under fire

Chapter 178 Value

Chapter 178 Value

On the rocky bank by the river, there are bushes on the bank, extending to the cliff, the gray cliff, and occasionally a few tenacious weeds in the three cracks, swaying in the wind in the sun and dusk.

A small body with braids on it, swayed to the side of Erniu and the guerrilla leader, squatted down and washed his hands, then wiped his small face with water, shook the crystal water drops on his small hands, looked up at the sky high cliffs.

A few soldiers were looking at the scenery, and when they saw Xiao Zhui'er glaring at him, they immediately let out a strange cry and dispersed.

Not far away, on the edge of the cliff, Hu Yi was sitting cross-legged against the wall, maintaining a crooked machine gun, skilled in movements, and someone was also watching the scenery.

Seeing the single braid swaying over, the audience didn't care, but consciously gave up the best place.

"Fox, I hit four enemies this time!" As she spoke, she couldn't help pulling the thatch beside Hu Yi with her hands, and followed the sawtooth mosuo.

"Two dead and one injured, you are the great god of our company."

"Uh, is there another one?"

"Before you hit, you were killed by Tang Dagou!"

"how do you know?"

"Only a dozen or so devils were shot by the machine gun, Tang Dagou fired another shot, crawled there kicking his legs, and got shot in the head!"

"Hey, why didn't you tell me that you arranged to fight devils?"

"That was a temporary situation!"

"It's nonsense, the spy team said they found the devil a long time ago."

"I didn't expect the devil to come so fast!"

After a pause, the little girl walked up to Hu Yi, stood in front of Hu Yi who was sitting and asked, "You went to the mountain this time for the vixen?"

The wind of the conversation changed too quickly, Hu Yi stopped his movements and raised his head: "Don't talk nonsense."

"Can you lie? Don't look around, what do you want to see?" The girl looked at Hu Yi and looked around.

The audience scattered again


"Don't think I don't know, you just want to find a wife! Tell me, are you looking for Dr. Zhou or a vixen?"

"No one." Hu Yi felt guilty, no one else asked him this question, and this girl would come to disturb him every now and then.

The little girl thought about it carefully: "That's good, I think, you just like beautiful ones, right?"

"Don't mess around with me."

"Don't think I don't know, now, the vixen has been transferred, why don't you bring back that nurse Xi Shi, I found that the head uncle is more careful than anyone else, hehe, you have no chance, but well, there is one right now, no more than Those two are bad!"

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment, and then he understood: "I said you little girl, what are you thinking all day long?"

"Don't you just want to find a wife? I'm still young, so forget it. How about the guerrilla leader? Hahaha"


"I think it's good, and... hey? I'm asking you? Do you agree or not?"

"I said big sister, we are performing a mission now, okay?"

"Stop interrupting! Do you agree or not?"

"Grandma, can we... can we talk about something else?"

"She agreed!"

"." Hu Yi was dumbfounded.

It was my turn to drop my jaw over and over again!

Company Commander Chen led the soldiers who had sacrificed one less soldier, and kept advancing, hiding, and moving, but still couldn't get rid of the chasing devils.

There were only a few bullets left, so I didn't dare to waste them. I originally wanted to get rid of the dog, but the three soldiers with the best marksmanship fired at the same time, but they couldn't hit the dog that was jumping around.

Instead, the devils chased him even closer. Seeing that it was getting dark, they had to keep shifting and running.

I was lamenting in my heart that I died before I left the army. This reinforcement did not kill a few devils at all. Instead, it was to cover the staff of the headquarters, constantly blocking, retreating, transferring, and sacrificing.

A group of people burrowed into the valley with their heads depressed. The bushes tore through the military uniforms, and the thatch cut their faces.

"Stop!" The soldier of the secret service company who was temporarily serving as the vanguard was raising his hand backwards, and the team of six behind immediately crouched down.

Company Commander Chen, who was walking at the end of the line, also jumped out of his thoughts in an instant, took off the rifle behind him, ran out of bullets, pulled out the bayonet hanging from his waist, and hung it on the muzzle.

"what's the situation?"

"There is no way ahead!"

"Why is there no way, isn't there a Sancha in front?"

"It's Sanchakou. There should be a road, but yesterday it rained heavily and the river swelled, flooding the road. Before you came up, I went to the other side to see. The bushes are too dense for people to get in. .”

"Fuck, it's over this time. Isn't this a dead end? What kind of shit road are you taking!" The platoon leader under Chen Lianchang couldn't help but sigh.


"Is there really no other way?" Company Commander Chen raised his eyes and looked at the other side of the river. There was a cliff directly in front of him. There was a large area of ​​bushes under the cliff. He felt that it would be no problem to find a place to hide. Do you hide from people?"

"The problem is that devils have dogs, so they can't hide."

"Then let's find a way to get rid of that dog!" Company Commander Chen made up his mind.

"The devils behind are definitely not less than a small team. We don't have many bullets, not even a grenade. What's the matter?"

"Leave one person alone, find a way to go to the bush on the opposite side, and kill that dog no matter what, otherwise no one will be able to escape!" Company Commander Chen said cruelly: "You go, I will stay!"

"Company commander, you go, I stay"

"I'll stay."


"Shut up, this is an order!"

Everyone was in awe and sorrow.

"Well, there is another chance, which is to go down into the river and float downstream from the river! After entering the water, float for a while, and then find a place where the bushes are not too dense to go ashore. Maybe there is still a glimmer of life!" The spy who remained silent The regiment soldier opened his mouth and said in embarrassment.

"Then you bastard didn't say it earlier!"

"If you're right, the south side of this river is a downward cliff, so you must go ashore before reaching the cliff, or you will be washed down the cliff. The huge rocks on the cliff alone can definitely kill people! "

"It's better than waiting here to die!" Company Commander Chen felt that having a chance was better than waiting to die.

"There is another problem. The current is too fast. Of course, this is not a problem. The problem is that there are rocks everywhere in the river. After we enter the water, we will definitely not be able to stand firmly. The water will not be choking, and we will definitely bump into rocks on the way. I think you guys are enough!" The soldiers of the Secret Service Corps looked at the comrades who knew everything.

"Your grandma, can you finish the sentence in one sitting?"

"Uh, I'm done."

Company Commander Chen's heart skipped a beat. This guy was talking about being able to swim, so he hurriedly turned around and looked worriedly at the soldiers around him: "Are there any of you who can't swim?"

The dumbfounded audience immediately nodded like a bird pecking rice, and suddenly felt that they didn't express clearly, and shook their heads collectively.

Company Commander Chen was speechless, none of them knew how to swim!

Secretly swear, if you survive the catastrophe, you must let all soldiers learn to swim!
"Comrades, we have completed the blocking task and successfully lured the devils away, so even if it is a sacrifice, this sacrifice is worthwhile!" Company Commander Chen didn't think death was such an unacceptable thing: "Now, go into the water, Leave it to fate."

"Uh, that company commander, do you still want to fight the devil?" A soldier from the secret service suggested.

Company Commander Chen really wanted to kick this guy into the river.

While talking, the dog barked faintly from behind again, saying Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there, this is a crow's mouth.

The lingering ghosts chased after him like a plaster!

The atmosphere suddenly became tense again.

The sky was getting dark gradually, and seeing the team coming from afar behind, no matter how much they prayed to God and worshiped Buddha, the devils would not disappear.

The soldiers, who were not afraid of death, looked at the river with trembling legs.

"Company commander, why don't I stay and beat the devils and dogs, and I will exchange my life with them!" The platoon leader was terrified and unwilling to go into the water.

"Are you sure you want to change your life with a dog?"

"Anyway, it's death, and death is worth dying for!" The platoon leader puffed up his chest, emphasizing Lian's point of view just now.

"You bastard!" Company Commander Chen raised his foot and kicked the platoon leader who had been hesitating by the water for a long time into the river.

(End of this chapter)

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