under fire

Chapter 175 Save 5

Chapter 175

The gunshots on the cliff caused a burst of panic, and there was no time to judge. The audience did not hesitate to hide near the mountain wall.

Fortunately, a few wounded soldiers were still hanging in the air, and the soldiers who were responsible for pulling by the cliff did not dare to run away.

There were not many people below. When the soldiers of the secret service company finally came up, the valley returned to calm, as if nothing had happened. Li was motionless in a daze.

"Do you know there are ghosts following up?" The little girl stared at Hu Yi with big eyes.

"You're accurate, you're going up the cliff to cover us." Hu Yi looked into those clear eyes and could only prevaricate.

"You lied, you just want to send me away. What if the one following behind is a squadron devil?"

"It's not wrong to hit it!"

"You look into my eyes, where are you lying, and turn your head?"

"You want to hear the truth?"


"Then stick your head out."

"If there is a squadron of devils, I can run faster than anyone else!"

The answer of "cut" made the girl very satisfied: "There was gunfire on the cliff just now, and there were gunshots on both sides of the cliff!"

"Isn't it just a ghost, the first time you saw it?"

"Hey, that's not true, it's just why the devils on the mountain shot?"

"Ask me? I don't know!"

Although it was still a bit puzzling, the little girl threw the rifle to Hao Yun who had been waiting for a long time when she thought that all the devils under the cliff would be knocked down before the five bullets were fired.

Take your beloved small backpack.

Company Commander Hu, the monkey who came up first just now, found this!

Squad leader Liujin, after pulling the last soldier, just coiled the rope, and handed over the wet paper he got earlier.

"What?" Hu Yi didn't answer, puzzled.

"It seems to be a work report, but there is no trace of anyone coming here, it should not appear here, so we judge that someone should have thrown it from the cliff."

"It's normal to throw things down a cliff, what's so strange?"

"What I mean is, do you think, when will people throw the important documents they carry with them to the Jedi?"

"Just fart, what on earth are you going to say?"

"Uh, I think it might be where the comrades we transferred passed by. Since I lost this thing, maybe there are other things!"

"What's the use of other things? These documents are out of reach with us, right?"

"I mean, since someone is throwing things, there are people on it. Combined with the shooting just now, it means that there are still people on the hill! Whether that person is a devil or our comrades, it means that there are our comrades hiding on the hill. There!"

"Oh, so what if there are people, can you go up such a high cliff?"

Liu Jin's face turned red, he had said big words earlier, and no one could get in, but there was a capable person in the Ninth Company, who slapped himself with actions.

"Although we can't go up, I suggest that we should go north as soon as possible, maybe we can find something!"

"That's right, you sent people to investigate, what's the result now?"

"Just came back to report. The road ahead is very difficult. No one has been to this place before. In fact, there is no road at all."

"Then what are you talking about, where did the water come from, can't you just walk along the water? Okay."

"How are the wounded?"

"It's not a serious problem. One arm was shot, it has been bandaged, and it can walk by itself. The other injured its shoulder. The bullet has not been taken out, so it can't move, and it bleeds when it moves. The military doctor is treating it, and it looks like it has to be carried. There is another one. I hurt my leg, so I can only carry it, the stretcher has been prepared, and I can start at any time."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go."

After Hu Yi finished speaking, he looked at the people in the mountain stream, but there was no movement: "What are you doing standing there, let's go quickly."

"Well, Boss Hu, I can't walk now. The front is full of bushes and thorns, so I can't walk. Pan Zhuzi is cutting down those bushes and preparing to make a way out."

"Oh, let's rest then, you go and help."

Luo Fugui thought he heard it wrong, so he couldn't help asking: "I'm going? What am I going to do?"

"Let's open the way together with Pan Zhuzi. I think the devil will come to this place soon."

"What? This...then...then we can't get out now? Just waiting for the devil to beat us in the ass?" Luo Fugui was a little confused.

"The devil doesn't necessarily know that we are up there. The bottom has been cleaned up. Put down your things and let Hao Yun take care of them. Don't hesitate, hurry up!"

"Grandma's... Alas!" Luo Fugui reluctantly put the backpack on the ground, pulled Xu Xiao who was next to him, whispered a few words carefully in his ear, looked down the cliff, and walked forward helplessly bushes.

"He Gensheng." Hu Yi shouted at the guy who was still busy in front, but got no response.

After walking over a few steps, he tapped the thin shoulder lightly: "How is the situation?".

"I can't die, the bullet is stuck in the bone, and he screams when he moves, the bullet can't be pulled out!"

"Hao Yun, come here a few people, hold him down, you must take out the bullet, it will be infected after a long time!"

Standing beside him was Chen Chong, who had injured his arm. Seeing Hu Yi turn his head, he quickly grinned at him as a greeting.

Company Commander Chen originally led a company, but now there are only four left, and there are no wounded, because the wounded all brought grenades to fight the devils.

Their Beishan Regiment is the closest to the headquarters. After receiving the order, they marched rapidly all day and night without waiting for the various departments in the mountain to gather. Block the ranks of devils.

The comrades at the headquarters kept moving, avoiding, moving again, and avoiding again.

From the first day of arrival, the task of covering the transfer of comrades made him dare not close his eyes for a moment, and he was terrified like walking on thin ice, and there were fewer and fewer soldiers around him.

Until most of the soldiers of a company brought in died, with years of experience in running in the mountains, they transferred the comrades in the division and led the devils to another mountain road.

The ghosts following behind were haunted and kept chasing after him.

It's been almost five days, I haven't slept much, and I'm exhausted to the extreme. Although I successfully lured the devil away the day before, under the chase of the devil, I went around in circles day after day in the mountains, several times. Fortunately, the devils who were searching were found in time, but they had to arrange soldiers to stop them, and sacrificed one after another, suffering on the verge of collapse.

There are only six people around, two of them are not his subordinates, and there are seven people in this team.

One of them is tall, with a Northeast accent, and his speech is a bit awkward and always ambiguous, but his marksmanship is very good. It is said that he is the Northeast Volunteer Army, and the other is a squad leader of the headquarters' special agent company.

On the rugged mountain road, after turning a corner, the feet seemed to be filled with lead, and they had to stop and gasp for breath. The faces of the seven people were uniformly blackened by gunpowder smoke.

There was a barking sound from far behind.

(End of this chapter)

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