under fire

Chapter 163 Nanaipu

Chapter 163 Nanaipu

Squad leader Wang was dumbfounded for a moment, he didn't expect Lianchang Hu's answer to be so simple.

The answer in my impression should be a passionate performance, at least I have to make an oath, or cheer up, talk about a goal, or make a guarantee to complete the task.
But, nothing.

Until, a tall and burly bear walked into the crowd. On the black and ugly face, there were a few traces of sweat stains, and as the fat on the face shook, the ugly face seemed to be innocent The look of concern.

When I came to sit next to Hu Yi, I didn't invite myself to sit down. I looked at the girl standing blankly on one side, and then at the spy squad leader with a blushing face and a thick neck. Feeling that there was something wrong with the atmosphere, he immediately stretched his neck and stared at those ugly triangular eyes Chao Wang Liujin asked, "Hey? Your grandma, what did you do here so early in the morning?"

Squad leader Wang didn't answer, and took a deep breath: "So it's platoon leader Luo, what's the matter with you here?"

The bear spat to the side: "Uh, what can I do? Didn't he just finish his sleep, that idiot Wang Xiaosan, he made porridge so thin that he couldn't even plug his teeth, Tang Dagou, your grandma's, a big dog I was there early in the morning, scaring away all the chickens I caught in my dream, when will you have to pay me!"

Such an answer disrupted the serious atmosphere. Tang Dagou sighed at himself for such shameless words, and was stunned for a while.

"...what the hell..."

"Huh? Are you trying to renege on your debt?"

"Squad leader, don't talk about it, this is serious business!" Xu Xiao who was next to him hurried to Luo Fugui to persuade him.

"Little one, look, these people are bored, what can they do, is the candy I gave you delicious?"

"Squad leader, I beg you, don't talk anymore. Okay?"

"Uh, then tell me, what business are you talking about now?"

"Studying the next move!"

"Uh, this is a big deal, so you guys study it slowly, and I'll go to bed later." After speaking, he pulled a few burdens from his body, put on the machine gun, and walked out of the crowd.

After such turmoil, the atmosphere was indeed less tense.

Hu Yi took out the map, and immediately surrounded him with his head.

Squad leader Wang worked hard all night, didn't close his eyes all night, and was really exhausted physically and mentally. He widened his eyes and carefully looked at the narrow-eyed company commander Hu under the brim of the curved military hat in front of him, waiting for him to speak.

After a long while, the voice sounded.

"I've thought about it carefully. Our task this time is to inquire about news. Then, we don't have to confront the devil head-on. I think there are three ways!"

"Which three?" Squad leader Liu Jin's eyes lit up.

"First, let's go directly to the north. According to the telegram, we are only more than 70 miles away from Shiziling, where the headquarters battle was sent out last. If we take the main road, I guess it will definitely not work. Xiaolu, although we didn't find any devils along the way, it will take half a day longer."

"What about the second method? Uh, no, you haven't finished talking about the first method yet! Just walking doesn't seem to help?" Class monitor Liu Jin was most worried. He used to go to the headquarters often, and there were many of them acquaintances.

Hu Yi did not add to the first method, looked up at him, and pointed to a point on the map: "Our current position is here, between the division headquarters and Shiziling, and Dongjiagou Village to the east, and your special agent team will send people to Go and have a look, if you can contact the guerrillas, it would be the best, find a fellow countryman to lead the way, of course, if you have walked this way, that would be the best!
The second way is to go to the headquarters. However, I think it is meaningless. If you go directly to the headquarters, you will have to walk dozens of miles of mountain roads at least!Moreover, the headquarters has long been transferred to the east, so I think this road is unnecessary. "

"I agree with you, there really isn't much point in going to headquarters."

"So, the best route now is that we slowly go to Nanaipu. From the map, it should only be more than 50 miles away. If it doesn't rain, we should be able to reach it by about tonight."

"But what if you meet a ghost on the road?"

"It doesn't matter. If there are few devils, we will fight them. If there are many people, we will drill into the mountain and wait slowly. The devils enter the mountain from the north. We already knew it when we were in the division, and the devils entered the mountain with several troops." Wan, since there are so many people, their supply must not be so smooth. They can't stay. Moreover, the headquarters has been surrounded to break through to the east, so the devils will not invest too much force in the blockade of the periphery. Most importantly, The devils must be following the breakout troops at the headquarters, so there shouldn't be many devils on this road.

If there are people who can escape, then there is only the mountain road to the south. If we can meet them, it will not be difficult to find out the news. Even if there are devils chasing them, they should follow behind us. , There is still a chance to save some people! "

"I agree with your point of view, but can you report this plan to your division?" Liu Jin clearly came out to look at Jiulian, even though this Jiulian seems to be nothing. Even though nearly half of Jiulian's people are security forces Surrendered here.

He just got used to the habit of debriefing before acting.

"Then how do you report it? Send a telegram to let everyone know that we are running north?" Hu Yi asked unhurriedly.

"I didn't mean that, why don't we start now?" Liu Jin was worried about the headquarters, wishing he could join the battle to defend the headquarters immediately.

"If you insist on reporting, I have no objection, but you can't send a telegram. You can send your people back."

"That won't work. We only have so few people. Originally, we didn't have enough troops. If we can have one more person, we will have more strength. Otherwise, we can just send a telegram, 'Nanaipu, Liujin Special Squad'. You can definitely know that this is our action advertisement. I think the devils are not that powerful, so we can judge our actions with just a few words. Besides, we only have so few people, so maybe the devils can see it."

The girl next to me finally spoke up: "This method is fine. With so many telegrams, who knows that we sent them except Shili? Besides, it's impossible for the devil to know our location!"

"I don't want to take care of this matter. You can make up your mind. If you insist on reporting, I will bear the responsibility and post it myself." Hu Yi made up his mind. In fact, this plan is very good. If there are devils, they can report them at any time. Go to the mountains to hide, and you don't have to fight the devils. As for the devils behind you, you will definitely go to Shiziling, because the final battle is at Shiziling, Nanaipu, in the middle of Wujun Temple and Shiziling.

Liu Jin slanted his eyebrows, stared at Hu Yi for a long time, and suddenly said: "I didn't like you at first, because you came from the national army, but those people in the division said that you were with the devils. blindness!"

Hu Yi still frowned, stared at Wang Liujin for a long time, and suddenly said: "I don't need people to like me, because people who like me have changed several times!"

The scene became quiet, only Hu Yi with his head down was left, still pulling a pencil with long fingers, and continued to mark on the map. Liu Jin looked at the marks on the map, and felt that Company Commander Hu in front of him was working on the map. That level, compared with his own company commander, must be higher or lower.

(End of this chapter)

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