under fire

Chapter 183 A Different Pool

Chapter 183 A Different Pool of Water
The gray military uniforms were mixed with khaki puppet soldiers, and in the distance there were several female soldiers in gray coarse cloth clothes and cloth shoes that could not be seen in color. In the valley, eating and drinking porridge, tidying up guys, carrying food, and carrying guns, no one spoke, it was a mess without any discipline.

Company Commander Chen, who was calm on the surface, came to Hu Yi and asked, "What are you going to do next?"

"Play by ear." The answer was ambiguous.

"Didn't the teacher give an order?"

"There is an order: all troops outside the mountain, attack the devil's stronghold, artillery tower, and county town in an all-round way!"

"What about us? Could it be that there is no order..."


"You mean there's nothing wrong with us?"

"For now, that's it!"

"Now, we are short of manpower. I don't think there are many troops on the front line. Let's let us use it. It's unlikely, right?"

"Nothing is impossible, because the division headquarters doesn't know our location!"

"Then, we must do our best to help our comrades!"

Hu Yi looked at his resolute eyes, and was silent for a while: "The next step is to wait for the investigation to come back before deciding."

From the actions of the men and women, Company Commander Chen could see that they were running away.

Hu Yi did not issue any orders.

I learned from Company Commander Chen that most of his company was filled in to stop the enemy yesterday, and all the wounded were made into human shields.

From his description of the number of enemies, they are all over the mountains and plains, and they are everywhere. It can be judged that there are at least tens of thousands of devils. Since there are too many enemies, hiding is the best policy.

This trip is very strange, I have never seen the puppet army, and all the people who went into the mountain to sweep are devils, which shows that the devils have a very careful plan.

If he blocked it, he would be impatient, so he could only wait for Wang Liujin's news, firstly, to see what happened to the enemy chasing behind, and secondly, to scout the situation in the valley when they came from the south.

Seeing that Chen Jishi was worried, Hu Yi added: "There are too many enemies and the situation is grim. We don't have any chance. If it's okay to go back, we will go down first in a while and retreat to the south."

After a while, a running figure appeared after turning far from the bottom of the valley, and the reconnaissance soldiers of the spy company came back!

The busy soldiers all stood up and stood on the cliff, all looking at the figure who ran back...

The devil is very efficient, and the intelligence analysis is in place.

One team failed to report their whereabouts as required. Second, three search forces found the situation at the same location. Third, someone in the mountains used a radio to make clear code calls. Since there was no telecommunication detection equipment, the location of the report was unclear.

The mopping up of the Eight Routes within the encirclement is coming to an end, and the whereabouts of the Eight Routes are rarely seen again. The troops in the east say that there are only a few Eight Routes. There is something odd about this valley.

Therefore, the devils command sent two nearby troops, one was a small team to pursue the Eighth Route in the north, but in the mountains, the orders were passed on by two legs, and the devils had not received them yet.

Faced with the dense bushes in front of him, the devil could do nothing. The situation in the valley was unclear!Standing behind the captain, he watched the water level drop and pointed at the river channel where the water became gentle.

Another team transferred a small team to the west to search for the missing team. At dawn, after receiving the order, the team set off. Search from west to east, then north!

The second lieutenant who led the team didn't take it seriously, and it was not uncommon for the team to come back to report occasionally.

The troops on the two hills also received orders from the headquarters, but they dismissed them.Under a 200-meter-high cliff, let us cooperate. Are all the command centers stupid pigs?
The troops starting from the south are not far away from the valley where the troops finally disappeared. The only trouble is that the mountain road is rugged and not easy to walk. It is difficult to travel in the valley between the mountains. You don’t have to worry about getting lost, just walk along the cliffs That's fine.

The missing search team was blocked by two eight-way forces for a while. If it weren't for the strengthened team, which had one death and two injuries, and now disappeared, the headquarters would not have to send a small team to sweep again.

But this is also very good. The Eight Routes in the mountains have almost exhausted their means, and there is no institutional resistance. They have completely become lambs to be slaughtered and become the hunting targets of the warriors.

Since the second lieutenant entered the mountain, he hadn't had the opportunity to fight the Eighth Route. He felt very bored. This is not a battle, it is clearly a mountain tour. For the warriors, hunting in the ravines is not interesting at all.

The advance team deserved the most credit for the mopping up. It has to be said that the imperial army even used stealthy tactics against those idiots. Although they achieved great success, the second lieutenant didn't look down on them at all.

The second lieutenant was extremely dissatisfied and upset when he received the task of searching for and killing the two Eight Routes.

I don't believe that the two Tubalus are the warriors' team players. I am used to seeing the three guns and the eight roads, and even holding the sword. How can it be a well-trained opponent with the most advanced "rifle"?
The standard unit is [-]. After strengthening, there are [-] or so people. After deducting the wounded soldiers back to the camp, there are still [-] left. Could it be that they can't beat the two eight teams?

The team passed the fork in the valley, and a valley came into view, good guy!The cliffs are spectacular!If it's just for tourism, it's really worth the trip!
A squad of devils cautiously went north to investigate, and after a short time, they came back to report the situation.

After hearing the news that there was a dead end ahead and there was a waterfall and pool, the second lieutenant felt strange, indicating that the soldiers of the imperial army were not here, so where did they go?
Nodding to indicate to move on, the team immediately forgot their exhaustion and rushed straight to the depths of the valley, expecting the waterfalls and pools, even forgetting the main purpose of the trip.

Although the eight-way special agent squad has made a disguise, the strangeness in the valley is still discovered by the devils.

The Second Lieutenant's ears were full of buzzing, and standing not far from the waterfall pool, his mood improved a little. Looking around, the team stopped.

He raised his hand and pointed to a new grave nearby: "Here, is Balu buried here?"

"Report, there are footprints on the ground, bullet casings were found in the river, most of them are Tomosaka bullets!"

"I asked about your grave...but you said this? The warriors fought here?" He suppressed the anger of slapping the wrong question.

"It must be, but I don't think there is anything wrong with them!" Sergeant Cao answered firmly.

"However, I can't see a single person now, can you tell me why?"

"This is a dead end. Maybe, after they eliminated the Eight Roads here, they retreated, and then found the Eight Roads in the south?"

"You have a rich imagination. Don't you think they don't know the consequences of not reporting their whereabouts to the brigade?"

The sergeant under his command just nodded this time, and didn't rush to answer, feeling that the second lieutenant probably didn't finish his sentence.

Sure enough, the second lieutenant continued to speak: "Did they find a bigger target?"

A few devils had already stripped off their clothes and jumped into the pool, playing in the water to relieve their fatigue.

"You, send someone over there to dig up the grave and see if it's the Eight Routes!"

Sergeant Cao saluted, turned around and led the team, and ran towards the grave made of stones.

Even under such circumstances, the second lieutenant arranged for the devils to take turns to take a bath in the pool.

The middle of the pool water is black because of its depth, which is completely different from the surrounding clear water. The waterfall rushes down to form a huge wave, turning the water foam.

The water is a bit cold, soaking the whole body in the water, feeling the massage-like enjoyment brought by the impact of the waterfall next to it, the second lieutenant, who is used to taking cold showers in snowy weather, feels very different, and said to the sergeant next to him: "I feel, this water It's not quite the same as I imagined!"


(End of this chapter)

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