under fire

Chapter 1649: All the Wolves Leave the 9th Battalion

When Zhao Xiaoshan saw the courier suddenly coming out of the kitchen, his face changed slightly.

Unless there was something important, he and the courier would not meet each other.

Couriers are different from intelligence agents. There are certain principles for communication between the two parties, and couriers cannot come to you anytime and anywhere.

Even if I meet him on the street, I will pretend not to know him.

He was very surprised why the courier who was responsible for communicating between him and his superiors appeared in this small restaurant.

The only possibility is that the traffic officer has something very urgent to do...

While he was daydreaming, the traffic officer made a gesture to him to make contact.

Seeing the traffic officer carrying a kettle of hot water and placing it behind the counter, and then turning back to the kitchen, Zhao Xiaoshan stood up slowly and said, "I'll go to the kitchen to urge him."


Even though he was in enemy-occupied territory, Crazy Yang didn't take it seriously.

He can no longer remember how many Japanese soldiers have died at his hands in this life.

  Now even if I die, it's a big deal!

He had stayed in the Ninth Battalion for quite some time, and in his eyes, the Ninth Battalion was not much different from a mob.

The equipment of the Eighth Route Army was extremely poor, even worse than those second-rate security groups that they looked down upon.

It was far inferior to the local National Revolutionary Army garrison troops I had seen before.

Not to mention compared with the Central Army and the Central Army's elite German-equipped division's tax police corps.

An undisciplined army has indeed created many miracles with the help of good luck.

But this kind of good luck will not always accompany the Ninth Battalion.

On the battlefield, strength is everything.

Luck is also a manifestation of strength.

With the current state of the Ninth Battalion, it is absolutely impossible for it to go far in the core occupied area of ​​the Japanese.

But everyone in the Ninth Battalion seemed to be not afraid of death, except the mule.

Nowadays, there are not many teams that dare to defy the Japanese.

Although he didn't think much of the 9th Battalion, he felt that anyone who dared to fight the Japanese was a real man.

From Xiao Sanshiro, I basically learned the goals and composition of the Japanese special police team.

He felt that he could use this to do something for the Ninth Battalion.

With my own experience, perhaps I can help the Ninth Battalion go further.

The former gendarmerie corps was not much different from the Japanese army in terms of organizational structure. With the Japanese like Sangoshiro as an insider, perhaps something big could be accomplished.

Following the man named Hu to fight the Japanese, it was really meaningless to engage in small-scale guerrilla warfare without any goal or purpose.

At this moment, a group of more than ten people took advantage of the darkness and shouted to the puppet soldiers on the city gate tower to open the city gate quickly.

The puppet soldiers on the city wall saw a group of people wearing imperial army uniforms outside the city gate and quickly opened the city gate.

More than a dozen puppet soldiers lined up at the city gate.

But she had doubts in her mind as to whether these guys who came were real Taijun. She wanted to ask but didn't dare to, and she wanted to stop them but didn't dare to.

Thinking of the important task of guarding the city gate, the pseudo squad leader had no choice but to bow with a shameless face: "Taijun, hey, you have worked hard, where are you from and where are you going? I will lead the way for you."

"Damn it." Sanshiro, who was leaving the team and acting "alone" for the first time, didn't have time to pay attention to the flattering look of the puppet army squad leader and started cursing directly.

Hearing the person coming speak in bird language, the pseudo squad leader who opened the city gate felt that it must be the Queen!

None of the puppet soldiers lined up at the city gate dared to ask any more questions. It is said that the imperial army particularly likes to slap people in the face.

  Once you enter the county, you will see all kinds of elites under the leader. If you are a dragon, you have to coil up; if you are a tiger, you have to lie down. Why bother to meet bad luck at this time?

Besides, the guards were about to gather and go out of the city to carry out their mission. These imperial troops might come here to supervise them.

He watched a group of people walk into the county town, spat on the ground, and quickly sent a man to report the news to Dalongtou.

In addition, he arranged two more subordinates to follow these ladies from a distance.

  These things are his duty as guarding the city gate.

As the group walked into the main street of the county town, Xiao Sanshiro turned around and asked Feng Yang behind him in a low voice: "Mr. Yang Liu, do you think we should find a place to stay first or a place to eat first?"

Being called Yang Liujun, Yang Fengzi always felt uncomfortable. He looked around and pointed to a restaurant on the street: "Let's eat first."

More than ten people filed into the restaurant.

After taking a general look at the situation in the restaurant, Yang Fengzi frowned slightly: Because the restaurant is full of puppet soldiers! Some people were standing outside the counter and yelling at the shopkeeper because they had no seats.

Crazy Yang's right hand moved intentionally to the Nanbu pistol holster on his waist.

When the puppet soldiers in the restaurant saw a group of dusty ladies suddenly walk in, they all shut up immediately.

The puppet soldier holding the chopsticks gently put down his chopsticks, and the one holding the bowl carefully put down the bowl.

Xiao Sanshiro, who was walking in front, raised his hand and pointed at the puppet soldiers sitting on the two tables in the middle of the room arrogantly: "Yours, yours, all stand up!"

Then he moved his arm sideways and shouted to the waiter who was holding the tray: "Bring this here."

Seeing that the lady had snatched the steaming hot dishes that had just come out of the pot, the puppet soldiers didn't even dare to fart.

Is the Lady also coming to this small restaurant to eat?

After having dinner with Taijun, although it was very embarrassing to go out, there were dead bodies everywhere outside the city, and no one knew what these devils who suddenly appeared were doing.

But if you are not careful, you might be assigned by these nobles to carry out some crappy mission and lose your life.

Since I can't afford to offend you, can't I just hide away?

  The puppet soldiers sitting at the door exchanged glances with each other, not caring that the dishes in the restaurant kitchen had not been served yet, and that the dry food they were preparing for the journey had not been prepared yet, and they just ran away.

Two walk east, three walk west.

After a while, only three puppet soldiers were left in the corner of the originally crowded restaurant.

At this time, a puppet soldier in the corner was still staring in a daze with his eyes wide open.

Most of the puppet soldiers ran away, and this man quickly lowered his head and pulled down his wide-brimmed yellow hat to cover half of his face, preparing to run away with them.

Li Laosan suddenly raised his hand to grab the man and muttered loudly: "Dirty face? Are you seeing things?"

Zan Lian's face turned pale. He didn't know why this dog Taoist priest and Crazy Yang were hanging out with the devils and even called him to stop in front of them.

Li Laosan came to the table by the window with a dirty face and sat down directly, and he happened to sit next to the Japanese table next to him.

When he sat down, he did not forget to stretch out his dirty hands and take the plate of scrambled eggs that had just been served to the Japanese officer at the next table.

Then he picked up the wine jug left over by the puppet soldiers on the table, put it to his mouth, and took a deep sip: "This taste is so damn bland..."

Dirty Face lowered his voice and said, "Commander Hu and his men have crossed the canal to the east, why are you still here?"

Li Laosan did not answer Zunlian's question: "Let me ask you, are Monkey and Captain Su also in the county town?"

Dirty Face also did not answer Li Laosan's question, staring at Yang Chengzhi and Xiao Sanshilang at the next table: "This guy looks unfamiliar, where did the fake devil come from?"

Li Laosan smiled mysteriously: "Fake Japs? Haha, you've made a mistake this time, these are the real Japs!"

"What do you mean?"

Li Laosan exhaled a breath of alcohol, and looked at the two puppet soldiers following Zunlian with a smile: "Don't worry, they are our own people."

"Oh." Zanlian hesitated, wondering whether he should tell Li Laosan that Monkey was also in the city.

Yang Chengzhi frowned, feeling a little upset. This idiot Li Laosan was really a big mouth. If Xiao San Silang's identity was exposed, the following drama would not be easy to perform: "Shut up!"

After that, more than ten people sat at three tables, eating voraciously, and no one spoke anymore.

Crazy Yang held the wine glass and took a sip occasionally, staring at the puppet troops hastily gathering outside the gate: "Go scout!"

Li Laosan rolled his eyes and muttered under the breath of alcohol: "I have already arranged people to find out the news."

The dirty-faced man suddenly spoke up: "The county police force received an order from the devils to leave the city overnight and go to the north to look for a group of missing devils."

"Tell me in detail!" Crazy Yang was stunned for a moment, as if he had forgotten about the dirty face that had been sitting in the restaurant.

It seems that he has been away from the Constitutional Corps for too long, and his thinking has not yet fully recovered to its peak state.

Zan Lian's face became a little nervous: "After you left a few days ago, I used my connections to get into the county police force. Let me tell you, this county is really fucking evil."

"Do not talk nonsense!"

Dirty Face leaned closer to Li Laosan and lowered his voice: "A lot of people died in the villages near the county town. Now the people in the county town are in a panic. It just so happens that the devil ordered the county guard to go out of the city overnight to look for a group of missing devils. Hehe, we are going to do something big in the county town."

Li Laosan looked puzzled: "You? Who are you?"

"Hey, I'll take you to see him later, and then you'll know." (End of this chapter)

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