under fire

Chapter 161

Chapter 161
Shiro Inoue hated sending information very much, and even more hated sending information in the mountains at night, because he was not familiar with this mountain, at least, he would not be able to sleep this night, and had to keep on his way.

The mountain wind was blowing slightly in my ears, and I don't know how many mountains I have climbed. The guy behind him was panting, obviously unable to keep up with his physical strength. The message to the advancing team was a big deal, and he had to rush on the road overnight.

blunt in the squadron
The night is already deep.

Two people lying in a pit on the ridge were snoring, drifting with the mountain wind.

In the dark night, the watchman from below climbed up out of breath: "Brother, brother, wake up, someone is coming from the east."

The sleeper didn't seem to hear it, until someone pinched the other arm, and then woke up, immediately grabbed the gun and got up: "Is there any enemy?"

Without waiting for a reply, he asked again with sleepy eyes: "You son of a bitch doesn't keep watch, what are you doing here?"

"Someone is coming from the east! There seem to be two of them!" The visitor looked anxious and gasped.

The person who just woke up suddenly sneered: "Didn't the devil just go east in the afternoon, and two came from the east? Most likely the devil reported the news, it's very good! There are so many of them in the afternoon, I can't do anything with them, this is a good job !"

After speaking, he grinned grinningly, and kicked Huo who was still sleeping next to him awake.

The person who got up rubbing his eyes was stunned for a moment, then raised his eyebrows and looked at the two people who were sitting and standing next to him, then looked around, and suddenly said: "It's not yet dawn, why? Running away again?"

"Run fart, there are people coming from the east, two, with a flashlight on, hehe, it's probably a devil, get ready, we'll rob him in a while, nest in this mountain all day, my bones are about to rot. "

"Is there a ghost? Great? Feng Shui turns around, and this devil actually came to his mouth, hehe, let me say, this person's luck is different when he comes. Here we go again, you guys are going to watch me make a big move, hahaha..."

"What are you laughing at, the division has disappeared without a trace, and we can't find it. There are one or two hundred devils in the afternoon, and I didn't see you say a fart!" After finishing speaking, he kicked again.

With a thud, the man who was laughing wildly was kicked on the ground again, and fell down on the spot, his throat was choked by the laughter, and he lost his breath.

He got up in a panic, pulled the gun and pulled the bolt, and followed the two in front to go down the mountain ridge. Such a thing as killing a single devil, such a poor place will also be full of pies, which is too rare.

When they arrived at the side of the road under the mountain ridge, the three of them naturally divided into two, and lay in ambush on both sides of the mountain road. One head poked out from the bushes and asked in a low voice, "Are you sure this is a devil?"

"In the middle of the night, can our people have a flashlight? Hehe, since it's not a torch, what's the point? Wait a minute, they'll be there right after turning around the entrance!" came the voice of the reporter.

"Are you sure there are only two?"

"I can't count too many, but I can still tell the difference between just two people!"

"Come on, come on, don't make a sound, you two are in charge of the one behind, and the one in the front is mine!" The one who spoke saw a ball of light appearing on the mountain ridge in the distance, and two dark shadows were behind the light, but they couldn't see clearly.

The light cluster is getting closer.

"Stop, what are you doing?" The three of them didn't make a move directly, because the person who came was actually eight!

Obviously, the visitor was frightened, pulled his gun in a hurry and wanted to lie down on the side of the road, and did not forget to ask: "Which part are you from?"

"What a mess! I'm asking you something, you're talking nonsense, answer it quickly!"

"We belong to the Sixth Brigade!"

"Sixth Brigade? You're talking to me, let's talk about it after lowering their guns." The big man pointed his gun at the one in front: "Put down the gun, or I'll kill you with one shot!"

Pointed at the muzzle of the black hole, the person in front clenched the gun he had just taken off, and found that the gun had not had time to pull the bolt, and screamed in his mouth: "You can't do this, we are allies!"

"You M's army, hehe, only devils go east this afternoon, you can come from the east, do you think I'm a fool? Can the Sixth Brigade have a flashlight?"

Seeing that he couldn't get over it, the flashlight operator in front immediately let go of the flashlight that was tied around his neck, straddled his steps, put his hand on the bolt accurately, pulled it skillfully, and prepared to resist. I sent a message requesting cooperation to the people behind.

The man behind immediately pulled the bolt, and suddenly, he was hit on the head by the butt of a gun and fell to the ground.

The guy who spoke before felt a chill on his back, and then in the light of the flashlight flickering on his chest, he saw a bloody bayonet protruding from his chest.

"You, you!" The bayonet pierced through his lungs, and the blood foam was squeezed out of his mouth and nose along the trachea by strong muscle contraction.

His eyes widened, he grabbed the unloaded rifle, and tried hard to pull the trigger, but he felt that his strength was slowly disappearing. This was so unreasonable, didn't he have to shout "hand in the gun and don't kill" first?
After traveling overnight, he finally surpassed the devil troops in the west who were also heading north. As the squad leader of the special agent company, he is now proud, still full of energy and fighting spirit, resisting the exhaustion of his body, he grinned and climbed to the top of the high mountain again. Standing tall in the morning breeze.

Last night, he was the one who led the independent regiment to break the Ninth Company, climbed up and down the hills and turned over a dozen hills. In ten hours, he rushed northward for at least fifty miles!

Behind his tall figure stood two soldiers from the secret service squad, and the strong generals of the independent regiment who were lying on the ground on a slightly leveled hill. He couldn't explain the feeling, which made him feel very satisfied but not satisfied.

"Report, there are a large number of devils coming from the west, but they all turned from the hill behind us and headed south, at a very fast speed!" A soldier of a special agent company ran over panting, more excited than rushing towards the devils.

Naturally, after marching overnight, he managed to escape from the devil's pursuit and intercept him, and passed by the Ximian devil, which was thrilling.

It stands to reason that Jiulian, which started heading north at night, would not be able to escape from the west, and the devils would outflank it from the north. If, as the surname Hu said, the devils would outflank it.

In fact, the army has indeed jumped out of the devil's chasing north and south, and has disappeared deep in the mountains.

Squad leader Liujin has great stamina. He thought that there were few in Jiulian who could compare with him, but it turned out to be different from what he imagined. The mountain road was rugged and he ran for fifty miles overnight, equivalent to at least 120 miles on flat land. The perverted Jiulian Even the few who were left behind were dragged along by the people around them.

What made him satisfied was that the physical fitness of the special agent team was still far superior to that of the Ninth Company. As for his dissatisfaction, there were three reasons. Good thing, but it made him feel bad.

The second is that Jiulian clearly sent so many guns and ammunition to the secret service company, but now those guys still seem to have a lot of ammunition, at least, they are richer than him, the unit that claims to be the best equipped in the whole division.

The third is related to the company commander surnamed Hu. How did he know that the devils would intercept him from the north in the middle of the night?But at this time, he was sleeping on a marching blanket.

After thinking about it carefully, although I am a member of the secret service company, why am I just a squad leader who directly gives orders to Jiulian?It seems not too good.

Although, many times I went to the local army to exchange, I was treated like a star, but in this broken nine company, no one cares about me at all!
(End of this chapter)

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