under fire

Chapter 185 The Movement Begins

Chapter 185 The Movement Begins

Halfway up the cliff, the sun is westward.

After the rain, the cliffs are surrounded by clouds and mist, and the waterfall is getting smaller and smaller. It is no longer majestic and becomes much more gentle.

Suddenly there were several gunshots in the canyon.

Not long after, a soldier came out of the bushes out of breath: "Report, the devils in the north are searching south! The devils came all the way along the river and found the path we made in the bushes. Lead people to catch fire with devils!"

"Everyone, get off the cliff immediately." Hu Yi's consideration is very simple. There is a small group of devils to the north, and the same small group of devils to the south. There is still a chance.

After giving the order, Hu Yi looked at the soldier again: "Did the devil not make a big attack?"

"Hey, in the bushes, we can't form a formation, and we can't see each other. If the devil wants to come up, there's no way."

"Don't you know that devils can bypass the river? Did you send someone to the river?"

"Uh, no, we've seen the river above, it's not easy to walk, the devils don't know what to think, they didn't shoot a lot, maybe, they thought we weren't many, and wanted to catch us alive!"

"Go tell them to retreat,"

"Yes!" After the soldier finished speaking, he did not forget to salute, and went back into the bushes.

Seeing the soldier walk away, other people were sliding down the cliff along the rope.

Hu Yi turned his head to Chen Lianchang and said: "Our Ninth Company has a small number of people and a small scale. There is a small group of devils in the south and north. We have no chance to fight hard! There are devils everywhere in the mountains, and reinforcements may come at any time. Now, we have to be on the move Look for opportunities."

"Whether to fight or not, you have the final say. Well, do you think you can play your son more evenly?" Company Commander Chen finally said what was in his heart.

The Ninth Platoon has more people, more guns, and more bullets. I don't care. When Company Commander Chen and his party got fifty rounds of ammunition each, they realized that the Ninth Platoon was no ordinary local rich man.

This kind of person is not enough in the eyes of the devils. The devils don't know how many eight ways there are, but those who are caught alive have a fatal attraction to the devils. In the eyes of the devils, the bushes may be the five people who ran away earlier. Eight ways.

Therefore, the devil really didn't take it to heart.

Hu Yi didn't know the situation. The devil came. According to his thinking, if he couldn't beat him, he would run away. Anyway, he went down the cliff. There was a three-way intersection in the valley to the south. You can also go west.

Similarly, there is another situation that Hu Yi doesn't know. In the valley less than three kilometers to the north, there is a hunting track to the north. It's just that the hunting track is full of martyrs from various organs, schools and news units of the Eighth Route Army. corpse.

Hu Yi doesn't think much now, there is no need to fight hard with the devils, this mission seems to have been completed, there is no need to waste any more time.

There are many things that I didn't expect. On the two hills, there are still brigades of devils wandering around in the mountains.

It is not the best policy to follow the devils who are heading south. It is better to run in the direction the devils came from the south. As for where they will go and whether they will meet the devils, no one knows.

Because the devils are searching everywhere in the mountains, and they are all in motion. There are many mountains and ravines in the mountains, and there are many opportunities to slip away.

This idea was not conceived by Hu Yi, but a suggestion made by the female guerrilla captain who had stayed in the mountains for several years, and Hu Yi made a comprehensive analysis.

At least, she has a better understanding of the terrain to the west, although it is full of ghosts now.

Company Commander Chen also heard the conversation between Hu Yi and the unbelievably handsome guerrilla leader, so he naturally accepted Hu Yi's proposal, but he still asked Hu Yi seriously, "Comrade, what are you going to do next?"

Hu Yi is rarely called a comrade. Hearing this, he was a little dazed. You asked this question eight times if not ten times. He really wanted to say that he didn’t know. After thinking about it, he answered: “Let’s go then!”

Hu Yi didn't think there was any chance of staying here, so he had to move. At least, in the book given to him by Political Commissar Ding, the elaboration on guerrilla warfare was still very comprehensive. The most basic sentence, the enemy advances and we retreat, look for opportunities in the movement , concentrate superior forces, and defeat the enemy one by one.

Of course, in the current situation, if the Ninth Company is at full strength, he still has the confidence to win a vote against a small team of devils, but if he faces a devil with a similar number as himself, he should forget it.

This time is different from the past, it is also going to run, but you may encounter devils searching at any time, maybe that is the last moment of running.

The devils in the south hadn't gone far. After hearing the gunshots, they might turn around and come back. There is no guarantee.

However, as long as you pass the fork in the valley ahead, even if the two groups of devils get together, you don't have to worry too much, because the devils don't have a radio station, so of course they can't be blocked by the devils in front.

I have been chased by devils many times, and it feels like that is the case.

In less than half an hour, all the soldiers of the Ninth Company went down to the pool and were ready to go again. Under the gloomy light in the valley, every face seemed to be new. Tang Dagou rubbed his face that had not been washed for 800 years with water. After a long time, it was still so dark.

Surrounded by a group of men, he was unwilling to compete with Li Xiang's team at all, because he knew that if he really wanted to compete in line, his gang would kill Li Xiang's team in seconds.

The mule rubbed his hands in the water, murmuring. He was the heaviest. If he hadn't been tied by a rope and let the soldiers hang him down, he might not be able to climb down by himself. Tilting his head, staring at the nervous and dissatisfied toad eyes, he watched Er Niu slide down the rope nimbly like a monkey.

Hu Yi stepped on the stone, fastened the laces of his military shoes, and waved his hand towards the cliff, but the idiot above did not respond at all.

Hu Yi's face darkened, and he shouted loudly: "Monkey, why don't you come down?"

"I'm tying the rope with a slipknot. When the comrades from the spy squad come back, I will put the rope away."

For Jiulian, how to tear off the rope after coming down is not a difficult problem.

"Mule, wash your hands in the water, how do you feel?" The girl who was also suspended by the rope looked at Luo Fugui proudly.

"How about what?" After washing his hands, Kuo, who was wiping his clothes, listened to the sound of the waterfall, and asked nonchalantly.

"Don't you know that there are more than a dozen devils in this pool? Are you not afraid that they will tear you down?"

"Your grandma, don't tell me earlier!" Luo Fugui's face turned pale, and he quickly ran out from the pool.

"Hahaha" Desperate laughter spread throughout the valley.


The gunshots on the cliff, only after a while, the devils are not in a hurry to chase.

"There shouldn't be many bullets in the eight roads ahead, do you want to rush up?" A devil followed the sergeant in the bushes and asked.

"Hey? You also know that Balu doesn't have many bullets. In the bushes, why don't you rush up to die." Sergeant Cao didn't care.

"The captain made a detour from the river, but after a long time of detour, he still didn't outflank it!" The devil told the little captain that he led people to outflank the river, and he was not as fast as advancing in the bushes.

"The river is not easy to walk, there are rocks everywhere, not slippery, are you blind?"

"Cao Chang, why don't you try throwing a few grenades?"

"Do you know where the eight roads are? Waste, do you know that chasing rabbits requires patience?"

"Uh yes."

A dozen or so devils, under the leadership of Sergeant Cao, slowly and nervously searched forward.

I couldn't see the figure of Balu in the bushes, but Balu was there, and he had been chasing for half an hour. Balu didn't fire a few shots. The sergeant felt that the road in the bushes was so long.

Fortunately, the sound of the waterfall is ringing, and the sound is definitely not far away, and it is getting closer.

"I think this is a bit weird. You see, the roads in these bushes don't look like they were opened today."

"What's so strange about this, road, he drove out yesterday, do you know why they didn't leave?" Juncao deliberately kept it off.

"Uh, maybe someone in front is still opening the way, so they have to block it?"

"Don't you think they are wasting our time on purpose?"

"Well, I don't know. Maybe they left someone behind to drag us. There is a cliff in front of us. Maybe we can't go down? We are dying?" After finishing speaking, the devil took the tired [-] rifle, Pulling the rifle sling, he carried the rifle on his shoulder.

I couldn't help but glanced ahead again. Several companions were walking forward cautiously while they were submerged in the bushes and dragging the dog.

(End of this chapter)

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