under fire

Chapter 180

Chapter 180

With the efforts of the soldiers of the secret service group, they temporarily got rid of the pursuit of the devils, and the river was rushing under their feet, covering up the sound of the country chopping bushes.

The group of people who had been nervous for several days, suddenly relaxed their minds, and collapsed on a few rocks. The devil was still behind. Very hungry.

Dizziness and acid reflux in my stomach, I can’t remember how many times I survived the battle, facing the sun and the wind, climbing mountains and mountains, and drying clothes that were wet in the rain with my body. A firm heart, supported by the spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice, has long since collapsed.

Along the way, they were constantly blocking. After completing the cover mission for the last time, they began to hide from the pursuers. There were too many devils in the mountains, and the teams kept changing. It turns out there are only five left!
There is also the body of a soldier next to him. His sacrifice is a pity. He died when he was about to get rid of the pursuers. Maybe he was too tired. There was a moon in the sky, but the clouds were overcast. In the dark night of the river, he sacrificed his young life .

The soldiers of the secret service company stood up straight from the bushes. To the north, the devils built a fire by the river. They could see the light but not the devils. There was a noisy sound from there, mixed with the rushing of the river. faintly audible.

He stood there like that for a while, still not chopping the bushes in front of him.

Similarly, in the light of the fire, the unwilling second lieutenant Guizi stood by the river, gritted his teeth, and was exhausted after days of chasing. After a long rest, he felt as if he had regained some strength. The river was rushing, and he clearly knew that Balu escaped along the river. , but had to issue an order to stop advancing.

In any case, it was impossible to fight these dirt roads desperately. The second lieutenant Guizi began to roar ferociously at the mountain wall in front, and his voice spread far into the valleys on both sides.

Just a few eight routes, there is no need to chase, even if they go south along the river, they will not be able to escape the encirclement of the imperial army.

The devils claim to besiege the vast mountains, but tens of thousands of devils have only blocked the main roads. How can the devils block all the rough paths, hunting paths, and animal paths that few people walk?

Since I can't catch up, there's no need to waste any more time. Anyway, it's already dark, and I haven't received any new orders. What else can I do without camping?
There was no need for the second lieutenant's order at all. Several sergeants had already led their men to set up a pot and set up a stove next to the raised fire, and put a stack of lunch boxes on a few stones to boil water and cook porridge.

The wind began to blow in the mountains, and the dark clouds in the sky were constantly changing and slowly being blown away.

A bright light began to appear in the sky. Now it is the middle of the lunar month. The moon has risen long ago. At this time, it has slowly risen to the sky. It is blocked by the cliff and the hazy moon cannot be seen in the canyon. Maybe the moon will not rise until midnight. Transit.

It looked like it was eleven or twelve. The mountain wind blew away the dark clouds and took away the mist in the valley. The cold light shone on the tops of the high mountains, and the coldness made the barren mountains weep quietly in the mountain wind.

The four figures were shirtless, sitting in the bushes out of the moonlight, all hunched over and completely listless.

Not long after, a soldier's voice sounded from the front: "There is a situation."

Immediately, the team was in a mess, exhausted, grabbing their guns and putting on their clothes, and hurried around in the dark.

"what happened?"

The soldier bowed his back and came to four people who were exchanging hands and burrowing into their clothes: "There is a road in the bushes ahead. Those bushes should have been cut down recently. The fragrance of the plants is still there after being cut. It has not been more than one day!"

"Wait, what do you mean, you mean there is a road ahead?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked. The road that suddenly appeared in the deep mountains and old forests did not know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

The first thing the platoon leader thought of was whether he had encountered a monster?
The sleepy team finally struggled to stand up. Company Commander Chen stabilized his body and stood up straight: "It's a blessing or a disaster. It's a disaster that can't be avoided! There are devils behind, and the only way to break out now is to go south. We have all died once. What are you afraid of? Even if there are devils, maybe they don't have dogs?"

The team started on the road with difficulty, and the group continued to march hard in the bushes in the dark night under the Moon Cage Mountain.

For fear of encountering the enemy, the group dared not light torches, and groped forward in the dark night with their hands wrapped in cloth. The soldiers of the secret service group knew the situation in the mountains very well. If they were accidentally cut off by poisonous branches If the skin is damaged, how serious the consequences will be. Of course, if it's just thatch, I'm not afraid.

The whole body was soaked by the river water, and it was very uncomfortable to stick to the body. In such a situation, even if there were matches, it would have been reimbursed long ago, and the torch could not be lit. The small trees in the bushes are still young, and the vines are still young, and they have only experienced heavy rain It is impossible to ignite the dead wood. The most important thing is that there are still pursuers behind, and the future is bleak.

The moon slowly climbed to the top of the mountain, and the moonlight crossed the top of the mountain, shining on the mountain wall, and slowly descending, gradually illuminating the valley, indicating that tomorrow will definitely be a good weather.

The moon is like a steamed bun, it would be great if it could fall, the leader of the row who was so hungry thought so.

A valley full of shrubs quietly escaped from the darkness, and a small path was artificially opened in the middle. The shrubs that were cut down were basically still alive, and the branches and leaves hadn't had time to dry up, indicating that someone has been here before, maybe not long ago forward.

The noise of the river in the river may have become louder, it must be an illusion!

If you can’t find food anymore, you’ll have to drink water, and maybe you won’t last until tomorrow morning. The team, which has been hungry for a day and almost two nights, can no longer bear the temptation of hope, and staggers forward.

It's not an illusion, the sound of the water in front has become louder!
Company Commander Chen looked suspiciously at the soldiers of the Secret Service Group in front of him: "I said, could it be the cliff you mentioned in front? Why do I think it's the sound of a waterfall?"

Without looking back, the soldier of the secret service group who was groping in front replied: "It should be good, we will rest there after we get there!"

"Don't you think there are some evils on this road?"

"Yes, but no matter how evil it is, what is it to those of us who have been killed from the gate of hell?"

"What I mean is that this opened road cannot appear for no reason. This road has not appeared for a long time, so we must figure it out anyway."

"Find it out? How to do it? It's a devil to go backwards. The situation ahead is unknown, so there is a glimmer of hope. The most important thing is that it is absolutely impossible for a devil to open such a road!"

What you said seems to make sense, but if the devils also find this way, it will all be over.The platoon leader could not help but interject.

So what?Hide in the bushes and wait, starving to death?What if you met someone of your own?
Slowly follow the bottom of the cliff and turn around a boulder.

The soldiers of the special agent company suddenly stopped, raised their hands to make a stop gesture, turned around and whispered: "There is a fire ahead, there is a situation!"

Everyone slowly moved forward, looking at the cliffs in the distance, in the bushes, in a depression on the mountain wall, that fire that leaked some light in the mountain wind!

"There must be someone!"

"You don't need to say it, the snoring is so loud, who can't hear it?" The platoon leader listened to the snoring mixed with the huge sound of the river!

The team stopped at the edge of the cliff, dumbfounded, and suddenly stopped, and found that their feet hurt, their legs hurt, and their whole body hurt. Great hope for a tired team.

A soldier suddenly shouted: "There is a situation!"

The exhausted and dispirited team fell to the ground with a clatter.

Under the moonlight, two figures came out from the firelight, carrying things in their hands, and slowly walked towards themselves along the cut-out path.

Company Commander Chen and the soldiers of the Secret Service Corps were in a bad mood. These two people who were coming were actually holding flashlights!
My heart is crying, and my heart is sinking!

(End of this chapter)

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