under fire

Chapter 160

Chapter 160
The mountain wind howled, and the night slowly devoured the last ray of sunlight hidden in the clouds.

A second lieutenant hurriedly came to the lieutenant halfway up the mountain, suggesting: stop the attack in the night, because the loss is too great.

The team that went down first had been fighting for an hour, with nearly half of the casualties, and they didn't even see the shadow of the Eighth Route Army.

The lieutenant couldn't hold back his anger, and roared: "This bastard, Da Chuan, wears dirt clothes and doesn't even have a military uniform. They are sleeping before dark. They are just looking at us as a joke! Such an attack, they can't beat it, maybe, That guy Okawa is betting! He is betting that there will be troops coming from the north to outflank him!"

"Anyway, if we can't attack, it doesn't make sense to let the warriors die in vain. What's more, his military rank is also a lieutenant. Otherwise, they will stay in the valley, and they don't know!" The second lieutenant suggested cautiously.

"Baya, you've completely embarrassed the soldiers of the empire! Are you suggesting that I give up at this time!"

"This subordinate is incompetent, I'm ashamed of you! Let's take the troops down for reinforcements. I'll find a way to continue the attack!" The second lieutenant saluted, and was about to turn around and go down into the ditch to reinforce the troops that went down earlier to continue the attack.

"Idiot, are you a pig? Are you smarter than me? Can you still think of a way?" The sweat on the roaring lieutenant's black face was shining under the torch.

"Subordinates are incompetent!"

"Your, go down for reinforcements, attack in the ravine, your, understand?"

"In the ravine? Attack Hay!"

Obviously he was embarrassing, thinking that the reinforcements were all elite advance teams, and he could pick up a bargain, but when he arrived, he was eaten to death by Lieutenant Okawa of the same rank, and he was used as cannon fodder in the ravine.

But he scolded himself for being stupid, but the second lieutenant who was scolded was still very happy. At least, with this order, he didn't have to try his luck in the dark, and there would be no more casualties!
Anyway, by dawn at most, there should be troops coming from the north. At that time, all the eight roads on the hills will have to be killed.

Half an hour later, in the ravine, the reinforcements arrived. The eight roads above were very cunning, and kept throwing burning dead tree roots down from the mountainside, falling down and splashing sparks.

Until now, the half squad of devils who were going to attack in the dark had to hide far away behind the rocks and in the pits created by the bombs that were thrown in the afternoon. live target.

Tens of meters away, the almost straight ladder hanging obliquely on the cliff became the biggest obstacle to the attack.

Eight roads on the mountainside, disgustingly throwing a few stones down every once in a while, most of the casualties of the warriors also came from this!

The gunshots almost all came from the devils shooting blindly into the sky. In fact, Balu couldn't see the situation of the devils at the bottom of the ditch, and they didn't even bother to shoot. The primitive weapons won a remarkable victory.

The tactics of the infantry school are useless at all.

The second lieutenant who just came down, told his thoughts to the disgraced and still furious captain of the second lieutenant.

Nearly a hundred devils were densely packed, each looking for a cover.

"Hey? You mean a feint?"

"Could it be that you have a better method of combat?"

The team leader who attacked earlier thought he had the courage to supervise the battle, but he buried more than [-] warriors, was carried away, and sent to the hills, and his troops were reduced to only a dozen or so.

Hiding behind the rocks, I shot long distances at places with bright lights on the mountain based on my feeling. Except for throwing stones down, I only fired a few shots occasionally, but they were not very accurate. There were no casualties on both sides.

The previous carelessness caused a lot of losses, and the captain's anger naturally became the only choice. Hearing the suggestion of his colleagues, he became even more angry. Could it be that... the blood of the warriors was shed in vain!
Reason finally defeated anger, because anger is useless, and it will only result in greater casualties.

After coming to this barren land, this is the first time I have encountered such a setback. I have been chasing the timid Chinese like a mouse and running away like a rabbit like a dog, and I am used to it. Landing on the flat ground, he was stunned by the stones of the primitive people, but he still angrily thought that he had suffered from the terrain.

After the loss of soldiers, anger and regret were meaningless, fed up with the sneering eyes of his colleagues, he slashed his command saber fiercely, pointed at his subordinates and said, "We, retreat!"

Halfway up the mountain.

Chen Chong looked at the stones in front of the soldiers. There were not many stones in total, only a few fist-sized ones. Not far away, there was a fire burning in the cracks of the cliff, and a few half-cut logs were burning.

"Hey, squad leader, we're old here, I've smashed four devils!" A soldier shrank back from the edge of the cliff, frightened desperately.

"That's right, I'll repay you later. Let me ask you, do you dare to fight the devil?"

"Platoon leader, don't be mean to me, we just have a geographical advantage. The company commander said that fighting is to learn more and use your brain!"

"How many words do you know? Still learning, let's see what you can do!"

"Don't say it, the company commander is really powerful, let the devils fly to blow up the devils, that's called bullshit!" His eyes were still admiring.

The two murmured about this meeting, Tian Sanqi appeared behind at some point, that sweaty face, because of the intense panting, the facial features were crowded together, making it look even uglier.

Finally he breathed a sigh of relief: "What are you two doing here? The company commander ordered to retreat!"

"Retreat? Our squad is strictly guarded, why do we have to retreat!" the soldier asked without waiting for the platoon leader to reply.

"Tell you to withdraw as soon as you have learned to talk back? Believe it or not, I will beat you a bastard..."

Chen Chong stopped in a hurry: "That... Platoon Commander Tian, ​​Company Commander Hu really said... all of them will be withdrawn, should we leave behind?"

"Heideng is blind, what is the way to break it? You can break it if you want, you can decide for yourself. Anyway, the company commander and the others left half an hour ago!"

"It's a pity, where are we going?"

"I don't know either. Hurry up, someone from the special agent team will lead the way, so ask yourself."

After finishing speaking, the two of them looked around at the dark and empty valley, and there were stars like fires at the bottom of the valley. Finally, they felt it was a pity and filled with emotion: It is such a waste of good terrain not to use it to fight devils...

After the emotion was over, the fire was extinguished, a flashlight was turned on, and a few stones hit the mountain wall, bouncing and hitting the bottom of the valley.

A group of people retreated secretly to the mountain
On the way to the north, there is a kind of march called big fanfare, such as Jiulian, the torches are brightly lit, and the torches made of twisted tree roots are hunting in the mountain wind, and the marching team is finally no longer lazy.

I don't know the road ahead, what kind of fate is waiting, very dull march, two people from the special agent squad lead the way, very dissatisfied with the team that is fighting openly.

The company commander surnamed Hu had mental problems, and insisted on marching quickly with torches. The speed was fast, but it was easy to expose the target.

But everything I saw today kept reappearing in my mind, and I couldn't understand how the Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment in front of me could do it all.

how can that be possible?Why is the devil plane so obedient?If they hadn't all come out of the division headquarters together, they would even suspect that the Jiulian would definitely be wearing the same pants as the devils!
I didn't pay attention to the downhill terrain of the Baizhang cliff on the side of the road. I stared blankly at the road, staggered, and was grabbed by the soldier next to me. The cliff was under my feet. My legs felt weak when I saw it. Move down.

(End of this chapter)

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