat.

Looking past the human wall formed by Japanese military police, police officers, and detective teams, the intersection was covered with corpses.

More than a dozen beggars with their hands tied behind their backs staggered around under the butts of Japanese rifles.

The incident happened so suddenly that he didn't have much time to notify all the beggars.

Besides, the beggars may not listen to him.

I could only watch the beggars being led into the crowd of tigers and wolves.

There was the sound of footsteps downstairs, and two Japanese soldiers rushed upstairs with rifles with bayonets in hand, searching from house to house.

Seeing Teacher Mei standing at the door, holding a certificate of good citizenship in his hand, he bowed and nodded: "A good citizen! A good citizen."

A Japanese soldier held a bayonet against Teacher Mei and shouted a warning: "Your...squat down...don't move..."

Another Japs quickly climbed onto the roof. Apparently, he wanted to seize the high point for security.

Street center.

A Japanese man dressed as a businessman had a gloomy look on his face. He looked at the beggars who were being escorted towards him. He whispered to the military policeman next to him: "Untie the ropes and ask them all to turn around and walk a few steps."

"Yes, Your Excellency Bei Dao!" the Japanese military policeman quickly did as he was told.

Bei Dao carefully watched the back of each beggar as he moved.

After a long while, he raised his hand and made a cross-cutting motion.

The Japanese standing on the left and right raised their guns without hesitation.
There was a crashing sound.

Bang bang bang.


The beggars who had been shot in the back all fell to the ground in a death struggle, screaming in agony and begging Guan Tai Bai Yin Jade Emperor Maria Jesus to open her eyes...

However, neither God nor God gave them any hope.

The beggars who were then escorted over saw the corpses on the ground and finally understood what was waiting for them.

"Fight them..." Among the beggars who had always been numb, someone finally took the lead and started to resist.

Where there is the first, there is the second.
The Japanese next to him were already prepared, and when they drew their bayonets, they picked...

One figure after another fell down...

The tragic side appears.

Maeda, who rushed to the middle of the street after receiving the news, frowned and shot the criminals, usually in mass graves outside the city. These colleagues from the Northern Special Police had to go on a killing spree in the city.

In this way, the good public security situation that was finally established in the city will definitely deteriorate, and those Chinese people who have gradually become accustomed to being enslaved may become rebellious.

Although he wanted to dissuade her, he couldn't speak at all.

Because it was the elite of the Northern Special Police who died.

It was obvious that they were too careless, but now they were venting their anger in the county town.

It was precisely because the person who died was an elite member of the Northern Special Police, otherwise he would not have risked his life and personally attended the scene as a major.

After all, those rebels like to shoot black guns the most.

Li Wei, in a straight police uniform, mingled among his police officers and provided peripheral security for the Taijuns. As the district police captain in charge of this area, it was not like he had never killed someone before.

But I have never seen such a tragic situation.

The gloomy-faced Japanese seemed to just look at the beggar's back and directly shot him without interrogating him.

The death screams were so horrible.

I only felt numbness on my scalp, as if my entire soul and body were out of touch.

At this time, neither the limbs nor the tongue seemed to obey their own control.

He already knew the general story of what happened. A beggar killed a Japanese spy who was said to be an elite among the elite.

He cursed in his mind the beggar who killed the Japanese. He felt good doing it for a while, but it caused so many beggars in the city to suffer.

As for the beggar's identity, he had a vague guess in his mind, it was probably Xu Xiao!He did not report his guess, because in that case, the Japanese would definitely ask him to lead a team to hunt him down, and even give him a three- or five-day deadline.
Yesterday, a meeting was held at Shangfeng, where the latest situation was reported, and everyone was convinced that the banner of the Three People's Principles would never fall.

Everyone is asked to endure the humiliation and bear the burden for the time being.
The anti-Japanese work must also continue. At present, the focus of the work is temporarily on the Tubal Road.

While thinking wildly, there was a burst of panic and shouting from the crowd.
Then, the crowd around him fell down...

Li Wei quickly focused his eyes.
I don't know when, a dark guy was smoking in the crowd of imperial soldiers.


There was a loud noise and smoke, and the screams of Li Wei, who was still standing, spread over the middle of the street.

Severe pain came from his chest, and Li Wei curled up into a ball...

There was only one thought in my mind, I was careless, I shouldn't be distracted at this time.

I really can’t bear to die like this...

If you were focused, this wouldn't happen.

Because he is far away from the explosion point...

The Japanese on guard reacted and raised their guns to shoot at a half-closed window on the street. With a bang, the window shattered and the falling glass made a loud splash.

Apparently, the grenade was thrown through the open window.

There was no way the person who threw the grenade could run away.

Now there is a manhunt all over the city, and when gunshots are fired, no matter how good he is, it will be in vain.

A few minutes later, a large number of Japanese soldiers rushed to the two-story building next to them.

The detective team in black followed closely, then the police officers, and the last ones were the security forces.
However, it was too late to say anything now. In Li Wei's eyes, the man who threw the grenade was indeed a good man.

I don’t seem to hate people who throw grenades...

Someone seemed to be calling his name next to him.

Li Wei, who was lying on the ground and clutching his chest, was a little confused...

Until, a Japanese military doctor and an assistant medical soldier bent down next to Li Wei, and motioned to the two police officers who were surrounding Li Wei in a panic and shouted how Captain Li was doing, to get away.

"Tsk, tsk... your... fate is great!" The Japanese military doctor who turned Li's tail upside down had a strange expression on his face and held half an iron lump in his hand.

A hand grenade made on Tubal Road exploded into two pieces. I finally saw it with my own eyes today.

He stretched out his hand and pressed Li Wei's chest. Li Wei immediately screamed like a pig...

"I'm so angry, I have a broken rib, I can't die..." the Japanese medical soldier muttered, regardless of whether the two nervous-looking police officers next to him could understand...

Upstairs on the corner.

Teacher Mei was squatting on the ground, standing guard at the window and opening the window facing the street, shouting to inform the Japanese on the street that it was safe.

The screams outside the window showed no signs of stopping.

You must take action to attract the devil's attention.

Otherwise, more beggars will be shot.

Watch carefully the frequency of the rise and fall of the Japs chest.

Covered by gunshots outside the window, Teacher Mei suddenly moved and suddenly jumped up from the ground, with a bayonet slipping from his sleeve.

The tightly held pitch-black bayonet was stabbed accurately from the Japs back, straight into the heart!

I heard from Monkey that if you choose to attack the enemy when he is angry, even if the enemy screams before he dies, the sound will not be too loud!
The Japs on the ground were still twitching, they were all dead, and the rifle in his hand was still tightly clenched.

It seems that I won’t be able to pull it off for a while...

I wanted to take off the grenade from the Japanese soldier's chest, but found that the soldier might have forgotten to take it with him in a hurry.

There is also a Japs on the roof, just in case there are too many dreams at night...

He had no choice but to take out the grenade hidden in the house, throw it from the window into the crowd of Japs and traitors in the street.

He followed two steps straight to the back window and jumped into the backyard without any hesitation.

After landing, he rolled forward to relieve the force of the fall, stood up quickly, kicked the ground hard, and rushed towards the backyard door with his body covered in mud.

Panting, he opened the courtyard door.

By this time, the Japanese who had reacted had already rushed to the gate on the ground floor. After hearing the noise, some of the Japanese ran to the backyard and some went to the second floor.

The Japs who seized the high point on the roof in advance did not notice the grenade being thrown from the house below due to the angle of vision. They heard the Japs in the middle of the street shooting at the window below him, and suddenly realized that the person who threw the grenade was in the house below him. .

Then, the companions who stayed on the second floor must be in bad luck!

Just as he was hesitating about what to do, he suddenly heard the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground in the yard behind him. He quickly looked back and saw a figure jumping out of the window and running to the backyard. He quickly turned the muzzle of his gun and prepared to shoot...

In the rush, before I could take aim, the figure had already rushed out of the backyard door...

Two floors is too high. When I saw a pile of firewood in the backyard, I gritted my teeth and jumped directly to the pile of firewood...

"Ah..." A scream shook the earth,
The broken branches in the firewood are tough, and the ghost chrysanthemums that fell on the firewood are broken...

(End of this chapter)

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