under fire

Chapter 1601 Northern Henan Action Team

North of Hua County.

A village that can no longer be ordinary.

A disguised radio antenna stood on the roof of an inconspicuous dilapidated courtyard.

There is a figure lying on the roof in the south of the village and in the north of the village.

In the dilapidated wing room just down the line from the antenna, the transmitter kept beeping.

The floor of the hall was covered with reeds, and sitting on the reeds more than a dozen people dressed in various costumes were quarreling.

Listening to the conversation, most of them were members of the Henan-Northern Transportation Team of the Chongqing Railway Sabotage Team, which gave the Japanese a headache.

Chen Cheng, who had scars on his face, was habitually playing with the bayonet in his hand.

He glanced provocatively at the man in black sitting not far away.

The man in black was thin, with a sickly white complexion, and a cold light flashed from time to time in his eyes.

Chen Cheng thrust his bayonet into the table with a clang and stared at the man in black: "Captain Qiao, you idiot, you have been sending orders to the top for us to come here for so long, but the liaison officer only contacted us the day before yesterday. I did it once and haven’t shown up again until now, what do you mean?”

Captain Qiao raised his head, still looking at Chen Cheng with a gloomy face, snorted coldly, maybe because he was wrong, and ignored him.

When Chen Cheng saw that this guy was silent, he shrugged and said with a sinister tone in his voice: "My surname is Qiao, I have hated your triangular eyes the most for so many years."

After speaking, he turned his wrist and held a bayonet: "I really want to dig out your eyes."

Captain Qiao was no longer silent, raised his triangular eyes, and said in a stern tone: "Chen, you damn bastard, if I hadn't been short of manpower, I would have turned against you right now."

"Ha ha……"

Chen Cheng burst out laughing, stood up, drew the bayonet on the table, kept holding the knife in his arms, jumped on his feet, and raised his fingers provocatively: "Come on, come on, you despicable bastard, See how I beat you into a pig's head."

Team Qiao suddenly stood up.
At this time, a middle-aged man next to Chen Cheng shouted coldly: "That's enough, are you done yet?"

The middle-aged man is the captain of the action team of the Henan North Detachment of the traffic sabotage team.

"Hmph!" Chen Cheng sat down and said, "Qiao, you son of a bitch, one day I will make you look good."

A tall and thin man sitting on the side saw that the two people did not start a fight. He was very disappointed and shook his head: "You two bastards act like this every time we meet. It disappoints me so much. If you want to fight in the future, just fight and don't talk."

There was a rush of footsteps, and a woman's voice came from the wing: "Contact has been made, get ready for action!"

The middle-aged man quickly stood up, raised his hand and snapped his fingers: "Everyone, we have to enter the city!"

More than a dozen people stood up excitedly, each packing their things and carrying a gun and a bag.

In the south of the village, there were more than a dozen patched men in gray clothes hiding in a ditch. A man poked his head in, and it turned out to be Captain Geng of the armed work force.

Captain Geng's eyes jumped and he gestured to the distance.

In the west of the village, the correspondent of the armed task force who had been looking towards the south of the village tensed up instinctively: "Get ready for battle!"

The armed members next to the correspondent quickly made combat preparations, and a Czech rifle immediately emerged from the ditch.

The three-man vanguard group began to creep towards the village.

The men in black who were lying on the rooftops in the village on guard could not see all the wasteland, and they did not notice the armed work team members who came along the ditch from the west of the village.

The three leading soldiers formed an offensive formation in a triangular shape and easily avoided the warning sentry on the roof.

The leader of the group holds the shell gun in both hands and points forward naturally. As long as someone is found in front, he can immediately raise the gun as quickly as possible to deliver a fatal blow to the enemy.

It is completely wrong to raise the gun while searching forward, because the arm cannot maintain the gun-holding position for a long time.

The group of people leaned against the wall at the edge of the village, listening carefully and looking carefully. After finding nothing unusual, they turned around and gestured to the group of people who were moving slightly behind them: safe.
The sharp soldiers did not attack the guard post and continued to advance towards the village. The trio who followed them slowly approached the guard post on the roof.

The sound of subtle footsteps and the scraping of clothes against the wall reached my ears.

The sentry clenched his pistol and cautiously approached the place where the sound came from behind. As soon as he poked his head out, a shell gun hit his forehead.

The owner behind the shell gun raised his head, winked, and chuckled: "Haha...relax, relax, don't be nervous!"

The guard post was struggling fiercely in his heart. If he fired a warning shot at this time, it would naturally alert his companions in the village.

However, the shell gun with the big nose in front of you will definitely beat your head into a rotten watermelon.
"Hello, my name is Li Tao, and I am the team leader of the Eighth Route Army Armed Task Force!" Li Tao exhaled: "We have no life-or-death enmity, so don't make me misunderstand!"


The traffic team is ready to set off.

Chen Cheng acted as a foreman and walked out of the gate, preparing to call the guard post on the roof. Suddenly, he found that the brother standing guard outside the gate was squatting on the ground with his head in his hands, looking up at him with a bitter look on his face.Of course, this is not the point. There is a man in gray standing next to the wall, the black muzzle of the gun pointing at him like a demon.

When the people behind saw Chen Cheng stop and put his hands on his hands, they immediately realized something was wrong.

The body instinctively made a preparation posture.

A man in gray clothes was standing against the wall outside the courtyard. He stepped forward with a sneer on his face and fired Chen Cheng's gun directly.

Then, a Czech figure appeared at the entrance of the courtyard.

"Don't move, anyone who moves will be killed!"

"Don't move"

"We are on the Eighth Route Army, we will not kill anyone unless we surrender our guns."

The people in the courtyard were dumbfounded. Facing the black machine guns, they felt unprecedented pressure.

A group of people in the courtyard who had prepared for battle were in a panic, and they were all frightened.

Captain Geng pulled aside Chen Cheng who was blocking the door and walked quickly into the yard: "My surname is Geng. Welcome to your arrival."

As Captain Geng finished speaking, the tense atmosphere disappeared slightly.

The middle-aged man and his men breathed a sigh of relief.

The light machine guns put too much pressure on them. This group of people said that they were members of the Eighth Route Army, which made them feel very aggrieved.

The middle-aged man took his right hand away from the holster and stretched out his gun. He looked at Captain Geng with a smile: "Nice to meet you. My name is Song Zheng, captain of the Traffic Disruption Team Henan North Action Team."

Captain Geng was not polite. He stretched out his hand to shake Captain Song's hand and looked up and down at the middle-aged man in front of him.

Although I have never met him, I have naturally heard of the name of the Jiangbei Traffic Destruction Team.

He did not look down upon this middle-aged man. He blew up trains, bridges, and rails on the railway line, leaving the little Japs tired of repairing the railway. Putting aside his position, he deserved respect.

After a short introduction, the atmosphere seemed to become harmonious.

The armed team members who followed later began to tear off all the guns and backpacks from the holsters of the people in the yard.

Captain Song looked at Captain Geng: "You surrounded us fully armed and fired our guns. This is a typical act of sabotaging the war of resistance!"

Captain Geng sat down on the millstone in the yard, took out a cigarette and lit a cigarette, then glanced at Captain Song: "Does your deal with the puppet army count as collaboration with the enemy?"

"Are we making a deal with the puppet army? This is slander!" Captain Song said angrily: "I will definitely report this matter to the war zone!"

"According to battlefield discipline, collaborators will be put to death. What do you think if I kill you all now?"

"You can't do this!" Captain Song was a little angry: "Although the fifth puppet army surrendered to the enemy, they were only a temporary measure."

Captain Geng waved his hand and walked up to Captain Qiao: "A member of the military commander? May I ask your surname?"

"Captain Geng, please don't undermine the overall situation of the Anti-Japanese War." Captain Qiao was a little timid.

Captain Geng nodded: "Yes, it really cannot undermine the overall situation of the War of Resistance. Then can I ask you a question?"

Captain Qiao hesitated for a moment: "Please speak."

"Are the puppet troops occupying Hua County now?"

"Does it have anything to do with you surrounding us?"

Captain Geng retorted: "Problem? Is there no problem? You are flirting with them. Do you want to tell me that you are going to make them betray me?"

Captain Qiao nodded hurriedly: "Yes, that's what we mean."

"Then they follow the Japanese to sweep away the anti-Japanese armed forces in northern Henan. Is that what you want too?"

"Don't throw dirty water!"

Captain Geng raised his hand and threw away the cigarette butt, reached out and took out the shell gun, jumped off the millstone, and put the muzzle of the gun against Captain Qiao's forehead: "You are doing small tricks in northern Shaanxi, I can't control it! You dare to run here now!" I came to stir up trouble in the Eighth Route Army base area, do you really think I am holding a fire stick in my hand?"

"Geng, you are so courageous for undermining unity and resistance." Captain Qiao mustered up the courage to keep his face straight.

"You flirted with the Japanese and puppets, and attacked the Eighth Route Army overtly and covertly. Do you really think that our Eighth Route Army is a fool?" Captain Geng was very angry: "Young man named Qiao, don't think that I don't know what you did before! Today, I will do it for those Revenge the comrades who died at your hands and eliminate you, the reactionary scum."

"Captain Geng, please calm down." Captain Song quickly came up to break up the fight: "We have something to discuss."

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