under fire

Chapter 1600: Things about the canal ferry

The Eighth Route Army detachment is at the same level as the regiment, but is much smaller in scale, and some of its soldiers are not part-time workers.

They are stronger than ordinary guerrillas and district squads, but there is no essential difference.

The district's Majiahe detachment is stationed in Lianggouwan Village.

The village is named after the backwater formed when the tributaries flow into the canal.

There are only more than [-] retired soldiers in the detachment.

In a village surrounded by trees, a large group of people stood at the entrance of the village, lining up to welcome the team.

Serve roasted sweet potatoes, white eggs, peanuts, and watermelon.

A group of children were laughing and running around the welcoming team.

Battalion Commander Li looked at everything in front of him calmly. The sacrifice of the deputy commander still lingered in his heart.

A soldier in a worn-out gray military uniform with his arms and knees patched walked up to him and said in a serious tone: "Li Datou, you're fine."

"Hello, Political Commissar Qin!" Battalion Commander Li stood at attention and raised his hand as a police salute: "I'm passing by your base this time, asking for a drink of water."

"They are all my own family, what are you talking about?" Political Commissar Qin of the detachment raised his hand in return and punched Battalion Commander Li in the chest: "It's good to come back alive!"

"Hey, the little devil wants to kill me, there is no way."

"I heard that after you went out this time, you even set up a radio station?" Political Commissar Qin looked around at the soldiers behind Battalion Commander Li.

"You are quite well informed."

Political Commissar Qin stopped talking nonsense: "The superiors sent a correspondent to say that you are going to cross the river here. I still don't understand how this news spread so fast."

Political Commissar Qin began to communicate with Battalion Commander Li about the situation of this trip.

".You mean, it's great that the brothers' troops are all in place!"

Battalion Commander Li shook his head: "What's strange is that the Japs don't seem to have concentrated their forces to recapture Qinghe County."

"This is really weird. It made such a big fuss but failed to mobilize the little devil at all." Political Commissar Qin didn't know the details.

"So, you must be more vigilant during this period to prevent the Japs from Guan County from crossing the river from this area and marching westward."

"I will discuss it with the detachment leader later, but we have to deal with the locust plague right now, and there are not many people available."

A mysterious smile appeared on Battalion Commander Li's face: "Old Qin, this time, I will give you a big gift."

"What kind of gift?" Political Commissar Qin's eyes widened.

"Two Japanese iron-hulled motor boats, twenty [-]-guns," Battalion Commander Li lowered his voice.

"[-] rifle? Stop it, are you willing to give it up?" Political Commissar Qin was stunned for a moment.

"You don't know what my temper is like? I always tell the truth."

"It's not all junk, right?"

"If it's less than [-]% new, you scold me."

Political Commissar Qin finally showed a smile on his face: "You kid, don't make fun of me!"

Battalion Commander Li whispered in Political Commissar Qin's ear for a long time.

"Hey, as long as you have the direction, you don't have to worry about fishing for guns in the river!" Political Commissar Qin waved his hand.

"We agreed, add five to two, and half of our family will do it." Battalion Commander Li nodded: "If we weren't in a hurry, this good thing wouldn't be your turn."

The two turned around and headed towards the village.

"The Japanese released bacteria. How about the losses in your base area?"

"Fortunately, our superiors informed us in advance that the Japanese had breached the embankment and unleashed Tiger La. Our detachment followed the instructions from our superiors. The local anti-Japanese government worked in place, and there were no mass casualties or injuries for the time being."

"That's good news"

"Don't be too happy too early. A large number of locusts are taking food from the people's mouths. The detachment leader is leading the soldiers to help the villagers harvest."

"By the way, let me introduce you. The man behind you is Battalion Commander Hu Yi, who captured the Japanese patrol boat with a cunning plan."

"Hu Yi, battalion commander? Is he Hu Yi from the Independent Regiment?" Political Commissar Qin was stunned for a moment.

"Independent regiment? Isn't it an independent regiment?" Battalion Commander Li was a little confused.

"He didn't tell you?" Political Commissar Qin looked strange.

"you recognize?"

"Hey, have you forgotten about beating the fake brigade commander to death in the Huanglong Lane last year?"

"The soldiers were very excited to be able to cooperate with comrades from the mountains. They clamored that this time they must teach the puppet troops a big lesson." Battalion Commander Li suddenly remembered: "Hu Yi, isn't he from the [-]th Company of the Independent Regiment?"

"He was already the battalion commander at that time, but their soldiers always used to call him company commander."

Battalion Commander Li nodded and looked excited: "I have to ask Battalion Commander Hu Yi why he kept it from me." "No, you forgot our discipline. Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, and don't know what you shouldn't know. , I still have to talk about this matter."

"So, the superiors must have arranged for them to come here with other tasks. Anyway, I don't believe they are here to catch locusts."

Political Commissar Qin looked forward to it: "It would be great if they could stay here for a while and guide us in the battle."

Battalion Commander Li shook his head: "We can't expect too much."

Political Commissar Qin sighed and nodded: "Send all the wounded to the village quickly."

A soldier came in a hurry: "Report, a large number of Japanese were found at the ferry guarded by Chen Baji across the river from the southern ferry."

Base area.

The word sounds kind.

The mature sorghum fields are ablaze.

Following the main battalion, the ninth battalion carrying stretchers walked among the sorghum.

From time to time, I saw militiamen standing on the roadside at the edge of the sorghum field, saying hello cordially.

The small-bodied children's group members looked at a mule cart in the group with big curious eyes.

On the mule cart, there stood a female eighth grader. Her small body was waving her hands excitedly and shouting: "Oh, this sorghum looks so good."

Hu Yi's face turned dark, he grabbed the little girl's arm and pushed her on the mule cart: "Sit down quietly."

The little girl was very dissatisfied: "I want you to take care of it!"

After saying that, he had to jump off the mule cart again.

Hu Yi raised his hand and grabbed her collar and brought her back: "You are the instructor after all. Can you maintain your image as an elderly person?"

The little girl bared her teeth at Hu Yi and shook her fist: "Don't mind your own business. The man named Li went into the village by himself and left us alone. I must make him look good."

Hu Yi chuckled, looked at the little girl up and down, and said with a tut, "I said, this is the place where the brothers' troops are, can you please restrain yourself?"

The little girl blinked her big eyes and suddenly burst into laughter: "You are so childish. If you can't be free in the base area, how can you live your life like this?"

Hu Yi started to have a toothache. This girl was not afraid of anything, and her courage was boundless. There was nothing she dared not do.

If you fall off this mule cart, it will be troublesome to injure your arms and legs.

Ever since she attracted the Japanese alone by the canal, this girl has been struggling.

He actually asked Li Xiang to repair the patrol boat engine.

Looking at Hu Yi's face as black as the bottom of a pot, Luo Fugui, who was chewing a sorghum stick behind him, stared with triangular eyes and suddenly burst into laughter.

It was the first time I saw Boss Hu's helpless expression.

He patted Boss Hu on the shoulder and shook his head to comfort him: "Boss Hu, this girl has this temper. Just get used to it. Get used to it."

Hu Yi's face turned darker. He knew very well that with greater ability comes greater responsibility.

Good steel is used on the blade.

There is no way their superiors would let them go through all the trouble of crossing the canal and just catch locusts.

He rubbed his stiff face and said, "This time when we cross the canal, things won't be that simple!"

The Japanese guard post on the west side of the ferry.

Liu Yuanqing squatted on the ground, patted the bloodless face of the Japanese sentry lying on the ground, and whispered in a low voice: "It's surprising, isn't it?"

The Japanese looked unconvinced: "You inferior people, you are just like mice pretending to be the imperial army for a sneak attack."

"You still speak tough when you are about to die" Liu Yuanqing smiled: "In other words, you refuse to surrender?"

"How can noble warriors of the Empire surrender to low-level people and fall under the iron heel of the Imperial Army? You will all pay the price sooner or later!" The Japs were not afraid. If these guys hadn't pretended to be Imperial Army correspondents and could speak fluent bird language, He won't be fooled and captured either.

"Well, in this case, after you die and enter your broken shrine, if your Amaterasu bitch gives you a chance to be reborn, remember never to set foot on this land again." Liu Yuanqing said and stood. Get up, raise your legs and step on the devil's neck hard.

With a click, the devil didn't even have a chance to scream, and his neck was trampled directly.

For a noble imperial warrior to be trampled to death like this is definitely an unbearable insult to the Japanese.

However, he had no chance to choose how to die. He twitched a few times and stopped moving.

Liu Yuanqing squatted down again, began to remove the clean military uniform from the Japanese corpse, and quickly put it on himself.

Fortunately, the guards sent by the Japanese division headquarters selected relatively tall Japanese soldiers in order to show off their appearance. Otherwise, with Liu Yuanqing's tall body, he would not be able to wear a small Japanese military uniform.

The dirty face who stepped on the neck of another guard guard guard hesitated for a while, and finally warned: "Liu, you bitch, be careful!"

"Don't worry about me, you just need to launch an attack on the ferry the moment the kid gets on the boat" (End of Chapter)

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