under fire

Chapter 177

Chapter 177

The screams of the wounded soldiers of the Ninth Company before they fainted echoed in the valley, and the devils on the mountain were in no mood to pay any attention to them.

Resting in the misty valley, this battle killed a squad of devils, without using grenades, because they were worried that the movement would be too loud, and the danger in front of them was selectively ignored.

There were four grenades in Hu Yi's satchel, and there were more than 50 grenades in the whole company.

More than 1000 [-] bullets of the devils were seized, and the ammunition of this group of devils was basically unused. It is estimated that they were peripheral troops, and maybe they did not participate in the mopping up battle.

There are three machine guns in Jiulian, and Luo Fugui's Czech type also has a spare barrel and five magazines.

However, there are currently only more than 400 rounds of [-] bullets available for machine guns. Although rifle bullets can be used with crooked handles, the [-] rifle bullets have too much charge for the machine gun barrel to bear.

With a barrel that cannot be replaced, if it is loaded with [-] rounds of rifle ammunition, it will either jam, or the gunpowder gas will leak and hurt people, and the machine gun will have to be scrapped.

At present, the six-five rifle ammunition has been sent to the special agent company of the division headquarters, and there is a lot of stock now, so there is no worries for the time being.

Except for Ma Liang, who was absent due to injury, most of the combat backbones of the Ninth Company are there. The squad leaders of each platoon are equipped with long and short guns, but many of them are the result of downsizing.

There are more guns than people!After the Nine Company headed north, there were more than 50 people, two more and one sacrificed.

Hu Yi asked the soldiers to equalize the bullets, and each of them distributed [-] rounds. The extra bullets were handed over to Li Xiang. Gai, the rest is given to Tang Dagouban.

I have to say that devils are rich, and they have more than 100 ammunition ready anytime, anywhere, which is a mobile ammunition depot!

As long as you are brave and dare to attack the devils, you will have no worries about ammunition.

Fighting the security forces can capture Qijiu and pistol ammunition, but after beating the devils, there is no way to replenish the shelled bullets.

Their Mauser pistols didn't have many bullets, and they couldn't evenly distribute them. They kept their own secrets. Hu Yi's guns were full of bullets, and they had nearly a hundred spares.

However, Jiulian has Mauser pistol bullets in stock, which are in the hands of the wicked girl.

Therefore, around the girl who was talking about "cooperation" with the guerrilla leader, the two platoon leaders silently helped out.

From how to fight the devils, to the construction of the Eighth Route Base, to how to organize the militia, and to the importance of weapons.

Several people talked more and more vigorously, each with their own goals, and they didn't know where it went.
The members of the Ninth Company were all gathered together now, and a soldier of a special agent company held up the binoculars that the squad leader had borrowed from Hu Yina, and looked around.

On the cliff, you don't even need to put a whistle.

Squad leader Liujin and a few other subordinates were holding their favorite [-] caps and chattering about.

Some people are happy and some are sad. The sad thing is that their old brother who has been with him for a long time, the Jin-made [-]th rifle, is buried, pretending to be sad.

This time I went on a mission with the independent regiment, and I saw too much along the way, planes, advance teams, blocking, ambushes, I felt that I saw everything, and experienced it, and I gradually got used to it.

Accustomed to Jiulian's boldness, used to Jiulian's disunity, and went to the battlefield to cooperate seamlessly. The soldiers in the secret service squad were numb, so numb that they slowly gave up their habits and behaviors.

I also gave up the stabbing that I had to practice every day, because now I am no longer a three-shot.

Even if the spy company has more bullets than the landlord army, it is the first time that they carry more than [-] bullets on their backs. Instead of bullet bags, they are all replaced with cowhide bullet boxes, and they all become super invincible billionaires!
I thought in my heart that if I go back to the old army, I don't know how many titanium alloy dog ​​eyes will be blinded!

In the chaos, the mule returned to the edge of the cliff from the front.

Holding a cloth bag in his hand, he found Hu Yi and told the situation: "Boss Hu, I went to see it, and this time I found another bag!"

As he spoke, he threw the burden over.

This guy finally found an excuse to come back. When he was about to be forced to work as a coolie by the soldier and Pan Zhuzi of the secret service company, he found this burden in the bushes.

Seeing that Hu Yi didn't pick up or answer, he remembered what Hu Yi had told him in the past: "The road ahead was barely cleared, and the spy team passed first, and he came back after a while and said that there is a fork in the road ahead, and there is a road leading to the east valley." There is a road, judging from the footprints on the ground, it seems that someone has been here, and then went back, the valley to the north is not easy to walk, and the river is full of shrubs on both sides, which is similar to the current situation here."

"Can't you walk in the river?" Hu Yi asked subconsciously.

Luo Fugui subconsciously glanced at the river, because by the river, Er Niu and a few people were cleaning the military uniforms that had been taken off from the devil. Well, now, I can’t go, if I want to go north, I have to make a way out of the bushes.”

After a pause: "If we go east, we can start now."

Hu Yi looked up at the sky, pulled out his pocket watch, opened it with a click, and glanced at it, five o'clock!
I looked around again, they were all staring at me, and thought about it: "It's getting late now, let's wait until tomorrow morning, Squad Leader Wang, you can arrange to do some reconnaissance first, we have injured people here, it's too risky to march at night .”

Hearing Hu Yi's arrangement, Liu Jin immediately ordered his two soldiers to put down their backpacks and march forward lightly.

"Others, just camp on the ground!" Hu Yi understood that the troops had walked for so many days in a row, and no one was strong, and Zhang Youchi was needed.

Hearing Hu Yi's arrangement, Luo Fugui naturally leaned over to the girl: "Grandma, you are together and discussing things again?"

That ugly face swayed proudly, interrupting the conversation of the four together.

The female guerrilla captain gritted her teeth and remained silent for a few seconds, then suddenly said: "Okay, I promise you, you give me the gun and bullets first, but I will think about it!"

After speaking, he got up and left, and walked towards Er Niu alone.

"Oh, what are you talking about? What did she promise you? She won't sell us again, right?" Luo Fugui was at a loss.

"Your stinky meat, even if you sell it, is there anyone who buys it! Is there anyone who talks like you? You can't rest for a while with your broken mouth? If you really have nothing to do, go and help wash the military uniform!" But he didn't seem happy at all.

Tian Sanqi was on the side, couldn't help laughing: "Girl, you're just playing bad chess"

Chen Chong, who had a bandage on his arm, saw that things were about to go bad, so he hurriedly interrupted Tian Sanqi: "Girl, look, the two of us will help you out, and you will succeed soon. Look, don't you have to be rewarded?"

"Stop talking nonsense here, the fox will give her a gun sooner or later, no, if you want to drag her into our Jiulian, you can't let the vixen bully the fox. I don't know what medicine the fox took wrongly to be fascinated by that vixen , going to the teacher all day long, and this time causing such a big incident, hey, I really broke my heart!" The girl murmured desolately.

Ever since Chen Chong came to Jiulian, he had already figured out Jiulian's temperament. In the past, it was impossible to say such shameless words.

"It's none of your business if I tease her?" The girl was thinking about something, and she didn't seem to be in a very happy mood.

"Uh, you can't cross the river and tear down the bridge!" Tian Sanqi was impatient.

"I'll demolish the bridge, what can you do, look at your virtue?" After speaking, shaking his braids, he followed the guerrilla leader.

"You..." Tian Sanqi became angry, and couldn't help clenching his fists.

Chen Chong saw this posture, and quickly grabbed Tian Sanqi: "What is our purpose?"

"Okay, give me ten shots!" Tian Sanqi stopped beating around the bush and smiled smirk at the girl's back.

"You are dreaming!" The girl walked away without looking back.

Luo Fugui next to him finally understood that these two want bullets!Naturally there is no shortage of rifle bullets, so there is only one possibility.

Rolling his eyes, he lowered his voice and smirked: "You two heartless, don't you just want Mauser bullets, so just tell me?"

"What do you mean?" Tian Sanqi was a little confused by this sentence: "You have the guts. You mean you dare to give me the girl's bullets privately. Us?"

Chen Chong also turned his head and stared at Xiong Gan.

"Show me what you've seized"

(End of this chapter)

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