under fire

Chapter 181 Unscientific

Chapter 181 Unscientific

Lian Chen took a deep breath, but still couldn't relieve the soreness in his bones, and all the joints in his body seemed to be stiff.

I was very tired at first, but now lying on the marching blanket, it seems that I suddenly lost my sleepiness. The fresh air sucked into my lungs, and I smacked my lips a few times. Sugar water, though, seems to feel a lot better.

Except that my stomach is still growling, maybe I was awakened by hunger.

There is a huge sound of water flowing in my ears, what's going on?

Looking up, gray clouds were moving in the sky, but the moon in the west could not be seen, so I silently estimated the time in my heart.

It's not a bad thing to meet friendly troops or ordinary people, no matter who they are.

Gritting his teeth and trying to get up, a familiar feeling came. He was still wearing a military uniform, but he was very dry. The pores all over his body felt relaxed and refreshed!

The chapped lips had lost the sweetness, and I couldn't help but lick it again, and I felt the sweetness was still there, but it was not so obvious, and under the thick furrowed eyebrows, the eyes were still firm.

Finally, I remembered the scene before the coma.

I was in the second place in the team, and when I heard a female voice shouting "Who?", everyone's tense hearts suddenly relaxed, and they fainted collectively involuntarily.

There is no other reason, maybe it was too tired, and I soaked in the river for a while, and then, wet all over, shivering in the mountain wind, staggered in the bushes for nearly an hour, heard a familiar voice, and then I couldn't hold on anymore, I didn't know anything.

The movement that Company Commander Chen made when he woke up woke up a pair of squinting, trembling people beside him. He blinked his big dark eyes a few times, yawned, got out of the blanket beside him, and got up.

I followed Erniu myself, and when I arrived at the place where I discovered the situation, the six figures were all collapsed in the bushes, snoring loudly. Naturally, no one would believe such a strange encounter.

These people, dressed in eight ways, unexpectedly appeared behind Pan Zhuzi's warning area for some reason!

Until the five people and one corpse were brought back by the coolies of the spy company, the whole Ninth Company immediately exploded, and the few people who were still panting could not wake up with water.

I really had no choice but to get some sugar from the mules who hid aside, and these comrades who were full of water were full of sugar water.

The only one who suffers is Pan Zhuzi, who hasn't had dinner yet!
Because, Er Niu, who was groping in the dark with a flashlight, originally wanted to deliver dinner to Pan Zhuzi, and "specially" found someone to borrow a flashlight from Mule, but unexpectedly, she brought it back by accident. !
It is said that there is no place to find if you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.

"Oh, you didn't sleep for a long time, why did you wake up?"

After roughly guessing the situation, Company Commander Chen heard an immature female voice. Although he felt a little surprised, he calmly tried to sit up and asked, "Which part are you from?"

"Which part are you? Why did you suddenly appear here?" The voice was childish and sweet.

At this moment, even if it is a dog barking, it is estimated that it is the sound of nature.

The moon was gone, but the moonlight was in the sky. Her appearance covered most of the sky, and she could barely see her small body, her face could not be seen clearly, and she had a pigtail on her head.

Company Commander Chen was choked by the question. After thinking about it, he felt that the troops were all disabled, and there was no need to hide it: "Uh, we belong to the Beishan Regiment, and my surname is Chen!"

"Beishan Regiment? The Beishan Regiment of the New Brigade? Haha"

The sudden and arrogant laughter really scared Lianchang Chen. In the middle of the night, a girl suddenly appeared in front of her. Tell me about your own background, what's the situation?
The girl who had had enough laughing proudly covered her mouth and stopped laughing: "Grandma is the Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment!"

"Independent regiment? Which independent regiment?"

At this time, the Eighth Route Army has four independent regiments!As for which one, of course he doesn't know, but there is an independent regiment in the south, I remember that there is a Ninth Company, and they fought side by side.

"Independence Group of Master Teachers!" The girl didn't hide anything, these people were tall, of course they wouldn't be small devils, and Jiulian's criteria for judging devils was simple.

However, the trousers of these comrades were all picked up by the squad leader Liu Jin of the spy company for inspection, and their big feet were also carefully inspected.

No loincloth, no perverted big feet!
"The independent group whose leader is surnamed Lu? You little girl can really talk about movies. The independent group is in the south of Taihang Mountain. You little girl is dishonest!"

Chen Lianchang felt that this girl was really good at lying, and for her sake, he didn't intend to argue with her.

These words choked the girl: "Uh"

"I think you are the guerrillas. Why don't you pretend to be the independent regiment? Their defense zone is no less than three hundred miles away from here. Do you think I look like a fool?" Chatting and feeling better.

In the dark night, he stared wide-eyed: "Do you think my aunt is impersonating?"

"What do you say?"

Big eyes rolled in the invisible darkness: "Hey, that, Beishan regiment soldier, if I really belong to the independent regiment, you can follow my command, how about it?"

"Hey, you little girl, you think that if you provoke me, I will be fooled, but I'm a little strange. Aren't you hiding from devils? Uh, how are you going to command me? To climb trees and dig out bird nests for you? "

"I'll tell you when I think about it!" Xiao Hongying had already noticed that this guy actually carried a speed machine with no bullets on his back. Needless to say, he should be the leader of this team, and he can use a shell gun. Poor, at least you have to be a company commander!Just play dumb.

She was the one who beat the gangsters, and she knew these things clearly. For a big local tyrant like Jiulian, in the Eighth Road in the mountains, there is no semicolon except the spy company.

"Looking at your face, I would have believed you if I hadn't seen you as a girl!" Company Commander Chen thought it was funny.

"Then just tell me, do you dare to take a gamble?" There was a bit of aggrieved feeling in the girl's voice.

"It's not good for me, why should I gamble?" Company Commander Chen couldn't bear it.

"Uh, seventy-nine bullets out of ten!" The girl's voice was full of pride that she was about to succeed.

"Oh, do you have any?" It was Company Commander Chen's turn to almost choke.

"Add two more grenades. Grenade" throws a big move.

"Deal." The company commander, who was so hot-headed for a while, couldn't remember his last name when he heard the bullets and grenades!
If it weren't for the lack of bullets, he wouldn't have been thrown into such a mess by the devils.

Hahaha, the arrogant voice spread throughout the valley.

"Keep your voice down, what is this place?"

"Is there any need for the sound of such a loud waterfall? No one can hear it. As for this place, where else do you think it is?"

"I remember we were in the bushes and we met a female guerrilla and she passed out."

"You guys, who is an official?" With a domineering tone, he continued to pretend to be stupid.

Company Commander Chen said with a black line: "What are you talking about, our officers and soldiers are equal."

The girl stopped talking, without any warning, she suddenly turned around and walked into the darkness.

After a short time, he walked back again.

Several heavy black guys jingled a few times and threw them on the marching blanket.

"What is this?" He grinned his teeth after being smashed, and asked suspiciously while fumbling around.

Two rows of familiar magazines, two round guys with fragment slots and cylinders above and below!
Grass, it really is two grenades, two rows of bullets, ten rounds!The key is a little girl's film.

Company Commander Chen suddenly felt as if he had made a fortune, and then he felt that he had been sold, and he was still counting the money!

The girl spoke again: "Guy, let me tell you, ah, we went into the mountain this time just to inquire about the news, uh, no matter what you think, report to me what you know, but if you want us to fight devils, then It's impossible, hehe, when my aunt set off, she took Shangfang's sword from the teacher, and said first, don't encourage us to go for reinforcements!"

As soon as these words came out, Company Commander Chen once again felt that he was in a dream, and couldn't help but want to bite the back of his hand, what is this all about?

He blurted out: "You little comrade, do you still need conditions for the revolution?"

It's so unreal!Then he asked: "Who is your leader? Where is it?"

"It's right in front of your eyes, I am!" the girl proudly said arrogantly in the darkness.

Company Commander Chen finally understood that he must have met the guerrillas, but it was okay, he escaped at last, but he should still be surrounded by devils, the danger has not been relieved, and where did this arrogant girl film come from? What about bullets and grenades?
If she only gave herself bullets, that would be fine, and if she gave herself grenades, it would still make sense, but what she gave herself was obviously a grenade commonly used by devils!

This is a grenade used by devils!Can guerrillas have grenades?Could it be a found dud?After touching it carefully, the insurance pin is still on it. This is unscientific!

Suddenly thought of something, before fainting, I clearly saw that the female soldier who came towards me was holding a flashlight!
This is even more unscientific!
(End of this chapter)

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