under fire

179 Lucky

179 Lucky
The deafening sound of the waterfall is that nature has been constantly showing its power.

The mist filled the air, and there were still a few female soldiers drying their wet uniforms.

In the north, 200 meters away from the waterfall, there is a small piece of flat land that has been cleared out. In fact, it is not considered flat. At best, there are no dense shrubs on the ground.

A panting soldier from the Special Task Force ran over from the north: "Report! Company Commander Hu, Squad Leader Wang, we heard gunshots from the north."

The atmosphere at the scene changed immediately, and the surrounding generals immediately got up, pulled their guns and bolts, cleaned up the guys on the ground, and began to move consciously without waiting for Hu Yi's order.

"How far is the gunshot?" Hu Yi was a little puzzled. Could there be eight friendly troops in front?Should it be a good thing to complete the task?

"In the mountains, we can't see it coming from the valley to the east, but I guess it won't be more than three miles away!" After the soldier finished speaking, he pulled out the water bottle and took a big gulp, stretched out his sleeve and wiped it: "Pan The platoon leader and the others encountered a dense bush over there, and they were cutting over there, and the distance to the fork in the road was about 500 meters! Because of the sound of gunfire, they stopped."

"Sanli? Why didn't we hear it here?" Luo Fugui who didn't know when came over from the side asked.

"The rushing sound of the waterfall here is too loud, it's normal if you can't hear it." The soldier looked at Luo Fugui like an idiot.

"Squad Leader Wang, bring a few people with us and set off immediately." Hu Yi thought for a while, and finally gave the order: "Mule, you bring Tian Sanqi and Li Xiang into a squad, and bring your flashlight, Set off immediately, the others wait, arranged by the injured Chen Chong, pay attention to concealment."

Clouds covered the sky and night fell. A group of devils with torches walked westward from the valley to the end of the road. A small river appeared in front of them. The sound of rushing water clearly told people that the river was rushing.

After a while, the leader of the devil squad appeared, and at least one squad of devils lined up in a long line. As usual, there was no puppet army.

Since the start of the sweep, they have been marching in the mountains, day and night, taking some time to sleep every day, and the mountains and mountains are full of teams searching for the Eighth Route.

There are too few eight roads. I heard from the friendly troops that the results of the battle were brilliant. I just waited alone. I didn’t catch anything. I brought a small team by myself. It was hard to meet the team in front of me. It has wolf dogs. Don’t worry about them in the dark. I can run.

This kind of confidence does not come from his own tracking ability, but from the fact that this mountain has been surrounded by imperial warriors.

Smaller groups are easier to dodge since they have fewer bonds.

The terrain in the mountainous area was originally complicated. If the few people in front were only my own team, it would be impossible to wipe them all out.

Balu ran away desperately in front, and the dog he was carrying had a very sensitive nose. Balu hid several times, but was found out. He wanted to survive his pursuit, is it possible?
The devils are actually extremely exhausted, don't blame them, Ping Jin is training on the plains, and in an environment they are not familiar with, he can keep chasing the target, and it is equivalent to a mountain combat training, so, the devils Not doing my best.

This is not because the devil gave Company Commander Chen a chance. At least in the mountainous area, the devil has short legs and short legs, so he must not be able to run eight routes. With faith, the bullets basically ran out, and he was still not overtaken by the devils, which showed that Ba Lu's physical strength was not necessarily worse than that of the devils.

The real difference is equipment, training, and culture!
The team stopped silently by the river, standing wearily, the second lieutenant looked westward with the help of the torch, and couldn't see anything on the dark mountain wall.

The sound of the river was endless, which made him have some hallucinations. Did the eight roads disappear?
"Report, the eighth road has lost its trace, and the eighth road's footprints were found by the river, and they disappeared here. The other side of the river has been reconnaissance, and nothing has been found. Because the other side of the river is full of dense forests, it is impossible for people to get in."

The second lieutenant didn't think there was anything strange. Eight roads disappeared like this several times last night: "Well, interesting eight roads! Could it be that they walked along the river?"

"Report, there is no way to walk here. If the Eighth Road wants to travel from here, it can only go through the river. This is unlikely, and it is no different from dying!"

"Immediately send someone to the nearby friendly defense area to find out which friendly army is searching to the south."

The second lieutenant didn't hold anything back. According to the mopping up plan, all troops are not allowed to change their marching routes at will. The troops above the squadron must report their positions to the brigade headquarters at any time, and then report to the headquarters in Lu'an. Command and deploy.

In the river channel in the valley, several figures floated in the water, colliding with stones in the water from time to time.

The soldier of the Special Task Force was not stupid. Before going into the water, he stringed up the dry food bags of the soldiers and tied them to everyone's arms. He hoped that he might have a chance to catch the old man who fell into the water while he was floating down. Vine or dead trees, in the mountains, such things are not uncommon.

He was the only one in the team to swim with Company Commander Chen. Company Commander Chen was not a native of the Dabie Mountains. He came from a certain province in the south, and his water skills were actually not good.

It was precisely because of the two of them who knew how to swim that they narrowly escaped the catastrophe at this time.

The two of them, one at the head and the other at the tail, floated in the water for more than a mile, and finally found a place where the current slowed down a little. They passed through the two sides of a big rock in the water respectively, and stopped in the middle of the river.

The river course was not considered wide at all, and the two of them slowly woke up the group of grasshoppers tied to it. However, there was still a soldier who was not breathing. Company Commander Chen watched carefully. When that soldier passed a stone in the river, his head Was hit hard on the stone.

The stone, which had been washed by water for many years, had lost its edges and corners, and still took the life of the soldier.

Such an accident still brought tears to the eyes of the soldiers who were used to watching life and death.

The soldier of the spy company, the leader, was brandishing a bayonet along the edge of the bushes full of stone walls.

There is not much soil in the mountains at all, and I don't know how these shrubs grow here tenaciously.

Company Commander Chen supported the dead soldier who had lost his body temperature. There was no sadness or other expressions on his face.

I have experienced too much in the past few days, and there are thousands of comrades who have encountered the same situation as myself. Once again, I was lucky enough to save my life, but I was not as excited as the soldiers.

I don't know what will greet me tomorrow, and what kind of difficulties I will face.

This is just an episode on the way to transfer, but few people can have such luck.

The breakthrough of the headquarters, the civilian staff, plus some ordinary people, at least tens of thousands of people, have been fighting the little devil since he came to reinforce them. After so many days in the mountains, they have not jumped out of the devil's encirclement. The raid back and forth, the input of troops was unprecedented, far exceeding my imagination!

A few days ago, I saw with my own eyes that the comrades who were driven to a dead end jumped off a hundred-foot-high cliff in order not to be captured by the enemy!hundreds of thousands
In order to stop the devils, the soldiers held grenades and died together with the enemy.
Holding a rifle with no bullets in hand, resolutely launched a counter-charge against the enemy
With a red-tasseled gun, with a big knife, with stones, with
The difficulties in front of him could not shake his determination in the slightest.

(End of this chapter)

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