under fire

Chapter 176 Conditions

Chapter 176 Conditions
"How many bullets are there?" Company Commander Chen took the lead to recover. The devil brought the wolf dog. It seemed that if he wanted to hide, it was a dream. Two and one.

It's a pity that the devils who raided this time didn't fight the Eighth Route Army at all. They used grenades when they were close, and mortars when they were far away.

After fighting for so long, not many devils were killed at all.

"I still have a magazine clip." A platoon leader under his command carefully touched the bullets in the bullet bag. It was because he collected all the bullets from the comrades who died in battle that he had more bullets than others.

"I have two." Another fighter replied.

"I only have one shot."

"I do not have"

"I, no." The man with the northeast accent scratched his head with embarrassment.

"I don't have any anymore." The squad leader was also embarrassed.

The two of them had the best marksmanship, and they shot fast. Every time they stopped, they kept asking Company Commander Chen for support. This time, they were too embarrassed to speak.

Company Commander Chen himself had already run out of bullets, and his grenades were exhausted in the first day of the blocking battle.

"Only eight bullets in total? That's even, one more bullet for Brother Piao, one for each of us! Put on the bayonet!"

"Company commander, my surname is Pu, not Piao!"

After the reinforcements went up, he was entrusted by the head of the regiment to participate in the blocking combat mission. Later, he had to attract this devil with a dog. At present, he should be the team with the worst casualties. In addition to his own company, there is also the headquarters security force, casualties I don't know how much I've lost, where I've run to now, and where I don't know now, because I've been circling in the mountains.

The squad leader of the secret service group gasped for breath, poured saliva into his mouth, stood up, walked a few steps back and forth, lay down in the bushes, poked his head out and looked back, the enemies behind were densely packed, There was no searching around at all, a ghost took the dog and went straight to their position.

Along the way, I thought that walking along the river would get rid of the dog's pursuit, but there are only a few roads in the mountains.

The yellow squishy devil is right behind.

"Company commander, there is a valley going west in front of you. The road is not easy to walk. The other road is up the mountain. There are footprints, all of which are the shoe prints of the devil army. It seems that it has not been long!"

"Don't think about it, it's the same wherever you go. If you climb the mountain again, we don't need devils to chase after us. We will be exhausted. Let's go to the valley."

"It's true, find a good feng shui. Grandpa will be a good man after 18 years." The platoon leader under him did not hesitate.

As a platoon leader, after joining the Ninth Company, after several battles, there was no news except that the wounded soldiers were taken to the division headquarters. Right now, there are only four of my platoons leading me!
The surname Hu arranged for himself, uh, it should be arranged by Luo Fugui, and he became a coolie, doing the important task of opening the way in Fengshan. Pan Zhuzi originally thought that he could avenge his relatives, and after killing many devils , I found that to fight more devils, I really have to learn Jiulian.

Therefore, although he did all these hard work every time, he never said a word of no.

This time when they went into the mountains to deal with the advance team, the surname Hu actually took a mission to find out the news. It was a narrow escape, but since he joined the Eighth Route Army, he had already killed more than a dozen devils, which was enough for him.

Not surprisingly, there are enemies on the mountain ridges on both sides, and sooner or later there will be enemies searching behind them. The current task is to find someone who breaks out. After collecting information, the task will be completed. In the current environment, but became a luxury.

It would be a good choice to complete the task if the militia captain got the news back.

But the surname Hu didn't think so at all.

It's not that I'm afraid of death, but that I died just to inquire about the news. I feel that it's not worth it. If I die, I have to die on the battlefield.

He couldn't help being sad and discouraged, he was in a row, and now the situation is one out of ten.

That bastard Luo Fugui had come over a long time ago, sitting in the back and watching the show, watching himself chopping trees and grass with his beloved big knife.

Pan Zhuzi's arm was a little sore, he handed the big knife to the soldier beside him, and he took the water bottle and poured it into his mouth.

There are dense bushes in front, some of which are poisonous, reminding the fighters who receive the knife to be careful not to be scratched by broken branches.

Turning to Luo Fugui: "What are you doing here? Supervisor?"

"Eh supervisor? Hehe, you deserve it too!"

"Then what are you doing here!"

"Let me help you. Scout the situation ahead!" Mule almost slipped his tongue, but hurriedly made up for it, and praised himself in his heart for not messing around in the face of danger.

"In the barren mountains and wild mountains, there are people from the spy company, who are you here to investigate..."

"Your grandma, I'm scouting such an advanced task! Do I want to tell you, what kind of onion are you?"

"Hey, come, come, we all let you, you go ahead and scout!"

The mule sat on the ground, raised his head and thought about it carefully: "I just arrived here, so I have to prepare how to do reconnaissance, no, your grandma, you do your job, why do you involve me?"

"If I'm not mistaken, you should have been driven by your company commander to work?" The soldier of the secret service company next to him finally opened his mouth.

This kid has a good observation!This was Luo Fugui's first reaction. Could it be that this kid has clairvoyant eyes, or a good ear?Neither acknowledging nor objecting: "Uh... by the way, what's going on ahead?"

"What's the situation? Nothing, what's the situation you said?"

"...Hey? I'm asking you? What's the situation when you say it's okay!"

"No situation is the situation!"

"Your grandma, I asked you something, you go around in circles with me, ah, your awareness is really high!"

"Stop interrupting! You want to scout, climb up to see it yourself."

"Look at the fart, wait until the surnamed Pan opens the road." Just kidding, climb higher, hum, there are cliffs on both sides, can I climb higher with my fat body.

On the cliff, He Gensheng finally succeeded in knocking out the wounded soldier, and took out the bullet by the way.

But the next action of stitching the wound made the audience next to him suffer from toothache, and kept breathing.


Hearing that gentle voice, Xiao Hongying turned her head, the nervousness on her face disappeared in an instant, her smile became brilliant in the mountain mist: "Uh, you are looking for me? What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just want to ask, how do you shoot so well?"

"Awesome? Hehe, you haven't seen even more powerful ones yet. Let me tell you, ah, at the farthest distance of 400 meters, I hit a devil lieutenant!" Xiao Hongying began to twitch: "That's not me bragging to you. , that marksmanship competition with the guards in the division, hehe, do you know the result?"

"What is it?" The captain had a warm smile on his face.

"You're so pretty!" Xiao Hongying looked at her pretty face, hehe, no worse than that publicity officer.

"What are you talking about, I'm asking you what the result is!" The girl's hair was black.

"Oh, what about the result... Hehe, the result was that the jaws of the two regiment leaders dropped in shock! Hahaha" The arrogant voice echoed in the valley. Didn't she know there were devils on the mountain?
"Keep your voice down! I think you can really blow!" The girl urged.

"There are too many people who know about this, or you can ask Liu Jin, the spy squad leader!"

"I still don't believe it!"

"Don't believe me? Why don't you find someone to compare with me!" The braid on Xiao Hongying's head exploded instantly.

"Since you are so good, can you teach our guerrillas how to practice guns?" The girl began to routine.

"Guerrillas? Aren't you near the headquarters? How can you look like this without training, wait. By the way, you want bullets, don't you?"

"Ah?" The girl's face turned red instantly, and she was exposed by this girl face to face.

"Okay, I'll give you a gun with two hundred bullets, if you can recite it!" The wicked girl began to let go.

"You have to return the seized to the public. You can make the decision? Thank you so much." The overjoyed is nothing more than that.

"Don't worry about thanking me, I have one condition." Xiao Hongying rolled her eyes.

"What condition? Do you want to learn to read or write." The innocent girl thinks that ordinary children like to read and write best.

"Not at all." Xiao Hongying felt that the fish was biting the bait.

"What is that?" The girl has been a guerrilla for so long, but she still doesn't see clearly that the girl in front of her is a devil!

"Marry a fox as a wife!" The big eyes stared nervously at that beautiful face without blinking. In her opinion, Hu Yi ran to the division twice because of the vixen.

Now, Fox Jingtiao is gone, Song Xiaoci is the target of the regiment leader again, and the guerrilla leader in front of him is the best candidate if he can get on the stage.

This kind of thinking was tempered by her occasional superficial experience in the army.


(End of this chapter)

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