under fire

Chapter 165

Chapter 165

At noon, the sky was cloudy, there was no sunlight, and the fog had not completely dissipated, and raindrops continued to drip from the fog.

Leaning on crutches, a tower-like soldier slowly rolled down from a low stretcher, stood by the roadside, and put his hand on the shoulder of the soldier beside him.

Looking at the soldiers in front of him, they were all climbing a rock, and one soldier pulled the hands of the soldiers behind him, pulling them up one by one.

Standing at the bottom of the valley, the soldier stopped in the wind and looked up at the high hill. It was gray and he could barely see the sky. Under the gray hat brim, the face that had been blackened by the smoke and fire had tough lines and a forehead. He frowned deeply.

"Call me the kid leading the way!"

Not long after, a young and shy soldier hurriedly came beside him: "Well, chief, is your name me?"

"The first fart, are you sure you can reach the headquarters this way?"

"Hey, that's definitely true. My old uncle is in the north. Before I joined the army, I used to go to my grandma's house once a year. However, I used to walk on the road on the mountain ridge. Now I have to go to the ravine to avoid the devils. Here, there is a detour, but the road will definitely not go wrong! Don't worry, my brother is leading the way ahead, and you can't go wrong."

"Where is your company commander, how far is it from us?"

"He and Commander Lu were resting in the ravine in front of him, and sent someone to tell us that we will go further to the valley entrance and wait for the fog to clear before leaving. I heard from them that the vanguard found devils marching on the mountain ridge. The strange thing is But the devil is heading south!"

"The devil sweeps up, isn't that just sweeping back and forth, I don't even know this." The soldier carrying the stretcher next to the company commander couldn't help but speak.

The soldier blushed and replied: "I have never seen a devil before, so I don't know what a devil looks like. I heard from the company commander that a devil has one head and two legs, and is shorter than me. Is it true?"

"I said, you guys are really shameless, Wang Peng recruited all the little ones like you to use as an ass, and gave all the good guns to your poor regiment commander, and stuffed you recruits to make up for it, except for one. Uh. Two people, I think, you are the most shameless, right?"

The soldier looked ashamed: "We, we have no choice but to stay in the mountains all day long. Originally, we didn't have enough guns, and the army is developing so fast."

"Quick fart, a little boy like you can join the army, your supplementary regiment really has face."

"That's what I took the initiative to participate in. I've been working with the company commander for half a month, sweeping the floor and cleaning the table for them every day. The company commander saw that I was diligent and couldn't drive me away, so he let me join the army. Uh, by the way. How about your injury, haven't you been carried by people?" The soldier was tortured by Gao Yidao's words that he thought he was very injured, and he didn't feel angry as expected.

Is Wang Peng's company full of softies like this?Gao Yidao, who was struggling to keep up with the team, couldn't help being speechless.

It's not surprising that devils were found on the mountain. Devil troops also entered the mountain from the east, but what people don't understand is why the devils ran south.

It didn't take long, and the order from the regiment headquarters came to Gao Yidao to go to the meeting.

Had to stay on the stretcher again, and the two soldiers of the second company scrambled forward in the rugged valley.

There was a lot of staggering here and there, and head Lu squatted on a rock by the stream and pulled his hair. There was a map in front of him. The independent regiment and Wang Penglian had a total of more than 300 numbers.

The supplementary regiment shamelessly detained most of Wang Penglian's troops, and stuffed two other platoons in. This regiment leader was poorer than the independent regiment, and had nothing but a large number of people.

Seeing Gao Yidao being brought over, Head Lu raised his head: "Hey, almost everyone is here, so let's talk about the current situation. What do you guys think? Lao Meng, tell me first."

"Uh, we fight guerrillas on the plains in Pingjin, but in the mountains, it's really hard to say!" Lao Meng, who was scratching his head and muddy his hands, replied shyly.

It's not about gnawing bones, what kind of mouth are you going for?
Head Lu stopped asking Captain Meng, and turned his head to stare at the man on the stretcher: "Gao Yidao, you follow like a slut, let's see how you perform?"

"Uh, I don't know anything, so I have nothing to say." Gao Yidao lay on the stretcher and pretended to be dead.

"Aren't you looking for a draw? I'm asking you what you think about the current situation. Don't think that you are a wounded number, so I will still kick you!"

"If you really want to ask my opinion, I think it's enough to go directly to the north. There are devils everywhere in the mountains. If you encounter them, you can beat them wherever you encounter them."

This answer left everyone speechless.

Before the new news report came, Commander Lu did the same thing. Along the way, he met several devils. Fortunately, the pioneers found out early, otherwise they would fight with devils. Now fighting devils is not the most important thing. There were also ghost planes in the mountains, the sound of bombing explosions and fierce gunshots. I don't know which army encountered the devils. It feels not far away.

Finally, Captain Lu turned his eyes to Wang Peng who was sitting on the leggings again: "Company Commander Wang, you are more familiar with the situation here than I am, what do you think?"

"Yes! Our current location is in the northeast of the division headquarters. Judging from the large number of devils appearing at the division headquarters, it should be the devils who entered the mountain from the west. He must have occupied the division headquarters. Then, most of the devils exchanged fire with the devils yesterday. It is the retreating troops of the division headquarters. We have to go to reinforce them now, but there is no movement now, the soldiers sent have not returned, the situation is unknown, or we can go directly to the north and find a way to get to the headquarters. It is to reinforce the headquarters at all costs."

"To put it lightly, there are devils everywhere on this mountain ridge. We are nested in the ravine and can't move, and we still need to reinforce the headquarters?" Gao Yidao interjected again.

"What you said makes sense. We only have to go to reinforce the place where the battle took place yesterday. Maybe the division headquarters was besieged."

"Reinforcement? Just our two or three hundred? What kind of reinforcement? Are those devils on the mountain vegetarian?" Gao Yidao couldn't help sarcastically saying that all the devils he met on the road were squadron after squadron.

Wang Peng didn't expect to meet such a bully.

Because Wang Peng and Zazai were wearing a pair of trousers, Gao Yidao naturally didn't give him a good face, let alone being polite just because he was a friendly army.

"Ask your views on the current situation. Why are you dragging so far away?" Captain Lu frowned, and glared at Gao Yidao. You should know the defense zone of the Beishan regiment better than us!"

"Go west and go directly to the headquarters. When we came over, we found that the road was full of devils. It must not be possible. I thought... Should I go east again? First bypass the group of devils in front of me. It is far away from the division headquarters and even closer to the headquarters. Far, far away, or go around to the north."

"According to what you said, after a few more detours, the headquarters will be flattened by the devils. Let me tell you again, if we encounter the devils, we can't fight directly. It was originally a reinforcement, but now we can't even get through the periphery. What kind of help?" Carrying essence is everywhere.

Wang Peng is not angry at Gao Yidao's yin and yang ambiguity: "We have a big problem now. Along the way, there were villagers in the mountains, but they all disappeared. In my opinion, those villages have not been burned, and they probably retreated voluntarily. The common people should have no problems, but the guerrillas and militias here have disappeared, which is very strange."

"Hey, what's so strange, the division issued an order, and they probably went to support the headquarters. Ordinary people, they naturally went to the deep mountains. This mountain is so big, it's a ghost if you can find it. "Kaijing got to the point this time.

It's a pity that he interrupted all the time and angered Captain Lu: "Shut up and talk, no one will think you're dumb if you don't talk."

Whether to shut up or speak well, I couldn't figure it out, and fell into silence again.

"Report!" A soldier ran over panting: "Report to the commander, the group of devils on the western mountain ridge has more than 100 people, almost a squadron, and there are probably more behind! They keep having orderlies running back and forth."

Head Lu frowned and looked at the map carefully.

After a long while, he said, "It seems that it's impossible for us to go to the reinforcement headquarters, and the division headquarters can't get through either. Well, Company Commander Wang, can we go east from the valley we just came over?"

"Yes, I walked that way before." It was a platoon leader under Wang Peng who answered.

"Is there a way to go north?"

"Yes, but it's not easy to go."

"As long as there is, order the troops to retreat and turn to the east. I still don't believe it. The Taihang Mountain is so big that the devil can suffocate us to death!"

After issuing the order, Captain Lu stared blankly at the map in front of him for a while, wanted to scream at the sky, looked up at the sky, shook his head, stopped talking, and got up.

Xiao Bing immediately stepped forward to put away the map.

(End of this chapter)

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