under fire

Chapter 182

Chapter 182
When Hu Yi came out from the darkness, a fire was lit near the cliff. Under the light of the fire, there were people sleeping all over the floor, some wearing patched Eighth Route Army uniforms, some steel helmet.

Hu Yi's appearance stunned Company Commander Chen who was looking at the messy team on the ground. He seemed to have seen him before.

Hard memories.

There are not many teams in such a mess in the Eighth Route Army, so it will not be particularly surprising, especially the troops in the mountains, there are more of them.

Company Commander Chen thought for a long time, but still couldn't figure it out, and finally turned to the opposite side, this thick-browed and thin-eyed man asked the same question he had asked earlier: "Which part do you belong to?"

"Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment." Hu Yi answered directly.

He stared expressionlessly at the middle-aged man who had just woken up. He was about 30 years old, tall and tall, with a dirty beard and stubble, and bloodshot eyes. It was obvious that he was a leader because he had a pistol hanging around his waist!
Chen Lianchang was stunned for a moment, and seemed to realize suddenly that the girl didn't panic, she seemed to have fallen into a pit!

Then search the memory vigorously: "Are you... called Hu Yi?"

It was Hu Yi's turn to be stunned and didn't reply. He just squinted his eyes and frowned heavily. He didn't think that he was so famous, and he would know himself if he just fished someone in the mountains!

"Haha, when your independent regiment was poisoned, I led a company and fought with Wang Peng, remember? Uh...my name is Chen Jishi!"

"Poisoning Wang Peng, rain in time?? That time, thank you so much!" Hu Yi remembered.

"Timely rain? What? You guys are so funny! Haha" hearty laughter.

"How's the situation in the mountains?" Hu Yi didn't have time to chat with him about the past.

"We entered the mountain for reinforcements this time, and the troops were almost disabled!"

"Can you tell me the specific situation?" Hu Yi turned his head to face the darkness: "Li Xiang came to record! Prepare the telegram!"

It was the turn of Company Commander Chen to be stunned again: Prepare the telegram?
Don't tell me that you are a poor independent regiment with only four companies in total, and you have a radio station, right?
I chatted with the girl next to me for almost half an hour. Until now, I still don't know the specific situation of this team!

I felt a little uneasy: "Look, I don't think now is the time to talk about this."

"Our task is to inquire about the news of the headquarters. I think you should know something?" Hu Yi was eager to know the details of the headquarters and did not hide his purpose.

Company Commander Chen hesitated for a moment, and pointed to the direction of his party to the north: "The enemy is behind, I suggest, it is best to move now!"

After finishing speaking, seeing that Hu Yi didn't move, he had to stop talking, anxiously, staring at Hu Yi in a daze.

Looking at Company Commander Chen with a tired face, Hu Yi knew that the devil was in the north, and the distance from the end of the road opened by Pan Zhuzi was less than 200 meters.

When the devils arrived, Company Commander Chen and the others had been running for their lives in a hurry, otherwise they would definitely find Pan Zhuzi and his party busy not far to the south.

It was also because of Luo Fugui's messing around in front of him that delayed Pan Zhuzi's progress in opening the way, otherwise, he would have come face to face with the devil just a little distance away.

Now that the enemy is in the light and I am in the dark, Jiulian has never been short of brave men. In the dark, they still hid in the depressions of the cliffs and built fires. There were soldiers standing guard in the north.

"Okay, let me tell you about what happened on the way to the reinforcements." Company Commander Chen also felt that he was a shadow of a snake, chased by devils for a few days, as if his arrogance had disappeared.

In a small tent, Company Commander Chen managed to close his jaw that had dropped twice in a row. At this moment, he looked stupidly at the soldier who was sending the report, and his jaw fell to the ground again.

Turning to stare at the expressionless Hu Yi next to him, maybe the radio station is temporarily equipped by the division for Jiulian, so I won't ask any more.

Company Commander Chen said too much, and Li Xiang couldn't record it, so he went to the tent to dictate directly. The operator coded the language one by one, added some code words, and the clear code waves flew out in the deep mountains.

In the deep mountains and valleys, no one cared whether the division headquarters could receive the radio waves. Anyway, the telegram from the division headquarters was received.

Company Commander Chen was surprisingly sleepless. Occasionally, he would help a sick soldier with a hand-cranked generator, and then dictate his experience, analysis, and judgment over the past few days.

No matter how busy you are, when the moonlight dims, the eastern sky slowly brightens, and the sun rises as usual on a new day.

It will not stop because of someone's life and death hardships.

Finally, Lianchang Chen couldn't hold on anymore, and fell into the tent, snoring loudly.

Hu Yi was lying in the corner of the tent, and the guard work was personally arranged by squad leader Wang of the special agent company. The soldiers of the third company who returned to the station consciously found a place to lie down on the edge of a cliff, and worked as coolies for a whole day. The special service company soldiers.

I was so hungry that I was dizzy and speechless, but fortunately, Wang Xiaosan, who got up early, was preparing a new day's meal before dawn.

I have to say that Jiulian's food is good, at least three meals, even if the meal at noon is fried noodles and water.

Involuntarily, I took the millet porridge that was still bubbling on the fire in several lunch boxes, pulled off the kettle, poured some cold water into the lunch box to cool it down, poured it into the stomach, and then under Pan Zhuzi's arrangement, Fall asleep.

Hu Yi opened his eyes and listened to the quarrels coming from the fire with a tent to block the light. He didn't know that he was in a dangerous position. The unexpected appearance of Company Commander Chen stopped Jiu Company from going deeper into the devil's encirclement. Should be a good thing.

I am used to seeing how the devils treat Balu, and I know how close I am to death now. As long as the fifty or so numbers I brought are bitten by the devils, they will definitely not end well.

The only hope is that the devils below the waterfall will be wiped out, and the devils headquarters will not react so quickly. However, if a group of devils fails to report to their superiors on time, they will be discovered sooner or later.

As for the gang of devils following Company Commander Chen, it is unlikely that they will go down the river to pursue them. After all, in the turbulent river, there is no specific target after going down the river. What the devils can do now is to use the radio to notify their headquarters, just five or six It is hard to say whether the escaped Eight Routes will mobilize troops to encircle and suppress them.

After the moon came out last night, there was no rain in the mountains all night, and the valley seemed much quieter in the early morning.

The sound of the water flow and the waterfall became smaller, perhaps because I got used to it after listening to it for a long time.

The tent was lifted, and a figure flashed in.

Sitting directly next to Hu Yi: "Uh, good morning, Hu Lianchang!"

"What's the matter?"

"The situation is not good. We found that the river has become smaller, and a lot of riverbanks have been exposed by the river. The devils camped in the north seem to have signs of going down the river!" Squad leader Wang, who had just sat down, took out a cigarette and looked at himself. From the point of view, he took a sharp sip, and then talked about the situation.

A burst of spicy smoke filled the tent.

"Is it possible to walk in the river?" Hu Yi was startled and sat up!The river receded too fast.

"It should be difficult to walk now, and there are still a few big backwater bends. However, the road we opened near the cliff may be exposed, but the devil is going down the river, so he can't come directly. Now he has to walk through those bends. I think , even if the devil comes over, it will be enough in a short time! But if you wait until the afternoon, maybe it will happen."

Hu Yi thought for a while: "Our mission is basically completed, you can arrange it now, go down to investigate first, if there is no problem, after the brigade leaves, you will also retreat."

"Yes, but, Company Commander Hu, I think, our task has been completed too easily this time, right?"

"Easy? You're thinking too simple, how many times have you done a ghost plane?"

"Isn't that Company Commander Chen the one who fell from the world?"

(End of this chapter)

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