under fire

Chapter 186 Light Cavalry

Chapter 186 Light Cavalry

To the east of Taihang Mountain, plain.

Summer grass is growing wildly, and in the fields, the crops are green and refreshing.

The plain was not calm at all, the sound of guns and guns rumbled, and the smoke filled the mountains and plains.

"Captain, the enemy is coming!"

In the silence and stillness, one could hear the devil's liaison bugle, and the devils around were gradually closing in the encirclement circle.

Everyone is suppressing their emotions.

Hearing the soldier's report, Commander Zeng jumped into a rage, his face livid, and shouted at the company commanders around him: "Didn't you always say that you run fast? What are you doing now? The military command is about to be killed by devils." Serve it in one pot, let’s talk about it, is there anything wrong with it?”

Several company commanders under him had been reprimanded to the point that they couldn't even lift their heads.

"Leader, I'll lead someone to charge again!"

"Fuck you, you have more than 100 horses, and now there are no more men and no horses. As for your company with only a dozen or so numbers left, are you sure you can make it through? I will find you later!"

The company commander's face was full of grief and indignation, and tears rolled down his face.

"You big man, why are you crying?"

The regiment leader didn't ask what they could think of at all, he was nervous, he was under a lot of pressure, the life and death of the entire military region was in his hands, he was a ruthless devil, he was venting.

The special task force of the military region fought hard to defend against the devil's armored troops in the north, fighting for even a few more seconds for him.

Since he joined the Red Army, he has traveled all over half of China. In the south, he joined the cavalry, went to the remote West Route Army, went to WLMQ, and went to KS in the west, and then returned to northern Shaanxi, where he was transferred to the Eighth Route Army.

The political commissar Kuang next to him saw this: "It's no wonder they are here. The devils came prepared and found out our details. We judged the information from the division earlier. There are also problems. Besides, how could there be no sacrifices in the war! "

"All combatants, get on your horses immediately and regroup!" Commander Zeng stopped listening to the nagging of the political commissar, and pointed at several company commanders one by one with his horsewhip, meaning to settle accounts after the fall, and directly issued an order.

All of a sudden, the company commanders began to form a team and gather their horses.

From the north, with the sound of rumbling, the devil tanks attacked again. The special agent group of the Southern Hebei Military Region, which was in charge of the blocking, had suffered too many casualties, and could not hold on for a long time. .

There are pistols, spears, grenades.

Perhaps, this was the last moment, and the civilian staff tore up and burned documents and destroyed equipment and equipment one after another.

In the tragic atmosphere, Political Commissar Lai of the logistics department of the military region took out his pistol and shouted "Long live the Communist Party!"

He pointed the pistol at his temple.

I would rather commit suicide than become a prisoner of devils.

The political commissar of the cavalry regiment hurriedly stopped him and said, "Good comrade, give us another chance! Before we die, why are you so anxious?"

After the political commissar Kuang finished speaking, he ignored it, and came to the soldier horse holding the red flag, looked up at the blackened but stubbornly flying military flag, and saluted.

After receiving the red flag from the flag holder, he walked back a few steps, got on his horse, and following the snorting and steaming of the horse, he held the red flag with one hand, and ran back and forth in front of the assembled cavalry.

Looking at the resoluteness on the faces of the soldiers, they shouted loudly: "Cavalry regiment! Communists gather!!!"

"Zeng** is here!" The first person to answer was the leader Zeng.

Head Zeng drew his saber and was the first to stand beside the political commissar.

"Xu Qingshan is here!"

"Wang Yongyuan is here!"

"Zhang Qiwang is here!"


The soldiers shouted their names, pulled out their sabers from their waists, shouted and waved their sabers, and ordinary soldiers who were not party members also roared and drew out their sabers and waved them.

The cadres of the military region with mounts got on their horses, and comrades on foot and unarmed followed closely.

"All listen to my order and attack the village ahead!"

"Go ahead"

"Go ahead"


Fight hard, this is the last attack with all your strength.

Fighting hard, the iron stream of cavalry rushed to Wang Xingzhang Village like a storm.

From the beginning of the attack, the cavalry no longer skimped on their horsepower, and ran at a sprint speed, without having to reserve the physical strength for the horses to maneuver around. If, this time, they couldn't rush into the village, no one was going to withdraw.

The devils have already strengthened the defense of Weihe Ferry, and even sent a brigade of devils to reinforce it!Make sure to wipe out all the eight roads that are already in the encirclement!
The Eighth Route Army's Southern Hebei Army had only two fighting units, and the other regiments were all scattered on the vast plains, basically operating in companies. They were caught off guard by the sudden mopping up of the devils, and they didn't even have time to gather their troops.

In the final analysis, the troops of the Eighth Route Army entering the plains were scattered and communicated with each other. They either relied on intelligence personnel to run errands or traffic personnel to notify them, which was too inefficient.

The devils outside the encirclement sent reinforcements from other directions to the direction of Wang Xingzhang Village, the direction of the eighth road breakout. On the slope on the right side of the village, the devils, a machine gun squad and thirty infantrymen, suddenly appeared as reinforcements.

In a hurry, the four heavy machine guns set up by the devil rang out, and the muzzles of the guns spewed out flames. The bullets shot at the horses of the cavalry regiment of the Eighth Route Army who charged over.

For cavalry, heavy machine guns are the terminator of cavalry.

The commander of the Devil's machine gun team was a lieutenant with a grin on his face, and he pulled out the command and spoke loudly.

Soon, the charging horses were knocked down one after another, and the soldiers who fell rolled a few times, got up, and continued to charge forward with blood on their faces and holding their sabers.

Following behind the cavalry regiment were government cadres holding pistols and grenades.

"Mengzi! Han Mengzi! Get rid of the machine gun!" Both the head of the regiment and the political commissar shouted.

"Okay! Follow me to hack the machine guns!" Han Yongzheng, the fourth company commander of the cavalry company, immediately led a company, made a slight detour, and rushed to the machine gun position on the right. A group of troops followed him, and there was no time to adjust the attacking formation. , without organized shooting cover, more than 30 horses with flesh and blood formed a slash and galloped up the hillside.

The Japanese army has a firm intention to implement tactics, and must wipe out all the eight groups in front of them here!
From the beginning to the end, Lieutenant Guizi commanded four heavy machine guns and kept flanking the road leading to the entrance of the village. He had no time to consider the cavalry that was approaching the position in a detour.

The bullet protection plate was continuously sent to the bullet receiving port of the machine gun, turning into a ball of flames, pouring bullets into the eight-way team.

The leader of the Devil Squadron confidently believed that with the dozens of [-] big covers on the ground, it would be no problem to block dozens of Eighth Route Army horses, but they did not expect that the Eighth Route Army who took the lead in rushing up was not afraid of death at all.

And the leader nicknamed Mengzi!

Han Mengzi is left-handed. He has practiced his left-handed knife and right-handed spear skills since he was a child. He can strike from a distance and slash close to him.

The careless devil infantry pulled the bolt twice, and the cavalry advancing at high speed rushed into the hastily established position.

After entering the Devil's machine gun position, he rushed to the front machine gun first, and directly chopped off the machine gunner. The soldiers slashed with their knives, and the remaining Devil infantry, frightened, hurriedly retreated into the woods behind the slope .

When the soldier Liu Chunlei rushed up the slope, the machine guns had already stopped, and there were still a few devils who hadn't run in time to resist stubbornly with bayonets.

With a saber and a bayonet, the devil's infantry was no match at all, and a little devil's shoulders were removed with a slight twist.

However, as soon as the enemy fell, the war horse "Rooster" knelt down on its front legs and fell too. When it was charging earlier, it was known that the mount "Rooster" was dead.Because of the previous attack, the horse's neck was injured, and after a long and strenuous run, the blood was gushing like a spring.

The war horse is very human. It also knows that today is the most tense moment, and it has been fighting until the end, it is so weak that it starts to shake, but it is still running until it can no longer stand still.

The devils came here to reinforce a garrison squadron, which was wiped out by the Eighth Route Army. The dead bodies and bloodstains under the courtyard wall, on the roof, and inside and outside the village all testify to the brutality of the battle.

There was also a puppet army squadron participating in the defense of Wang Xingzhang. They were terrified by the fierce offensive and defensive scenes. They dropped their guns and took off their military uniforms, fled the battlefield, and ran back to the county. The squadron leader of the security army couldn't stand the excitement. He simply didn't wear the military uniform anymore, went back to his hometown overnight, and went to work as a cloth dealer.

Half an hour after the fighting of the cavalry regiment ended, the main force of the Eighth Japanese Independent Mixed Brigade arrived at Wang Xingzhang Village. The main organs of the Southern Hebei Military Region had already been encircled by the Japanese army and disappeared without a trace.

 Excerpt from the History of the Eighth Route Army
(End of this chapter)

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