under fire

Chapter 184 Eye-opening

Chapter 184 Eye-opening
The valley is still this valley, and the pool is still this pool.

After the rain, the waterfall rushed to the pool water, the water was not so clear that the naked eye could not see the bottom of the pool, busy washing away the tired ghosts, no one searched the bottom of the pool, the huge impact of the waterfall, and Not everyone has the ability to resist the power of nature.

The second lieutenant's feeling of uneasiness was filled with loud voices, and the waves of the pool seemed to be touched by a girl's hand, and he moaned comfortably.

The cliff above the waterfall is too high, it is impossible to go up, the second lieutenant felt so at first.

It was clearly a dead end, but the eight roads to be searched had disappeared, and even the allies from the previous unit were nowhere to be found.

The second lieutenant felt that after running for so long in the early morning, and running so far in an arduous march, did he just come to take a bath?
But had to accept this reality.

The friendly army is definitely still there, but I don't know where it went. This search, I have to stop here!
Indulging in the rushing sound of the waterfall, I didn't hear the footsteps of the sergeant approaching hurriedly.

"Report! In that grave, there is a body of a security guard!"

The second lieutenant, who was awakened, saw the sergeant who had been sent to dig the grave standing in front of him, and asked loudly, "What's the matter?".

The voice was caught in the buzzing, and the military officer was a little surprised. He had already said it next to him just now. Could it be that he didn't hear clearly?Repeat: "In that grave, there is a corpse of a vigilante!"

The thick and short body came out of the pool and recovered calmly. A soldier next to him handed over a towel.

Put on the military uniform quickly, pull the military cap from side to side, wear it straight, and order to the devils who are catching fish and frolicking in the shallow water around the pool: "The whole team gathers."

No one noticed, some flesh after being torn and bitten by fish occasionally appeared in the pool.

The second lieutenant followed Sergeant Cao to the grave. In his field of vision, there were stones that had been removed. There was a corpse in the grave. Judging from the clothes, this should be a security guard. The corpse inside exuded a foul smell, and he covered his nose with his hand. , turned to look at Juncao, confused: "What's going on here?"

"We judged that it was the security forces. Judging from the degree of decomposition of the corpse, it should have been buried yesterday."

"What else?" The second lieutenant was concerned about this trivial matter.

"In addition, we found some Tomosaka rifle warheads nearby, but this security guard died in an explosion, with grenade shrapnel on his body!"

"You mean that there have been security forces here?"

Sergeant Cao didn't reply, isn't that obvious?You still ask.

Some devils gathered near the grave by the river, chattering loudly and without the solemn feeling of an army at all.

The second lieutenant didn't mind, and the sergeant deliberately didn't answer, the scene was filled with the noise of the river flowing.

At this time, a short figure came in a hurry from the south, the second lieutenant turned his gaze away, before the devil came near: "Did you find anything?"

"Report, when reconnaissance to the south, I found a small village on the mountain to the south. It is estimated that some people have been there, and it should not be long since they left. It is estimated that there were still people yesterday." The devil ran out of breath.

I have to say that the devil's stamina is quite good. Jiulian walked for almost a day and a night, and the devil ran back and forth in half a day.

"Have you found out?" The second lieutenant was pulling the dirty gloves that were used to block his nose just now.

"Check it out, someone must have stayed there, it should have escaped yesterday." The ghost soldier repeated.

The second lieutenant turned his head and faced Sergeant Cao: "I think the disappearing warriors should have discovered that there are eight roads in the village of Wenren in the ditch to the south, so they chased after them again. Perhaps, since they entered the mountain, they have never met Ba Lu, with a feverish head, forgot to report his whereabouts, what do you think?"

Sergeant Cao looked down on the second lieutenant very much, he had to ask himself everything, but he had to answer: "Is it true, I don't know, why don't you find out if you go and have a look?"

Facing the sergeant's rhetorical question, the second lieutenant waved his hand in satisfaction: "Hey, order! All go south, and go to the village to see!"

The devils started to line up and retreat, and no one noticed the yellow shell casings exposed by the water's edge after the water level of the river continued to drop.

The enemy entered the valley, took a bath, then dug the grave of the sacrificed soldier in Tang Dagou's squad, and then withdrew.

Company Commander Chen was lying in the bushes by the cliff, his heart widened, watching the devil go away, he had to look at this Company Commander Hu who was called the Ninth Company but had only one platoon with admiration.

Most of the fighters carried [-] big covers on their backs, and their firepower was even stronger. There were actually two Czech-style ones, and one crooked handle. What's even more outrageous was that there were three telescopes!
If the division allows them to go into the mountains to inquire about news, it will be considered to strengthen their firepower, but in any case, it is impossible to give them three telescopes. This is a good thing, and it is very difficult to do.

With the strength of a platoon, how can the division be so generous?

If he knew that there was still one hidden in the mule's backpack, he didn't know how he would feel.

He asked Hu Yi, who had a machine gun and binoculars beside him, "What are your plans?"

"No plans." Hu Yi's answer was the same as before.

Company Commander Chen watched the devil turn around a mountain wall and disappear, and he didn't care about Hu Yi's answer.

Maybe it was because of his lukewarm tone.

This morning, I knew that the Ninth Company in front of me was a bit strange, and it was a little different from the troops I used to deal with. I brought back five people and added myself. Among them, the spy company was still fighting fiercely with Wang Liujin.

Behind him, there are only three people, a platoon leader, a squad leader, and a soldier. It seems that at least all the establishments are there, and they are all single seedlings.

Company Commander Chen seemed to have figured something out. He couldn't tell what it was. In his company, apart from a few wounded soldiers watching the nest, four of them were beaten. From this, he felt that the canyon was beautiful today. Zhaoxia made his heart hurt even more. Now, he suddenly couldn't help but turn his head to look for that girl who was in Jiulian, but he didn't see anything.

Footsteps came from behind.

"Commander Hu, the situation is not good. The devils from the north are coming along the river!" A soldier from the secret service squad ran over panting.

As soon as these words came out, there was an immediate commotion in the nearby bushes.

Chen Chong, with his arms wrapped in bandages, responded immediately: "I will lead people to meet him."

"Go up? Do you want to go up and fight?" Luo Fugui next to him looked contemptuous: "Your grandma's, that's a small team of devils, how many people are you going to bring up to die?"

Chen Chong's hair was black, and there was another voice next to him.

"Now that the front and rear are blocked, what else can we do? Hey, a small team of devils, only two grenades and a crooked handle, except for better marksmanship, how can we be worse than him? The devils in the valley below can't go up. Come on, I just need to find a place with better terrain, the enemy is in the open, I am in the dark, first kill the Devils machine guns and grenades in the north, and other things, what kind of bird are you afraid of?" Tian Sanqi next to Chen Chong winked.

Chen Jishi looked at the scene in front of him, with black lines all over his head. What kind of goods are these nine companies? Hitting hard, it seems, is not the same.

Those three were the platoon leaders of the Ninth Company, but their knowledge beat his subordinates by more than a block.

After thinking about it briefly, Chief Chen Lianhong also spoke up: "Commander Hu, why don't you take someone away first to see if the devil is far away, and I will lead the team back:"

After eye-opening again, I really want to try the tactics mentioned by these platoon leaders. At least, every time I ambush the devils and puppet troops, I have never made such a perfect plan. The key is that these guns have more bullets .

The three platoon leaders said in unison: "Don't bother you!"

Is this a clear attempt to seize power?Only Li Xiang next to him didn't speak up to join in the fun.

Hu Yi, whose scalp was numb, sighed lightly: "I think we should consider waiting for the devils in the south to go far away, and go down together to find a place to hide. As for this cliff, it is our chance."

"We are camping here. If the devils come, they will definitely find out. They will naturally notify other troops. At that time, we will be attacked on both sides, and we will not be able to escape." Company Commander Chen was puzzled.

"Not necessarily. As long as there is no fighting for half an hour, the devils at the bottom of the mountain will definitely go far away. At that time, the devils on the mountain will come here and find that there is a problem here. Don't forget, this is in the mountain. They are all equipped with radio stations, at least the devils down the mountain don’t have one.”

"What do you mean, the news transmission of the devils may not be smooth?"

"What do you think?"

"I think there are loopholes in this method. Even if they transmit the news very slowly, it will always reach their headquarters, and we will be discovered sooner or later."

"But it's better than fighting the devils. What's more, the devils going down the mountain, if they don't hear the gunshot, they don't know anything, so why don't they just leave?" Hu Yi never planned to fight the devils.

 At midnight on May 5th, the eleventh day of the lunar calendar.The 25th Division reported to Yan'an: The headquarters of the Eighth Route Army was attacked by the enemy, and the personnel of the Northern Bureau and the headquarters split up to break through.Due to the interruption of the headquarters radio station, the situation is unknown.

(End of this chapter)

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