under fire

Chapter 1648 The civet cat exchanges for the prince

Chapter 1648 The civet cat exchanges for the prince

It's approaching evening.

The telephone in the county government office rang loudly.

The Japanese soldier shouted in an angry and half-unlearned Chinese through the receiver: "You have to find a way to find the missing imperial army before noon tomorrow."





  "Yes! This county chief will arrange it immediately!" After listening to the intermittent voice on the other end of the phone, Dalongtou was overjoyed. More than a dozen Japanese soldiers were lost in the green tent more than 20 miles north of the county town!

What a great thing!

You have to do enough face-saving work.

  He immediately ordered the captain of the security team and the captain of the investigation team to arrange for personnel to go to the Qingsha tent at the border of the neighboring county in the north to search for the whereabouts of the missing imperial army.

To Dalongtou, the lives and deaths of his fellow villagers in the surrounding area were far more important than the twenty or so missing Japanese devils.

  Too many people died under his rule. If the news got out, where would the Taoist sect put its reputation?

From now on, where can we get food for the Japanese?

  Where to get money from?

Besides, the Japanese, the Eighth Route Army and the Kuomintang guerrillas are fighting to the death in the neighboring counties and on the canal. Why do they have to do anything about my county?

After receiving the order, the detective team compound near the county government office and the county police camp began to blow whistles to assemble.

If you go out to work late at night, even the emperor will not have hungry soldiers, so you must bring some dry food, right?

When the county police chef who was playing mahjong in the kitchen heard that he had to cook food for so many people right away, he opened his mouth and started cursing, saying that he would not be able to cook it for a while even if he was beaten to death.

After saying that, he continued to play Mahjong, completely ignoring the battalion commander of the security team who came to find him.

The chef is the brother-in-law of the dragon head's concubine.

The security guards in the camp were filled with hatred, but they could only look at each other.

  How can we go out to work without dry food?

The battalion commander of the security corps ordered his company commanders with a gloomy face to find a solution.

So, the security team members who had just assembled quickly dispersed and went to various restaurants in the county to get food.

The detective team reacted even faster and packed all the restaurants in the tiny county town.

  There are too many guards, and restaurants are crowded and noisy.

Finally someone remembered that there was a small restaurant in a certain alley.

The small restaurant was located in a remote area and originally did not have much business.


  A dozen shouting security guards suddenly appeared.

The spy standing at the door had already received the news and quickly shouted to the restaurant.

The bandit Qi and Monkey, who had not left after dinner, originally did not take the dozen or so security guards seriously.

But it is not a good idea to alert the enemy at this critical juncture.

  More than ten people carried plates and chopsticks and went to the firewood room in the backyard.

A group of security guards walked into the restaurant talking about the deaths of civilians in the villages outside the city.

  As for whether the missing imperial troops can be found, does this have anything to do with them?

A few days ago, the Eighth Route Army had a fierce battle with the Imperial Army and even captured Qinghe County. We had to be on guard against the Eighth Route Army who would bite anyone they saw.

  The death of a few imperial soldiers is nothing. Haven’t there been enough imperial soldiers missing over the years?

Once inside.

The squad leader of the security team immediately shouted arrogantly: "Boss, quickly get some food to take with you on the road, pancakes, steamed buns, fried cakes are all fine."

The monkey dressed as a waiter didn't say anything. The shopkeeper behind the counter widened his eyes slightly and said, "My lords, the shop is closed."

"Do you believe that I will smash your shabby store?" The squad leader of the security team was stunned for a moment and then became furious.

"Our shop has a small capital and little profit, so we won't accept any refunds." The waiter next to us seemed fearless, with a sly smile on his face.

"Hey, you skinny guy, are you worried that I don't have money?" The squad leader of the security team slammed the Mauser holster hanging on his waist on the counter with a bang, and then took out a handful of colorful bills and slammed it on the counter again.

If I really couldn't find a place, I would have looked down on this shabby restaurant in the alley.

"Do I look friendly? Who dares to boss me around?" The waiter said with a smile.

"Hey, boss, please get some food for us brothers. If you need us brothers in the city in the future, just let me know!" Seeing the waiter's arrogant tone, the squad leader of the security team did not dare to be presumptuous.

There's a 99% chance that there's something wrong with the waiter in this shop!

  The county town is different from other places. Who knows if the owner of this restaurant has any connection with those uncles in the county town?

Moreover, the canal area was full of gangsters in the early years, and there were many hidden talents. If he dared to mess around, he would probably be shot. "Haha, if that's the case, then I'll make friends with you!" After saying this, Monkey Xiaoer muttered to the real shopkeeper next to him that he would go to the kitchen to arrange some food.

The shopkeeper casually asked the squad leader of the security team standing opposite the counter: "I heard that the countryside is not peaceful. It's so late, are you still going out to do business?"

  "There's nothing I can do. The Imperial Army has issued an order and I have to obey it." He said perfunctorily. These days are so fucking weird. That lousy waiter dares to talk to him about making friends?

The shopkeeper seemed to be asking about his whereabouts.

That guy might be a spy from the Eighth Route Army or the National Army's anti-Japanese elements.

When we get back, let the brothers in the detective team find out the details first.

As long as this skinny monkey doesn't have a close relationship with the Taoist masters, there will be plenty of opportunities to deal with him slowly.

  No matter whether they are the Eighth Route Army or the Kuomintang guerrillas, in the Taoist territory, the dragons have to coil and the tigers have to lie down!

More than a dozen security guards crowded around a table, shouting and whispering to each other.

"This time when I'm out of town, I want to visit my uncle's house. I don't know how his family is doing."

"Yes, my grandmother's house is also by the river. I wonder if they escaped this disaster."

"So many people died in the severe drought last year, and this year we have to deal with this strange thing. It's really difficult for ordinary people to survive in this world." A security team member said in a low voice.

"If the world wasn't so difficult, why would the leader bring his brothers to join the Imperial Army?"

"Brother Shan, what is the mission this time?" Seeing the squad leader of the security team coming over from the counter and sitting down, a security team member brought up business.

"Go out and look for the twenty or so missing ladies." The squad leader of this group of security guards was called Brother Shan. After he sat down, he would still glance towards the kitchen from time to time.

"Brother Shan, is there something wrong with this restaurant?" The guy who asked the question didn't turn around. To be able to become a member of the security team, he has some vision.

"The more I look at that skinny waiter, the more I think there's something wrong with him."

"If you put it that way, I also think there's something wrong. When I walked in, I noticed that this dog waiter had a shiny face. He didn't look scared at all when he saw us. He even looked sympathetic."

"Forget it, it's better to have less trouble than more."

"Yeah, if he spits in our food, wouldn't we be at a big disadvantage?"


"Pah!" The monkey spat on the ground beside him: "I'm obviously the shopkeeper, how come I'm the waiter?"

The old bandit Qi, who was blowing the fire, looked gloomy and muttered: "You are only fit to be a waiter with your body."

The monkey curled his lips and said, "I think it's better to knock down all these bastards. With one Mauser pistol and ten rifles, I can make a small fortune first."

"I agree with both hands!" The old bandit Qi expressed his opinion immediately.

Director Zhao, who was kneading dough with his sleeves rolled up, suddenly said, "I have an idea."

"What's the point of burning a fire?" Qi Laofei immediately stood up and asked, "What's your idea?"

"Keep the captain of the security team and replace most of his subordinates."

"The guards are familiar with each other."

"These days, if a few people die on a mission, wouldn't it be enough for the squad leader of the security team to recruit a few more people?"

"Good idea, then take out his platoon leader"

"Then the company commander"

"Or, why not kill the Taoist county magistrate as well." Director Zhao rolled his eyes as he heard the two of them talking more and more outrageously.

The traffic officer on guard in the backyard quickly went into the kitchen, stuck his head out and looked outside, then turned around with a look of joy: "That security squad leader Zhao Xiaoshan is one of ours."

"Why didn't you say so earlier?" Director Zhao was stunned.

"How did I know he would come here to eat?"

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