under fire

Chapter 164 Staggered

Chapter 164 Staggered
Lieutenant Okawa finally stood on the hill to the north, looking at the valley shrouded in clouds and mist behind him.

In the middle of the night, another group of devils sent out arrived with another troop and sent a radio station. Lieutenant Okawa didn't feel ashamed of the brigade behind him.

With a grim face, he began to dispatch troops, and immediately ordered the radio soldiers to call the headquarters. After all, he was a lieutenant. In the highly hierarchical Ministry of War, he had no right to command the army that was one level higher than him.

The commander of a troop facing north from the west, Captain, received the order, and responded quickly to Lieutenant Okawa's request. In the middle of the night, he ordered all the troops that were resting to turn eastward overnight. According to the outflanking intelligence, there may be commanders from the Eight Routes. troops.

Along the way, the captain was very dissatisfied with the division headquarters that failed to encircle the Eighth Route, but the squadron he sent for reinforcements plus the advance team, almost two squadrons, could not deal with the Eighth Route with only one small force. For this, he was very disappointed, but full of expectations. Can it be easy to command dozens of people to force two squadrons?

The siege of the Eighth Route headquarters in the north went very smoothly, and there was no need for reinforcements, not even the outer defense line, because the terrain in the mountains was steep and there were no more roads to march, except for a few Eighth Route troops who broke out and fled north. Most of the rest are tightly surrounded, and the battle has come to the end of searching for remnants in the mountains.

The important task of the [-]th Division is to wipe out the Eighth Route Division that fled to the south into the mountains.

When it was almost dawn, I arrived at the designated place smoothly, pulled the map with the staff around me, and studied it for a long time. I judged that the Eight Routes must still be in the mountains, maybe hidden. It is very difficult to search out the Eight Routes in the vast mountains. .

There were no professional trackers in the army, so a squadron was sent as a forward based on feeling, and they searched southward with great fanfare.

No one paid attention to the footprints under their feet, because those footprints were left by the shoes of the Fifth Zhao Army, although there was a problem with the direction.

Whether there are other troops passing by this road is still being verified. It is also very likely that the troops from the north will come from the east. Those bastards in the headquarters are only concerned about encircling and suppressing the headquarters of the Eighth Route. Reply.

Although the captain was very angry, there was nothing he could do. The sweeping mission in the south was basically declared a failure. Because of the great victory in the north, the group of people in the headquarters didn't find trouble with the [-]th Division, which was considered to be enough face.

They were all excited about encircling the Eighth Route headquarters in the north. The headquarters lost interest in the distribution and deployment of troops in the south. They sent a report to ask, and it was unlikely that they could receive news in a short time.

As a last resort, the captain felt that he couldn't go back empty-handed. With so many troops, it shouldn't be a problem to wipe out those eight routes.

So, first send people to this intersection in the north, and the light and dark sentries are densely covered.

Groups of devils marched out, followed the vanguard to the south, and carefully searched every small road along the way, down to every valley, as long as there were traces, they carried out a carpet search, so as to completely block the eight roads escape route.

As long as it is in the encirclement, it is difficult to fly with eight wings.

Because, another army to the east is also marching towards this mountain.

The traces left by the Ninth Company were perfectly covered up by the rapid march of more than 200 people in the Devil's forward squadron eager to outflank southward.

The mountain wind in the valley whistled even more vigorously, carrying the mist in the valley and rolling it around, majestic and majestic. The devils who went up the mountain and laid off to the south had to slow down.

Because, a ghost soldier walking on the mountain ridge, maybe he didn't rest well, didn't take a step firmly, and was directly blown off the cliff by a sudden mountain wind.

The team immediately fell silent, leaving a shadow in their hearts. On such a day, Ba Lu could just find a place to hide, and still find it?
The lieutenant was also upset. Those idiots in the military must be crazy. Before they set off, they heard that the place where the eighth road disappeared was about forty miles away from now. What is the difference between finding a needle in a haystack in such a mountainous area?
I walked all day yesterday, and walked in the middle of the night. The mountain road was difficult, so I stopped, but I received such an unlucky order, only forty or fifty, two brigades of troops, isn't this just a cannon to fight mosquitoes?

After a short pause, the lieutenant had no choice but to order the troops to move south again. No one dared to be careless, and all moved their steps carefully.

For the guy who fell off the cliff, let the messenger go back and notify the logistics to deal with it. It is impossible for the warriors of the empire to be fed by wild beasts.

The silent team tried their best to climb over another mountain and got out of the mist, only to find that there was still a mountain in front of them, passing through a valley in the mist, and then another valley. The famous insects sang their throats to swear their territory, until at a certain moment, a cry was trampled into a puddle of green juice by a leather shoe, but the surrounding sounds did not change at all.

In the wild summer, in the empty valley, there is still endless death. The black shrubs in the fog, only to find out that they are green when they get closer!
The same thing happened in countless valleys.

The devils really searched this mountainous area like a blanket, without a target, just like a few hounds, they still took a chance when they knew it was impossible to catch the bees.

In the rugged and rocky valley, a team marched wearily, flowing in the mountain wind. The team of more than 200 people seemed to be at least one reinforcement company, with dirty clothes and faces that had not been washed for 800 years. It must have been a long journey.

The distance between the teams was stretched apart, some were dense and some were sparse, and they stretched for a long time, winding like a creek in a ravine.

The military uniforms are all gray, but the colors are different shades, and there are very few patches without patches. The big sword walked in front of the team, and kept waving at the dead trees and rotten branches blocking the road in the bushes on the side of the road. A few of them didn't even have a big knife, and they held the shuttle in their hands tightly.

In the mountains, such companies of the Eighth Route Army are very common. Such troops are the real Eighth Route Army, while the Ninth Company is different. It is no wonder that the Political Department thinks they are suspected of collaborating with the enemy.

Just like a son who stayed in his hometown in everyone, everyone used the old sleeve with a big knife and a shuttle mark, and suddenly there was a product that was originally the poorest, and it was understandable with the Czech style. Half of you are [-] rifles , The devil's crooked handle is so luxurious.

Can it not make people think about it?

Right now, this is a poor relative. Maybe he was ordered to reinforce the troops at the headquarters. From the looks of it, he must be a non-main force. They are all young and the fluff on the corners of their mouths has not turned green.

Perhaps, this is the first time on the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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