under fire

Chapter 162 Dazed

Chapter 162 Dazed
The sky at dawn is no longer full of morning glow, and the sky is full of dark clouds and haze. This morning deep in the mountains seems to hide the shadow of the sky. Even in summer, it is no longer cool. After the mountain wind blows, it is cold.

Some battlefields are ending disastrously. The Eighth Route Army was defeated, and the defeat was complete.

The plain code radio waves sent out nine times in a row received a plain code reply. The simple plain code was simply encrypted by the operator, and anyone with a discerning eye could know it at a glance.

The headquarters lost contact, and the last telegram sent out showed that the headquarters had only a few hundred people to break out after a bloody fight by the Secret Service.

The headquarters of more than 8000 people was transferred, and only a few hundred came out!Others, most of the civil servants, are still surrounded by devils.
Jiulian ran out of the devil's encirclement in the south. On the way to the north, there was no useful news, no one was encountered on the way, and the common people deep in the mountains were also gone.

The two soldiers had bandages on their foreheads and arms, but they were bloodless. They were lying on a stretcher, and their gray military uniforms were covered with mud.

Several people hung their armed belts on their bodies at a slant. Besides being exhausted, they were still exhausted. On the way of marching, several people fell down the ravine on the side of the road. Fortunately, it was not a cliff.

No one could have imagined that during the rapid march last night, the most powerful person in the Ninth Company was not the running bear, but Tian Sanqi who was lying on the ground beside him snoring. The young troops took advantage of the short breaks of the front troops and followed Chen Chong's remnant platoon who was lying on the stretcher.

Li Xiang was lying next to the girl's stretcher, squinting his eyes, and muttering to himself endlessly: "The grenades are out of grenades..."

The girl was very helpless: "What are you talking about, my aunt is missing half of her machine guns"

Luo Fugui next to him couldn't stand the two chattering, turned over suddenly, took out a handful of toffee from his pocket, squinted his eyes, reckoned carefully, put the extra ones back, leaving three in his palm, and gave them to Li Xiang, the girl One person over there threw one, ending their chatter.

The remaining one was stuffed into the other side and lying on the side, still sounding sleepy, the squirt blew all over Xu Xiao's mouth.

The girl threw that one into her mouth, and rarely asked for it again.

The sky is slowly getting brighter, but it is gray.

Not far away, Hu Yi had woken up. He was lying on an uneven stone platform, staring stupidly at the gloomy sky above his head. The sky seemed to have been broken, and he felt that his mind was following the dark clouds.

There was still no expression on his face. In fact, his mood was very chaotic, until the sky in front of him was blocked, and that day, he turned into a pretty face with a red ribbon on his head and braided little red tassels.

"You're blocking me from seeing the sky!"

"Then Wuyun is more beautiful than my aunt?"

"At least she's not annoying."

"What about the vixen?"

"." The hand that was about to pull the face away stopped in mid-air.

"Didn't you just grab a radio station, good fox, don't be angry, okay?"

The coquettish voice filled the air and spread to the ears of the audience. Luo Fugui, who was half awake nearby, immediately woke up: No, a monster is coming!
The neighbors all got up in unison, startled by the monster, forgot that the company commander was still beside the monster, and left the company commander without hesitation or loyalty and fled around.

That voice was so embarrassing that it made one's skin crawl, and one couldn't help shivering all over.

Hu Yi's hair was black, and he was thinking about how to avoid the devils and how to go north, but the girl smashed his thoughts and broke his train of thought!

Innocent and innocent with expectant eyes, blinking and blinking big eyes, staring at Hu Yi quietly.

Those big eyes became crystal clear, as if there was some mist, this guy, is he going to cry?

"Hey, what are you talking about, who is angry with you?" Hu Yi had no choice but to tell the truth against his conscience.

The voice of "hahahahaha" drove away the monster, and the devil-like laughter came. This is the familiar scene.

The audience who ran to the distance let out a long breath, the monster is finally gone!

Such a scene made the generals of the special agent class confused.

"Well, Company Commander Hu, we're out of the devil's encirclement, what should we do next?" Squad leader Wang Liujin approached after hearing the sound, and asked subconsciously. As a squad leader, he had no clue about the strategy of the marching direction.

As a soldier of the secret service company, he once said to himself that he was a role model for the whole army, but now, he was at a loss. There are tens of thousands of devils in the north, and he was going to throw moths into the flames?Death is not terrible, but there is no way to think of a worthwhile way to die.

He is the squad leader of the secret service company, not a reckless man. He participated in the Long March. The company commander in front of him was voted by the Kuomintang. Airplanes, things like that, at least, he can't do.

Before he knew it, he heard a sound behind him. Squad leader Wang Liujin turned his head and found that not far behind him, the soldiers of the Ninth Company who had just drank porridge and ate dry food were all quietly looking at the soldiers in front of him. The commander of the Ninth Company.

The emaciated Ninth Company Commander, with red eyes, was still in a daze, and a little girl with a smirk stood beside him.

Obviously, Company Commander Hu didn't hear his question, and Squad Leader Wang stopped asking and waited quietly.

I couldn't wait for the sun to come out of the clouds, but I waited for the mist in the mountains.

Tian Sanqi took the remaining four soldiers under his command and stood in the mountain wind. His soldiers always stand high, at least, they are more imposing than the soldiers of the task force.

Wang Xiaosan brought a few female soldiers and was busy tidying up Ding Ding Dangdang. The food for the day had been prepared, and it was estimated that they had to go on the road.

For the first time, Tang Dagou was lecturing from a distance, and he couldn't hear what he was saying. The squad leader Banxian was also standing in the line, and a dozen or so people who had just finished eating were lined up neatly, staring at this side.

Now, only this reinforcement class looks like a serious soldier. Looking at the military posture, it is uniform, and it is more imposing than the soldiers in Li Xiang's platoon who are also neat.

Squad leader Wang sent two soldiers from the spy squad to the north for reconnaissance. One stayed behind to observe later, and the other went to contact the second echelon of the division. So far, there has been no reply. With the current marching speed of the troops, it seems that they can't wait. .

There are only six of my current subordinates, scattered around, looking at the scene in front of me, my jaw is about to drop to the ground, is this the independent group that is so poor that they don't even have pants?
I have heard of the poor independent group for a long time, so it shouldn't be like this in their imagination, and it should be in line with their imagination.

The squad of their special agent company is a model, but the team in front of them, the tall and straight military posture, even the female militiamen who deliver the letter and run errands are armed with two guns, and they have sucked their self-confidence into the ravine. Now, their Liujin squad leader is depressed.

"What did you just say?" Hu Yi seemed to have regained his senses, and asked the squad leader Liu Jin who was standing beside him.

"Uh, I'm just asking, what should we do next?"

"Next step? I don't know either!" Hu Yi looked at the clouds rolling in the sky, and the surrounding mountains were covered in a mist, feeling a little dazed.

Such an answer became the end of the topic.

(End of this chapter)

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